How could she, how could she do it? This, this is simply impossible.

She knew very well that there was no power in her body, so even if she met a little bandit in the wild, if the name of the water god could not scare them away, then she could only surrender obediently.

How could Funina, who was powerless, save the remaining four people in Baisong Town from the dangerous primitive fetal sea water environment?

This, this is simply impossible to do.

Since following the water god, Clorinde has never seen the water god take action. In the rumors about the water god in previous years, most of them were about the water god's contribution to the trial, and there were very few descriptions of the water god taking action.

The people of Fontaine have never doubted that the water god Funina has no strength. After all, no matter how you say it, the water god Funina is a god. Since she is a god, she has already opened up a dimension with ordinary people in terms of life level.

Even the weakest gods are still a gap that mortals cannot cross.

Encountering such a thing today, although Clorinde did not show any expression on the surface, she actually began to look forward to it in her heart.

Looking forward to the solo performance of the water god, Lady Funina, she will witness a very rare scene.

Just looking at the water god, Lady Funina, it seems that there are some doubts. Clorinde does not know what Funina is doubting. As a god, will she hesitate to save the people of her country?

There was another sound of "bang", and another large piece of ice collapsed. At this time, it was not far from the complete collapse of the ice. There was not much time left for them to rescue.

"Ms. Funina, it seems that the ice is about to collapse." Clorinde reminded Funina in her ear.

Funina was completely panicked now. She had no idea what she should do now. After all, she had no power. She couldn't be asked to save people, right?

But as Clorinde said, the situation is very urgent, and it is too late to go back and call for help.

At this moment, Funina hopes that the hero who saved Baisong Town, Heli, can appear in front of her...

"I, I can't do it, I can't do it, I have no way to save them."

"All my power is in the Cardinal of Oracle, and the power is still accumulating. That is the key to stopping the prophecy and saving Fontaine. I can't use my power for this."

"Sorry, Clorinde." Funina shook her head and said.

She is very sad now, because she will watch the four people drowned by the sea, and she can't do anything except watching.

But she can't be defeated by such pain. She has survived for hundreds of years. How can these disasters in front of her knock her down? !

I am Funina de Fontaine!

She immediately showed her quality as an actor, looking in the direction of Clorinde, the micro-expressions on her face and the movements of her hands, trying to make her fabricated words more credible.

Clorinde was stunned, she had never expected that Funina did not choose to take action.

And the reason she gave... If this is the case, then there is nothing that can be done. After all, saving the entire Fontaine is a big deal, and the current matter can only be regarded as a trivial matter compared to it.

The danger of Baisong Town must have been repeatedly emphasized in the refuge camp before, but some people chose to ignore it and made the wrong choice, then... in the end, they can only bear the consequences of this choice themselves.

She supported Funina in her behavior, and gave up this small group of people for the survival of the entire Fontaine.

Of course, this support is not completely without prerequisites, and the prerequisite for this support is that the water god Funina can really save Fontaine from the prophecy.

After a moment of silence, Clorinde looked in the direction of Funina and said, "If that's the case, then we can only give up these four people now. Now... let's leave here." Funina didn't say anything, but followed Clorinde and walked in the opposite direction of Baisong Town.

In about three minutes after Funina and Clorinde left, more and more cracks appeared on the ice, and finally the dam built by the ice collapsed directly.

The mighty sea water pushed the ice and smashed fiercely towards the bottom of Baisong Town.

"Run! Run!"

"It's over, we are completely finished!"

"Help!!! Is there anyone who can save us!!"Amid the shouts, the sea water continued to pour into Baisong Town, and the four people were chased by the sea water. Even though they had tried their best, how could people outrun the rolling sea water? They were swept into the waves in an instant.

They were swept into the waves, and because the concentration of the sea water was reduced, they were not dissolved in the first time.

However, the physiological reaction caused by the water of the original fetal sea made them unable to struggle in the waves, although struggling in the waves was actually useless.

After about a few dozen seconds, their bodies could not withstand the influence of the water of the original fetal sea, and they were dissolved into a pool of water in an instant, mixed with the sea water, and there was no difference between you and me.

On the other side, Funina was in a very low mood because of this series of events. She could no longer stay here.

After leaving Baisong Town, Funina returned to the refugee camp, wandered around the refugee camp, and absent-mindedly checked the living conditions of the disaster victims.

Then she informed Clorinde, went to the shore with her, and took a small boat back to the ship. At this time, the supplies on the ship had been almost unloaded.

After a period of time, Funina's ship chose to return to Fontaine.

When Funina returned to Fontaine, it was already night in Fontaine. Funina forced a smile and returned to her room in Momang Palace.

She stood in front of the mirror and shed tears when she looked at herself in the mirror.

I don't know how long it has been, Funina's eyes have been red from crying. She lay on her side on the bed and looked insecure. I don't know what she was thinking about in her head until she fell into a deep sleep.

Later, a reporter who went to the disaster site in Baisong Town, with the pictures he took, finally returned to the newspaper office in a hurry.

