Lin Yu stood up with a smile, patted Morax on the shoulder, and said to Morax in a serious tone.

"Sure enough, my chess skills have improved a lot in this period of time. Morax, you should learn more from me in terms of chess."

Morax said after a moment of silence: "Of course."

"Oh my god, I remember that Morax's temper was not very irritable during the Demon War? Why is he so tolerant of our national destiny? If it were me, I really couldn't stand this way of playing chess."

"You don't understand now? From the hesitation when Morax agreed to play chess with Lin Yu just now, Morax probably guessed that At the end, since everything is known, how can I be angry about it? "

"Why do I feel that Morax is so doting on the National Destiny Person? I wonder if I can support the CP between the National Destiny Person and Morax, ah ah ah ah."

"Am I the only one who noticed that the National Destiny Person is white-haired? Legend has it that Morax is... Hehehe, can't it be true? Hehehe."

"That's enough, you guys, this is the National Destiny Live Room, the country is watching all the time."

After playing chess with Morax, Lin Yu stood up and said to Morax.

"It's so hard to get out of seclusion for such a time, don't you plan to accompany me to go out for a good walk? The streets in Guiyuli City are really fascinating."

"If you want, it's fine." Morax stood up and said lightly.

Then Lin Yu opened the low-impact stance, and the picture in the Guoyun live broadcast room was also affected. Lin Yu and Morax suddenly changed from a gorgeous dress to an ordinary person.

"What's going on? Why did the two of them suddenly change their appearance? Could this be the legendary transformation?"

"It should be. It is rumored that when the emperor visited the world incognito, he once turned into a female body. I don't know whether this is true or false."

"But didn't the Guoyun just come back from outside? Why is he taking Morax shopping now?"

"I don't know, I don't understand. Maybe this is a date between young lovers."

"I say you Nantong people are really enough. Morax is just a stone. What does he know about love? You all should stop it!!"

Since it is a revisit to the old place, then Lin Yu naturally intends to experience the madness of this world.

In the past, he almost focused on improving his strength and basically had no experience of the world. Now that there is such a rare opportunity, how could Lin Yu give up?

Walking on the streets of Guiyuli City with Morax, the two were in a commercial street. Even in the period of the Demon God War, the commercial street of Guiyuli was still prosperous, full of the atmosphere of human fireworks and the taste of peace and tranquility.

And the credit for this peace, of course, all came from the blessing of Guiyuli Demon God.

"It's great. It doesn't feel like I've traveled to the Demon War period of Teyvat, but directly to Liyue in the main storyline."

"Yes, yes, our national destiny players don't feel any sense of crisis. This is the first time I have this feeling in a national destiny game. Is this the loneliness brought by invincibility?"

"On the other hand, other national destiny players, especially those of Xiaorizi, really make me laugh. Xiaorizi's national destiny players are in Inazuma, and now Inazuma is full of monsters, and Xiaorizi directly treats those monsters as gods, and kneels down when they meet. It really makes me laugh."

"But this can't be blamed on them. After all, there are not many things at the level of true gods in their mythology. They can only regard some crooked things as gods."

Walking on the streets of Guiyuli, Lin Yu would directly ask Morax to pay for some interesting things when he saw them.

Sure enough, Morax with Mora and Morax without Mora are completely two different Moraxes.

There was a noisy sound coming from the street ahead, and Lin Yu rushed over there with Morax.

The city guards were surrounding a pack animal cart, and next to the pack animal cart stood a man wearing only a pair of black shorts, who was obviously a member of the Black Clan of Blue Star.

Lin Yu frowned, and instantly joined Morax in the crowd of onlookers.

"Please show me your Gui Yu Li certificate!"

It is understood that this pack animal cart was transporting coal to Gui Yu Li City. On the way, this Black Clan man took advantage of their inattention and directly got into the coal pile. With his skin as a protective color, he directly confronted the people on the pack animal cart.of coal.

After entering the city, the owner found that there was movement in the coal pile, and then went to check it out and was directly shocked by the black man.

Seeing that the man was all black, how could a normal person look like this? The simple people of Guiyuli immediately suspected that this was a spy from other demon territories.

So they surrounded the man, and then notified the city guards to come and deal with the matter.

Seeing that this group of people asked him for Guiyuli's credentials, but he didn't know what Guiyuli credentials were, and he didn't even know what kind of game Genshin Impact was.

"If you don't have Guiyuli's credentials, then your current behavior is an illegal invasion of Guiyuli. According to Guiyuli's management regulations, we will immediately detain you and conduct a detailed investigation."


As expected of our Guiyuli City Guards, they will explain to the arrested person before arresting him. The main feature is a warm law enforcement.

