Now that time is running out, Kong had to say goodbye to Navia at the Opikle Opera House and then return to the room in the hotel.

Wait until tomorrow morning, and then go to the Opikle Opera House with everyone.

The next morning, it was almost time, and Lin Yu took them and officially set out from the hotel to the Opikle Opera House.

On the way, Paimon sighed.

"Kong and I have been thinking for a long time, but we still can't find the truth." Paimon said with a frustrated expression.

After Lin Yu coughed twice, he looked at Kong and Paimon and said.

"Don't worry, you will win."

"After a night of thinking, the little water god Funina will definitely not be my opponent."

..... Kong said that he didn't look very trustworthy.

Qingyu shook his head. He didn't want to expose Lin Yu. What did the three of them do together in the room last night? Could he not know?

As for Xiao, he was thinking about what the deep meaning of Lord Yushen's doing.

After a period of time, everyone successfully arrived at the door of the Opicolai Opera House. What happened yesterday was directly on the headlines of the Steam Bird Newspaper. It is said that the Steam Bird Newspaper was urgently reprinted.

Under various reports and word of mouth, what happened yesterday was directly popular in the entire Fontaine, so popular that almost everyone in Fontaine knew about it.

After Lin Yu and his party entered the Opicolai Opera House, they successfully came to the accused seat under the leadership of the staff of the Opicolai Opera House.

At the same time, due to the limit on the number of people in the accused seat, only Kong, Paimon and Lin Yu have entered the accused seat.

Zhongli Qingyu and Xiao, under the arrangement of the staff, got the front row seat number to watch this trial.

As the accused, Linni and Linnet had appeared in the accused seat some time ago.

In fact, after being accused, Linni and Linnet were completely confined in the Opikle Opera House, and there were guards around them.

In this case, there was not much difference between being in the accused seat in the morning and in the evening.

"Ah, I finally see you. How is it? Is the investigation going well?"

As soon as he saw Kong, Paimon and Lin Yu, Linni was relieved and began to care about the investigation.

"Don't worry, I have never failed in defending people so far." Lin Yu said lightly.

Paimon couldn't help but expose: "You said it as if you have been through hundreds of battles. Obviously, you have never defended others in court before."

This Paimon is really.

He Lin Yu didn't lie, just say whether you have never failed so far.

Blame me (spreading his hands)

"Anyway, we are grateful that you are willing to help us." Linnet said.

At the same time, on the other side of the accused seat, the water goddess Funina on the accusation seat sent provocative words.

"Look at your dejected look, you guys! The investigation has yielded nothing, right?"

"As it should be, how can a guilty person find proof of innocence." Funina spread her hands, "But don't stop here, you are my most promising opponent, Lin Yu, don't surrender in a few moves, I will be very disappointed."

"There is no word for surrender in my dictionary." Lin Yu folded his hands in front of his chest, looking at Funina and said lightly.

Really full of determination and courage... He wouldn't really have any crucial evidence, right?

No way, no way!!

Looking at Lin Yu, Funina suddenly felt a little panic in her heart, but she soon calmed down.

It's still uncertain whether she will win or lose, but she has been thinking about it for a whole night.

In front of the seat of the highest judge, Navilet stood in front of tens of thousands of spectators with a serious expression.

"Since both parties are here, the trial of the sudden incident of the magic show officially begins."

As Navilet's words fell in the audience, the noisy voices in the audience suddenly quieted down, just like the opening of a movie.

Navilet looked at the accused seat.

"Then first of all, in order to let the audience understand the cause and effect of the case, please ask Mr. Linnie to explain the magic tricks."

"Okay, of course no problem." Linnie replied.

Then, between Linnet and Linnie's cooperation, the two vividly presented the audienceThe audience told the story about the space transfer magic.

The audience who knew Lini's magic were all amazed.

"Then Mr. Lini, I can take your testimony as saying that you ran to the magic box on the side of the audience at the beginning of the magic and hid, so you couldn't commit the crime, is that right?"

"Yes, Mr. Grand Inquisitor." Lini promised.

"Then, Ms. Funina, as the accuser, do you have any rebuttal to this?"

After that, Violet asked Funina.

Funina's expression began to get excited, and it can be seen from her eyes that she was in a state of excitement.

"Of course, of course, let me light the first fire! Mr. Lini, you are lying!"

"Because you want to kidnap Halsey and kill Cowell, it is impossible to stay in the box all the time, or even not in the tunnel for a long time."

"This is just your speculation based on my inference of guilt." Lini said.

"Really? Did you hear anything when you were in the box?"

"Of course it was the deafening countdown. I used it to grasp the time and create surprises."

"Anything else? Was there no sound that left an impression on you?"

"No." Linni said frankly.

Funina's mouth corners slightly raised: "But, when the countdown reached more than 30 seconds, there was a muffled sound in the venue. I believe everyone heard it."

"Supreme Judge, I protest. Funina is making an inductive speech to my client. I don't think this should happen in court." Lin Yu secretly said badly, and shouted loudly to Villette.

After the two people spoke like this, the audience reacted.

Among the audience at the scene, many were people who watched the performance yesterday. They heard such a strange muffled sound when the countdown reached more than 30 seconds, just as Funina said.

And now Linni, as the person involved, didn't hear it, so there is only one possibility, Linni was not in the box at all!

So there is only one truth, he is the murderer!

At the same time, the scale of the cardinal of the oracle began to tilt towards Funina.

That Villette glanced at Lin Yu.

"The protest is invalid, Ms. Funina, please continue to speak."

