In this case, Lin Yu thought of a good way to deal with it.

He decided to create a fantasy world tailored for Si Ke Ke, and then threw Si Ke Ke into this fantasy world. In this fantasy world, Si Ke Ke is the weakest anyway.

Even a weak wild boar can easily tear Si Ke Ke apart.

For this kind of person who does not regard the weak as human, Lin Yu's evaluation is that he will be honest if he becomes a weak person.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu slowly flew in front of Si Ke Ke. At this time, he looked like a super villain.

No, it should be said that he is the righteous messenger of Teyvat.

The people of Teyvat all shouted, Lin Yu is here! Teyvat is peaceful! Lin Yu is here! There is a blue sky!

"I'm sorry, in my eyes you are the real weakling."

As Lin Yu said this, a blue space cube appeared in his hand, and then these space cubes began to spread on Si Keke's body. After a while, Si Keke was already wrapped by the space cube.

With a flash of light, Si Keke was imprisoned in the space cube by Lin Yu.

In the space cube, Si Keke was in a state of confinement, and his body was also imprisoned, and he could not use any strength from head to toe.

Then Lin Yu casually created an illusion world, and then threw Si Keke's consciousness into it.

After doing all this, Lin Yu stretched out his hand in the direction of his small black hole, and the small black hole responded to Lin Yu's action, quickly shrank and then floated in the palm of Lin Yu's hand.

Lin Yu's mouth corners slightly raised, and he solved another thing. It was a very good day.

Then he opened a space door leading to the Opikle Opera House. Lin Yu calmly passed through the space door and appeared inside the Opikle Opera House.

"Lord Yushen, how is the situation?" Xiao stepped forward, his eyes full of concern.

Lin Yu nodded, resisted the urge to touch his head, and continued: "Of course it was solved very easily. For me, this is basically not too difficult.

"What about the master's master Si Keke? Could it be that you..." Paimon did not finish his words, but made a gesture of wiping his neck.

This misunderstanding is really too big. Who is Yushen? Even in the period of the Demon God War, who in the hundreds of miles would not praise Yushen for his kindness and benevolence?

Lin Yu spread his hands.

"Of course not, I just detained her temporarily. The follow-up matters may need to be further "discussed" with her master, and then a suitable result that satisfies both parties can be given. "

"Don't worry about this matter, just leave it to me to handle it. I have always been a very reliable person. "

"Isn't it? What do you think? Zhongli? "

After hearing Lin Yu's words, Zhongli, who was standing aside, didn't understand why he was suddenly called out. He was now wondering what this matter had to do with him?

Maybe it was because some lies, when spoken from his mouth, would become reliable and somewhat credible.

"In terms of universal rationality, I have known Lin Yu for thousands of years. In these aspects, he is indeed very reliable and worthy of trust from others." Zhongli said, touching his chin.

Funina was shocked!

"We have known each other for thousands of years. You, you, you, may I ask your name!" Funina was very surprised and said the lines in the Liyue storybook.

Lin Yu patted Zhongli on the shoulder and introduced him: "He? Not an important person, because he is actually dead on the surface."

"Oh, by the way, his name is Morax. Liyue people prefer to call him the Rock King Emperor. In layman's terms, he is one of the seven rulers of the world. "

Lin Yu casually introduced Zhongli's identity and background.

"You, you are the God of Rock, Morax!"

Although Furninna was well prepared, she was still a little shocked after hearing Lin Yu's introduction.

It seems that the death of the God of Rock is indeed a false news. When this news came out, it caused a sensation in the entire Teyvat continent.

Now the most powerful God of Rock among the Seven Gods has died on his own territory, and the official news released by Liyue is that the Emperor died while practicing to break through the tribulation.

This kind of news is too false. It is more reasonable to say that a nail on Sky Island killed Zhongli.

See, the people of the world really think it is very unreasonable.

At that time, Lin Yu advised Zhongli to create a simulated illusion and let the Heavenly Justice Maintainer slap Zhongli to death with two slaps. This is much more reasonable than any tribulation, right?

"Hello, nice to meet you,Miss Funina. " Zhongli nodded slightly, confirming his identity.

After Funina knew Zhongli's true identity, Lin Yu asked about Fontaine again.

"What is the current situation of Fontaine? Do you need me to help Fontaine?"

"When I heard that the prophecy was still coming true, my head was completely confused. Fortunately, Lin Yu took action at the critical moment to stop the rising Fontaine sea level."

"Only some low-lying areas near the sea in Fontaine were flooded, and no great losses were caused to Fontaine."

"As for the post-disaster handling work in various regions, Villette has gone to Momang Palace to handle these matters."

"The most important point is that now we Fontaine people have become real humans, so even if we are in the sea, we will not be dissolved as before."

"All this is thanks to you, the ruler of order. On behalf of all the people of Fontaine, I would like to express my highest respect and gratitude to you! "

After saying that, Fu Nina bowed deeply in the direction of Lin Yu.

Lin Yu shook his head and said with a smile.

"No need to thank me, the order of the world is my responsibility, and everyone in Fontaine has also made a lot of efforts in this crisis. Everyone deserves praise." Lin Yu was very humble.

When a person reaches a certain height, achievements and praise are actually dispensable to him.

"Yes, yes, I also made a lot of efforts, hehe!" Paimeng said with a smile.


He really didn't know what a big role Paimeng played in this matter. If solving the desserts on the table is also a credit one after another, then Sora naturally has nothing to say.

Soon Paimeng found that the eyes of the people around him were all looking at him.

"Why are you all looking at me? Don't you believe it?"

"Yes, yes, Paimeng is the best. "Song said.

Paimong showed a satisfied smile on her face. Song was worthy of being her best partner. She was right about him!

