Until several years later, Morax hadn't seen Lin Yu. He was still practicing in seclusion in his room.

Morax completely believed that Lin Yu was really trying to improve his strength.

Brother Zennos had worked so hard, so why should Morax slow down his pace of becoming stronger?

So Morax kept traveling between Jueyunjian and Guizhong.

From the perspective of strength, the accumulation of combat skills and experience at this stage can no longer help Morax improve his demon god strength.

But the wisdom in the minds of the immortals from Jueyunjian and Guizhong is also a kind of strength?

It's just that the way of expression is not so rough.

In addition, Morax wants to improve his strength.

You can't go to other powerful demon god territories to find those demon gods to compete with, right?

He has no intersection with those demon gods. If he comes to the door and shouts for a competition, he will probably be regarded as a provocation.

Besides, this is not Morax's character.

Time flies, and ten years have passed.

For the demon god, a span of ten years is nothing, but for ordinary people, ten years is enough to change many things.

For example, in the current Liyue, after Morax summed up the wisdom of returning to the end, a special management agency was established, each of which performs its duties to maintain the operation of Liyue City.

The first generation of laws has also been popularized throughout the territory of Liyue.

It has greatly reduced the disharmony between people.

On the main road of Liyue, vendors are selling hard, and the whole street is crowded with people.

It is said that anything can be bought on this street with Mora.

The current prosperity of Liyue is inseparable from the solid foundation of Liyue.

Now, in addition to the urban area, the entire interior of Liyue surrounded by mountains has been planted with a large amount of food by the people of Liyue.

These foods are the foundation of the prosperity of the entire Liyue.

No matter how prosperous a city is, without food, it will become a sky tower and collapse in an instant.

After the prosperity ends, only ruins and people struggling to survive will remain.

Therefore, ensuring the cultivation of food throughout Liyue has become a major issue for the entire Liyue territory!

But even so, an almost unavoidable problem has emerged from the prosperous scene of Liyue.

That is because of the terrain factors, which limit the current development of Liyue.

Liyue's urban expansion has completely stagnated, and farmland expansion cannot be continued, which is precisely because of Liyue's current terrain factors.

The entire Liyue is surrounded by mountains, and the space left inside is really limited. After more than ten years of development, it has reached the limit of this piece of land.

At present, the food produced by the cultivated land area of ​​Liyue is enough to supply the daily life of the people of Liyue.

But what about later?

As Liyue becomes more and more prosperous, it has become a hot spot among the surrounding demons and villages, and more and more refugees choose to join Liyue.

The population of Liyue gradually increased, and the food load also increased, but the available arable land area remained the same.

If this continues, there will inevitably be a situation where food is in short supply.

At that time, some people will starve to death.

Morax discovered this problem at the first time, so he no longer accepts refugees from the outside world.

He also knows that not accepting refugees is not a perfect solution.

The problem has not been solved by not accepting refugees.

But solving the problem...

This problem is not easy to solve at all.

As the Rock Demon God, he can easily move a hole in the mountains and completely open up the connection between Liyue and the outside world.

But if he does so, Liyue will lose the protection of the mountains, and the fierce beasts and demons from the outside world can easily invade Liyue.

The prosperous Liyue is a real sweet spot for those fierce beasts and demons.

Morax can easily solve these fierce beasts and demons.

But this kind of thing is hard to guard against. After all, no one knows when these beasts and demons will suddenly invade Liyue.

As a result, people are highly nervous, Liyue has lost its previous peace, and large areas of farmland also need to be guarded by people.

There are too many things.

At the same time, outside the mountains, although it is an unowned land.

But it is more like a buffer zone between demons. If MoraxIf these territories spread over, then Liyue territory will be adjacent to the territories of other demon gods.

In this way, disputes between territories will arise.

With Morax's character, he will never wage war against other demon gods for the expansion of his territory.

He does not want to compete.

So until now, Morax has not found a good solution.

In Lin Yu's room, it took ten years.

He finally stopped his meditation state with satisfaction.

Lin Yu slowly opened his eyes. For him, these ten years were just like a simple sleep.

From night to dawn, he could not feel the passage of ten years.

"Huh, has it been ten years?" Lin Yu murmured.

He looked at the timer he had prepared in advance, and the time displayed on it was really more than ten years.

Lin Yu stood up and stretched his body a little.

He did not feel any discomfort, but felt that he slept very comfortably and deeply.

Lin Yu looked at the palm of his hand, and a group of power that embodied authority appeared on it.

Lin Yu felt the power surging in his body.

He compared it with his previous power, and these ten years made him grow by at least a quarter.

Only ten years have passed, and he can grow a quarter of his power.

What if he waits until Liyue in the future, thousands of years have passed, and then how much will his power grow?

It is said that Pinxixi's goods are very pitfalls, and now it seems that he really bought a treasure.


After removing the restrictions inside the room, Lin Yu pushed open the door and walked out.

This is the first time he has walked out of his room in ten years. The layout and landscape outside the house have not changed much, but the vegetation looks much more vigorous.


Lin Yu just came out of the room, and Morax came to meet him.

"Brother Zennos, have you come out of seclusion? How is the power improvement, is it smooth?"

Morax said.

After hearing the movement from Lin Yu, Morax rushed over here immediately and saw Lin Yu coming out of his room.

He felt relaxed in seclusion, but he was entangled in many affairs of Liyue.

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