The servant looked at everything inside the space.

Is this the place where the water god Fukaros has lived in Fontaine for hundreds of years?

Soon everyone's eyes were attracted by a figure, who was sitting on a sofa floating in the air, and the whole person looked very peaceful.

Kong and Paimeng widened their eyes.

It was not because Fukaros and Funina looked exactly the same that shocked Kong and Paimeng, but because Kong and Paimeng saw something very familiar on Fukaros's ear.

If they were not mistaken, the item worn on Funina's ear at this time was the Oasis virtual reality device of Oasis Technology under Lin Yu's name? !

Sure enough, he knew that Lin Yu's purpose of coming to Fontaine would never be that simple!

"It seems that our Lord Water God seems to be contented." The servant commented.

As an executive officer of the Fatui, and the Fatui is an intelligence organization, how could she not know what the thing was that the Water God Fukaros was wearing at this time.

It seems that before they came, the Lord of Order had already visited this place.

But it is also... After all, he is the Lord of Order.


At this time, Fukaros, who was sitting on the sofa, was also reminded by the Oasis device in the virtual world, and immediately chose to exit the virtual world.

When she opened her eyes, she saw the people in front of her.

What she wanted to ask was how you appeared in this consciousness space, but after she saw Navilet in the crowd, everything was relieved.

"Demon God Fukaros, you are the real Water God of Fontaine, why did you choose to deceive us?"

Navilet looked in the direction of Fukaros and asked Fukaros.

"Hmm? It seems that you already know the truth. It was Fu Nina who told you, right? If it was before, I might just tell you now that everything I did was part of the plan."

"But now the Ruler of Order says he has a better solution, so the previous plan naturally doesn't need to be continued."

"In the previous plan, I didn't want to deceive you or everyone in Fontaine. I really wanted to deceive only one person, the master of this world today - Heaven."

"Only under the premise of deceiving Heaven can the contents of my plan be implemented, and finally Fontaine can be reborn from the prophecy."

Listening to Fukaros' words, Villette fell into deep thought.

It turned out that in the past few hundred years, the water god Fukaros has been secretly executing his own plan... a plan that can save the people of Fontaine from the prophecy.

"You said you already have a better solution. In the plan before the Ruler of Order took action, I'm afraid it would cost a huge price to do it?" Villette said.

As a water dragon, he can't do this now, let alone he is just one of the Seven Gods of the Earth under the law of heaven.

If he can save Fontaine from the prophecy, he will definitely pay several times the price.

A smile appeared on Fukaros's face.

"Of course, everything has a price."

"But under the premise of being able to save Fontaine, the price I paid is worth it in my opinion."

"So, what's the plan?" asked Violet.

The demon Fukaros sighed and said.

"My previous plan was to deceive the law of heaven, accumulate power, destroy the throne, and return the power to you. When you have complete power, you will naturally save Fontaine." Fukaros explained his plan that he had been sticking to for hundreds of years in just a few sentences.

Violet understood, and it seemed that he had been in Fukaros's calculations before.

"You are so cunning, Fukaros. You have calculated that I am now. I can't just watch Fontaine destroyed and remain indifferent."

Fukaros chose to look at Violet and smiled.

Then Violet continued to ask.

"Then, Demon God Fukaros, what is the relationship between you and Funina?"

Listening to Violet's question, Fukaros looked helpless, and then spread his hands and told the story.

"I really can't help it. Who let Egolia inherit the mission of saving this country, the responsibility of being a water god, and even the original sin of creating humans in one breath?"

"But who made me one of her many pure water elves?"

"What do you mean?" Violet asked.

"Now all the humans in Fontaine have passed through the hands of Egolia,Using the water of the primordial fetal sea to create humans."

"Does it include you?"

"Yes, becoming a human has always been my dream, even now. In my eyes, the existence of humans is a wonderful opera."

"After becoming a god, I separated my divine part from my body and spirit, leaving only myself like a newly created human."

"And that human is Finina."

"So when I said that you are another me in the mirror, you didn't refute it because there was this reason behind it..." Finina said.

Fukalos walked up to Finina.

"I'm so sorry, Finina. At that time, in order to keep the plan secret, I could only reveal very little to you. Just a few words made you stick to that position for hundreds of years and years."

"I'm sorry for you, Finina. Please forgive my selfishness."

"It's not like that. Those are all things I want to do. Besides, after becoming a god, I also enjoy many rights that only gods have. "Funina looked at Fukalos and said.

Of course she regretted it, but she still persisted for so many years.

Fukalos, who was alone in the Cardinal of the Oracle, had to endure loneliness several times more than herself. As long as she could save everyone in Fontaine, what would it matter if she paid a little bit of this price?

So at this point, she would not choose to blame Fukalos.

"Just now you said the original sin of creating humans, so it was Egolia's act of creating humans that violated the laws of nature, so it caused the laws of nature to impose such a punishment?"

"In the process of creating humans, I think Egolia could not fully control the water of the original fetal sea, so the humans she created with the water of the original fetal sea had defects, and their defects were that they would dissolve when they touched the water of the original fetal sea."

"And your previous solution was to return the power of water in the throne to me. From then on, I will become a complete dragon and completely control the power of water. "

"I can choose to forgive the sins of the Fontaine people and transform them all into real humans. At this point, the prophecy that the Fontaine people will dissolve in the water will be broken."