The newspaper this reporter works for is called the Sea Pigeon Newspaper, which is located in Fontaine and is second only to the Steam Bird Newspaper.

For a long time, the big news that the Sea Pigeon Newspaper learned was always later than the Steam Bird Newspaper for various reasons, so the Sea Pigeon Newspaper has always been suppressed by the Steam Bird Newspaper.

After checking the photos brought back by the reporter, the president of the Sea Pigeon Newspaper was so excited.

"Are you sure there were no other reporters present at the time?"

"President, I am sure and certain that there were absolutely no other reporters present at the time."

"Good, very good, This will be our newspaper's exclusive revelation, it's really a relief! I'm going to write the article myself, this time it's finally time for our Haige Newspaper to be in the spotlight! "

"The title of the publication is "Shock! The beloved water god, Lady Funina, actually chose to abandon her people!" This issue of the newspaper will definitely become the front-page headline that resounds throughout Fontaine when it is released! "

"Shop, President, this is not good, right? After all, he is the water god. If we make up the water god like this, will it be..."

"What nonsense are you talking about! We are journalists, we have the right to report news, is what we are about to report true? What is editing? Aren't we describing it objectively?"

"Or did you make up the facts for me because you want to get a promotion and a raise?"

"No, no, I can guarantee that this is absolutely true. I was there at the time."

"If that's the case, So what's the problem? Hurry up and prepare. This time, we must print three times the past. Our sea pigeon newspapers will definitely explode! "" I have this premonition! " When he reported his life, he began to wield the newspaper of the Haige News Agency, while shouting a very attractive newspaper name. After hearing the words from the newspaper, they said they couldn't believe it. In the newspaper were photos of the water goddess, Lady Funina, and Clorinde, standing by the edge of Baisong Town.

This photo was taken very cleverly, and it seems that Funina and Clorinde are ignoring the Baisong Town in front of them.

The newspaper described in detail that there were cries for help from below Baisong Town, and then the water god Funina and Clorinde were unmoved, and then captured the scene of the two leaving.

After they came, the reporter quickly ran to Baisong Town, regardless of their own safety, and took photos of the collapse of the ice.

Especially the last photo, the four people were swept into the waves.

Almost everyone's first reaction was, how could such a thing happen, how could their water god Funina be such a cold-blooded god?

But now the facts and evidence are in front of everyone, and for a moment they don't know what to say.

Of course, there are also fanatics of the water god Funina, who do not believe the authenticity of this matter. They don't believe that the water god they trust will do such a cold-blooded thing, and think that this must be false news written by the newspaper.

For this reason, a group of people gathered in front of the Sea Pigeon Newspaper to protest against the Sea Pigeon Newspaper's behavior.

At first, the security team thought so too... But after the security team's investigation, there was no problem with all the procedures of the Sea Pigeon Newspaper. According to the current laws of Fontaine, as long as they report the news truthfully, there is no way to ask them to withdraw the publication.

Seeing that the protest was about to turn into a riot, the members of the security team had to take action to maintain public order and disperse the protesters gathered in front of the Sea Pigeon Newspaper.

This move, to a certain extent, confirmed the authenticity of the content reported by the Sea Pigeon Newspaper.

For a while, the news about Funina's incident broke out in the entire Fontaine area, and there was a trend of spreading very quickly to the surrounding areas of Fontaine.

Funina, who woke up near noon, still acted as usual until someone below presented her with a newspaper from the Sea Pigeon Newspaper.

Funina looked at the content reported in the newspaper and suddenly became at a loss, shaking all over.

How, how could this happen? There were reporters present at the time, and she and Clorinde were photographed by reporters, and even the last victim was photographed.

···What a crazy reporter.

Now everyone knows her inaction. Will anyone question her identity as a god? What should she do next?

She missed Violet a little...

According to the report of her subordinates, Violet left for Melo Petersburg yesterday and has not returned to Momang Palace yet.

Helpless, Funina finally chose to avoid facing this matter. She returned to her room alone and refused to meet anyone.

Sitting on the bed with a melancholy face, Funina saw a very delicate water god heart placed on the shelf in a row of ornaments.

She had tried it a long time ago. After all, she was not a real water god and could not mobilize any power from it.

If...if she was the real water god, if she had enough power...

If so, she wouldn't have to choose to escape, nor would she have to pretend to be the water god, and consider whether her every word and action would make people doubt her identity as the water god...

If she had enough power, would she be able to make all the waters obey her call, and easily stop the water from rising, and make the water of the original fetal sea disappear instantly?

But she knew...this kind of thing only exists in the script.

The reality is that she is not a real water god, she is just executing a plan that she doesn't even know whether it will succeed, and she can't do anything...

Thinking about it, tears flowed from Funina's eyes.

She was a little at a loss.

What's going on? I don't want to cry.

It must be that the water element in her body is too abundant, which leads to the current situation.

Funina, be strong, you can't be defeated by such things.

She said it over and over in her mind.

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