Lin Yu coughed softly, focusing the attention of everyone present.

"Now is not the time to chat. Since the crisis of Fontaine has been basically resolved, should we share this news with Fukaros?"

"What do you think? Funina."

"Of course!" Funina said without any hesitation.

Lin Yu nodded: "In that case, let's set off now. "

After saying that, Lin Yu waved his hand and wrapped everyone with the power of space authority, and then directly entered the consciousness space of Fukalos in the Cardinal of Oracle Judgment.

In the Cardinal of Oracle Judgment, Fukalos has been paying attention to the movements outside, and the words of everyone just now are no exception.

After entering Fukalos's consciousness space, Funina couldn't bear the excitement in her heart. After seeing Fukalos, she rushed over directly.

"The prophecy, the prophecy of Fontaine has been completely solved by us."

"No one was dissolved, and Fontaine was not submerged by the sea. We succeeded Fukalos!"

"I'm really, really happy. I've never felt so happy."

Funina hugged Fukalos and said.

Fukalos kept patting Funina on the back.

"Well, I saw everything."

"Funina, you are so great. Without the prophecy, Fontaine will definitely become more perfect and beautiful in the future, right? "

"It's a pity that I can't feel the current Fontaine."

"You, what's wrong with you? Are you hiding something from me?" Hearing Fukalos suddenly say this, Funina suddenly felt a little uneasy and asked Fukalos.

Fukalos smiled and shook his head, "It's not a matter of life and death. I am in a conscious state now, attached to the Cardinal of the Oracle, but there is no way to leave the Cardinal of the Oracle to witness the prosperity of Fontaine."

"But I have the oasis equipment given to me by the Rule of Order. As long as I rely on it, I can see the outside world a little bit. "

"Don't worry that I will get bored in there. "As he spoke, Fukaros took out the Oasis equipment and shook it in his hand towards Funina.

Hearing this, Funina fell into silence.

She knew that the body she was using now was the body of Fukaros, who had transformed from a pure water elf into a Fontaine man.

At this time, Lin Yu came out. For this kind of thing, Lin Yu said that he was very familiar with it. It can no longer be described as easy to do, but it is simply the pinnacle.

"I doYes, I can help Fukaros get a body, but before that, I have a condition that needs to be met. "

"What condition!" said Fu Nina.

Lin Yu described his condition: "The condition is that you have to help me, Oasis Technology, popularize Oasis equipment in Fontaine. I think there should be no problem with this condition, right?"

"Of course there is no problem!" said Fu Nina.

Even if she is asked to go to the street and sell the products one by one, she is willing.

Fukaros said: "I think that in terms of the functionality and entertainment of Oasis equipment, as long as a little operation is carried out, it can be quickly laid out throughout the Fontaine."

"I really can't think of any place where I can help."

"Didn't you say it too? It needs a little operation. As the ruler of order, I have always been busy with many things, and I don't have much free time on weekdays, so this is a big help for me. "Lin Yu said with his hands spread out.

Fukalos fell into deep thought. There was no doubt that she wanted to become a human, but Lin Yu had helped them with too many things.

She was really embarrassed to accept Lin Yu's kindness.

Seeing Fukalos hesitate, Lin Yu said: "Okay, I have already made the body embryo. If you reject me now, I will lose these rare materials in vain. "

After Lin Yu said this, Fukalos could not refuse.

Then Lin Yu asked Fukalos to wear the Oasis device, and then sent Fukalos a face-shaping interface, in which he could adjust any image he wanted.

After about five or six minutes, Fukalos had shaped his new image.

Lin Yu also got the data of Fukalos' new image. The new image is similar to Funina in style, but the difference between the two can be seen at a glance.

Unless you have hundreds of degrees of myopia, I don't think anyone would recognize them as the same person.

After confirming the image, Lin Yu started his work.

First, Lin Yu took everyone out of the consciousness space in the Cardinal of the Oracle. Then he displayed his ability in the Opikle Opera House.

That is, materialization!

The light of the materialization power flashed, and a new body appeared in front of everyone after a moment.

Then Lin Yu used the power of the soul to draw the power of the soul in the Cardinal of Oracle Judgment out of the Cardinal of Oracle Judgment, and turned it into a soul light ball that appeared in Lin Yu's palm.

Under Lin Yu's control, the soul light ball began to fly towards the newly made body.

Finally, it was completely immersed in it. Under the control of Lin Yu's soul power, Fukalos's soul and this body were perfectly integrated together.

After a moment, Fukalos slowly opened her eyes, and she lowered her head to look at her palm.

"Great, Fukalos, we can go to every area of ​​Fontaine together in the future!"

"By the way, there is also the identity of the water god. After this matter is dealt with, you will hold a press conference. At that time, all the reporters in the Fontaine news industry will come, and then announce your efforts over the years. "

Funina thought that since Fukaros had come out of the Cardinal of Oracle, and she herself was only the God of Water entrusted by Fukaros, which was equivalent to the acting God of Water.

Now that the God of Water has returned, Funina felt that it was natural to return this position to Fukaros.

Anyway, Funina didn't have much nostalgia for the position of God of Water.

"From a certain perspective, you are me and I am you, so we can both be God of Water, Funina, you don't have to worry about this identity."

"But...but if I am still the God of Water, then I can't leave Fontaine, I also want to visit places like Liyue, Mondstadt, and Xumi." Funina said.

As the God of Water, she has a daily schedule, if so, she won't have much time.

Obviously, Funina's thinking has not yet completely turned around.

Paimon folded his arms and said, "What's the matter? There is a wind god in Mond next door who has not appeared for thousands of years. In fact, he is either drinking or playing the piano every day. "

"Not bad, not bad, and don't we have a dead rock god around us?" Lin Yu said with a smirk.


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