"But... destroying the throne means destroying yourself as well. You have made a great determination to save Fontaine."

"What? ! Destroying the throne will destroy Fukaros as well? Fortunately, this plan has become a waste. I have finally found my own relatives in this world. How can I lose you again, Fukaros?"

Funina was shocked when she heard this, and then she was glad again.

Thank goodness for Lin Yu's appearance. If it weren't for Lin Yu's appearance, I'm afraid I would never know the true identity of the demon Fukaros in my life...

Fukaros stretched out his hand and touched Funina's head despite her awkwardness.

"Don't worry, I have changed my plan. Didn't you find that the energy in the Cardinal of the Oracle Judgment has decreased a lot? The remaining power is not enough to destroy the throne. "

"If possible, I would like to stay with you forever, Fininna."

Fininna nodded: "Fukaros, I am already well. When this matter is settled, I will resign as the water god and go to the mortal world to live the life I have always dreamed of."

? After hearing Fininna's words, Villette slowly typed a big question mark.

He coughed twice.

I will never allow Fukaros and Fininna to give up and put all the things and things of Fontaine on him alone. If that time really comes, I am afraid that I will not even have the free time to taste water.

He felt that he had to say something.

"Fininna, I don't agree with your idea. Now that you have taken over the godhood from Lin Yu and become a real Teyvat god, you should naturally fulfill your duties. "

"And you, the demon god Fukalos, as the water god of the seven ruling powers in the world, Fontaine is your kingdom. If Funina decides to take a vacation, you should take over this responsibility."

In short, Villette's meaning is very simple. You two can't give up your job. Now that both of you are gods, one of you must fulfill the duties of the water god, right?

He is just a weak water dragon. How can he carry such a heavy responsibility on his small shoulders?

"Ahem... When I was the water god, I didn't help you at all... So even if I step down as the water god, it... shouldn't have any impact..." Funina didn't dare to look at him.Violet's eyes were full of guilt.

After all, during her tenure, she not only failed to help Violet, but also caused Violet a lot of trouble.

Violet raised her eyebrows.

"Hmm? Ms. Funina, what did you say just now?"

"Ahem... I, I didn't say anything!" Feeling Violet's eyes, Funina immediately changed her words.

It's not that she was afraid of Violet, but she knew that Violet couldn't bear to leave her and didn't want to make Violet sad.

That's right, that's it.

Fukaros walked up with a smile.

"Okay, then here, you should have almost known what you wanted to know from me, so why are you here now?"

"You can't come to chat with a lonely person like me to relieve boredom, right?" Fukaros said with his hands spread out.

She was indeed very lonely before, but as a divinity, her mental strength was stronger, so she could endure loneliness better.

Although she could endure loneliness, boredom was real every day.

Until Lin Yu gave her a gift, the Oasis virtual reality device worn on her ears seemed to open the door to a new world for her.

After having the Oasis virtual reality device, she felt that it would be no problem for her to continue to stay in the Cardinal of Oracle Judgment for another five hundred years.

Paimon, who had been unable to find any opportunity to speak, spoke to Fukaros.

"We came here to learn the truth about the Fontaine prophecy from you, but now that we know the truth, it seems that the problem has not been solved as expected."

"Hey... So what is the key to solving the prophecy?"

"Lin Yu gave Funina the power to solve the Fontaine prophecy, but didn't tell them how to do it. Well... What a disgusting riddle man, it's so hateful!"

When Paimon thought of this, he was very angry and stomped his feet in the air.

In this matter, Paimon really wronged Lin Yu, and he didn't want to be a riddle man in this matter.

He thought that after obtaining this power, Funina should know what she should do.

So at that time, Lin Yu would speak to Funina.

Try your best to do what you think is right.

···So in this matter, Lin Yu really can't be blamed. There must be a problem in some link.

Anyway···It must not be his Lin Yu's problem.

After listening to Paimon's story, Fukaros touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

Since the existence of the Rule of Order chose to do this, it means that there is a deep meaning behind Lin Yu's doing so.

So what is the deep meaning of the Rule of Order doing this?

"Funina, you said that you became a real Teyvat God with the help of the Rule of Order. Then did you have any feelings after becoming a god?" Fukaros looked at Funina and asked.

Let Funina speak out her feelings, so that he can help Funina to refer to it.

In this way, he can understand the intention of the orderly ruling behind this.

Funina felt the power in her body, and after a while of thinking, she slowly spoke under everyone's gaze.

"Water, it's water."

"I feel that I can make water obey my call, and I can control the power of water."

Funina said the true feelings in her heart.

Can you control the power of water? Listening to what Funina said, Fukaros fell into thought.

After thinking for a while, she felt that she should be close to the truth...

"Can you control the power of water? To what extent can this power reach?"

"Well... the limit I can feel now should be that I can control all the water in Fontaine."

Paimon interrupted in surprise: "In this case, as long as Fu Nina controls the water from rising, as long as the water in Fontaine does not rise, then the disaster of Fontaine will be solved, right?"

But... Is the profound meaning of ruling by order so simple? Not only Fukaros was thinking, but also Villette and the servants.

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