Funina said: "You actually said that I was making an inductive speech, haha, well, I have prepared other weapons. There is no unfounded confidence in the world, I have already prepared it."

"You and Linnet are actually from the Hearth House, right?"

Hearth House? !

After hearing this term, the audience in the audience fell into a heated discussion. Almost all Fontaine people knew that the Hearth House was an organization under the Fatui.

And what good can the Fatui be! It seems that there is no suspense anymore. It is obvious that Linni is the murderer!

"They are... Fatui?!" Paimon was shocked, and he didn't know that they had this identity.

As for Lin Yu, he was not shocked, because after meeting Linni and Linnit, after Linni called out "Young Master Lin Yu", Lin Yu used the smart tablet to check everything inside and out.

Linni retorted: "What does it matter? My and Linnit's identities have nothing to do with this matter, right?"

"Oh, indeed, then you can just tell us everything about this minute from beginning to end."

"For you at this moment, getting away from the crime is the first priority. You shouldn't have anything you can't say... unless the script is inconsistent." Funina's expression was calm, but in fact she had begun to feel proud in her heart.

After all, in Funina's view, Lin Yu had fallen to the point where he could only shout protests.

Hahaha, it's time for internal strife next? This victory is too easy!

Lin Yu pretended to be a little angry, stepped forward and said to Navilette on the platform.

"Supreme Judge, my client has reservations about me. I request a recess. I think we need some communication."

Does this mean another recess? The audience in the Fontaine stage was shocked.

"It's unnecessary. It's all set in stone. We can make a verdict here, right?"

"Even the person invited to defend is deceived. What can communication communicate?"

In fact, in court, lawyers are most afraid of their clients. In fact, even lawyers have concealed something, which leads to the direction of the lawyer's defense being wrong.


"The request is reasonable. We will adjourn the court. The trial will resume in an hour."

Before the formal recess, Funina looked at Lin Yu and said, "You know about this, but you still don't refuse to defend Mr. Linny. It seems that my opponent's professionalism is beyond imagination. "

"My favorite audience, let the joy of victory settle for a while, hahahaha! ! "

Now the Cardinal of the Enlightenment has completely leaned towards her side. In her opinion, the opponent, Lin Yu, has no chance of turning the tables.

After the recess, everyone came to the backstage of the Opikele Opera House.

Linny and Linnet were in a very low mood at this time...

"I'm sorry, Lin Yu, Kong, Paimong."

"I'm sorry..." Linnet also said.

Paimong sighed: "I don't know where to ask, hey, we trust you so much."

"During the investigation, all our inferences were based on the fact that you are not bad people."

"I don't want to say anything heavy, but I'm really angry. "Paimon turned his head away and folded his arms across his chest.

"Okay, I believe my client is not a bad person, but as my client, shouldn't you explain where you were during that time, Lini? "Lin Yu stopped Paimon and asked Linny.

"We have been..."

In the past hour, Linny explained what he had done in the one minute he disappeared.

It takes about seventy-five seconds for the audience to count down for one minute, and it only takes fifteen seconds for him to enter the box, which means that he has one minute of activity time in the underground passage.

In this minute, Linny passed through the ventilation holes in the underground passage, entered the ventilation duct, and finally came to the room of the underground core of the Cardinal of the Oracle.

After he entered the room, a voice came from the core. He did not dare to answer directly and there was not much time left, so he had to return to the box quickly.

In this process, he did not see the selected audience and magic assistant Cowell.

As for the reason why Linny and Linnet did this, according to their explanation, they wanted to save the country that was about to fall into disaster in their own way.

The one-hour recess passed almost quickly.

Everyone returned to the Opikle Opera House again. The situation they were facing in the court was very serious. But this is still a small matter for Lin Yu.

Don't worry, you will win.

"Both parties have returned to their positions, so our trial will continue."

"Since Mr. Linni believes that the new evidence presented by Ms. Funina is true before the adjournment, please let Ms. Funina tell the truth of the case." That Villette said.

Funina said: "It's worth waiting for so long, come on, everyone, please listen carefully! "

Then Funina used Linni's perspective to restore the whole case.

When the audience countdown began, Linni entered the tunnel. When the flatbed truck passed, he opened the box and tangled with Heshil, causing the muffled sound.

Linni knocked Heshil unconscious with a vase, and in order to avoid her being recognized, he took off her coat. But at this time, Cowell heard the movement and came to the tunnel, encountering Linni who was committing a crime.

So Linni knocked Cowell unconscious and stuffed him into the box. After Linni's accomplice sent Heshil away, he operated the mechanism to make Cowell appear to have died in an accident.

"What a conscientious magic assistant, but you killed him so cruelly. You don't have to worry that the God of Justice will give a fair judgment!" Funina laughed.

And Villette was already accustomed to this and ignored Funina's behavior of disrupting the order of the court.

"For the description of the truth proposed by Ms. Funina, does Mr. Linni have anything to refute? "That Villette said to everyone.

Lin Yu thought for a moment and spoke.

"I object. What Ms. Funina said is not true. In fact, it takes 75 seconds for the audience to count down one minute, and Linny only needs 15 seconds to return to the box. The extra minute he spent so much effort was to perform a task. "

"That is, to enter the underground core room of the Cardinal of the Oracle. Regarding this point, I believe that if we investigate the ventilation duct leading to the core room of the Cardinal of the Oracle, we can find traces of Linny's existence. "

"Therefore, our client was not in the passage for that minute, so he was not aware of what happened in the passage. "

Although breaking into a confidential room is also a crime, it is obviously more serious to kill someone, not to mention that this is not what Linny did.

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