Following the order from the leader of the City Guard, several City Guards holding spears instantly surrounded the black man. Five or six cold spears were placed on your neck, asking if you were moved.

Obviously, this black national destiny from Blue Star did not dare to move at this time.

He was taken away by Gui Yuli's City Guards and personally escorted to the City Guards' interrogation room to interrogate him about all his purposes.

"It's really strange. I have never seen such a dark man in the world. Do you think that too much sun exposure will turn him into this?"

"In terms of universal rationality, the sun obviously cannot tan people to such an extent. There must be reasons that we don't know."

"Have you thought about how to deal with this matter? I think there should be a report on this matter on your desk soon."

Regarding such an abnormal black man, the City Guards will certainly not be able to come up with a solution for a while, so according to convention, it will naturally be reported layer by layer, and finally Morax will deal with the matter.

"I didn't find any breath of other demon gods on him, so he must not be a spy from other demon god territories, but I have never seen such humans, and I can't be sure whether it will harm Gui Yuli."

"Is that so? In that case, Morax, I have a good solution."

"What solution?"

"Before it can be fully confirmed whether he will pose a threat to Gui Yuli, it is better to send him to the coal mine to mine. In this way, he can't do anything under the supervision of many workers, and it also gives him a way to survive. It's not cruel."

"What do you think, Morax?"

Morax lowered his head, as if he was really thinking about Lin Yu's words seriously.

After a while, Morax nodded and said, "Good suggestion. In that case, let's do it according to this plan. Later, I will personally deliver a document and explain the matter to the city guards in person."

"That's great." Lin Yu nodded and said with a smile.

"As expected of a national destiny master, it's obvious that this black man is also a national destiny master?"

"I checked it out, it seems to be a country called Santaya in Black State."

"Aren't black people and coal a perfect match? Even the colors are a perfect match."

"Oh my god, is this black man so lucky? He got a stable job directly under our national destiny master. Who dares to fight Gui Yuli now? Just dig and exercise. 180 days have passed in a flash."

"Isn't this... a bit bad?"

"What's wrong with that? He enjoys the protection of our Feather God. What's wrong with digging a little for our Feather God? Do you know what it means to repay a favor?"

After doing this, Lin Yu took Morax to stroll until the evening. After nightfall, Lin Yu brought a batch of fireworks and came to the city wall with Morax, having a lot of fun.

For a while, the audience watching the live broadcast almost forgot that this was the national destiny game live broadcast room.

Lin Yu's Guoyun game live broadcast room and other Guoyun players' live broadcast rooms present two completely different extremes.

Lin Yu's live broadcast room is a peaceful life, while other Guoyun players' live broadcast rooms are Teyvat continent version of wilderness survival.

If you are lucky, you may be able to get under the protection of a certain demon god and enjoy the unique love from the demon god.

If you are unlucky, you may fall into the mouth of a ferocious beast that night.

On the first night, more than 200 Guoyun players in the world were eliminated overnight, and 28 Guoyun players were eliminated overnight.

It is worth mentioning that three of these 28 Guoyun players were eliminated because they saw wild boars and felt that they would be in trouble for the next week.The food was ready, and then he went forward with everything ready, but was directly hit to death by a wild boar.

The next morning, Morax came to the Yu Temple with a serious face.

"What's going on? I just came to the live broadcast room today. Why is Morax so gloomy? Did something happen?"

"I don't know. I stayed all night, and nothing happened yesterday."

"I have a bad feeling. Did something happen to Gui Yuli? After all, in the original plot, Guili Ji was swallowed by the flood and became a ruin."

"I hope nothing happens!!"

Seeing Morax walk in with a serious face, Lin Yu basically knew that there must be something wrong with Gui Yuli, and it is very likely that there was an invasion of demons.

Otherwise, with Morax's personality, he would not have such a gloomy face.

In the past, when encountering such a thing, Lin Yu might still feel a little panic, but now? Lin Yu said he would be calm.

Because it doesn't matter, he will take action anyway!

"What's wrong, Morax? What happened?"

"Tianheng Mountain Defense Line Guizhong sent a message that the twelve demons are gathering towards Tianheng Mountain, trying to destroy the direction we are building in Tianheng Mountain." Morax said.

Hmm? Lin Yu was stunned at first, because what was happening now was different from what he remembered.

But after all, it was just a copy world, and it was normal to have deviations.

"I know."

"In that case, let's go to support the Tianheng Mountain Defense Line now."

"Whoever dares to offend Gui Yuli will be killed even if he is far away!"

Lin Yu's indifferent expression was filled with a murderous aura.

Even Morax beside him was stunned. It seems that after so many years, with the promotion of the Demon War, Lin Yu's character has finally grown.

For him, this is a good thing.

If he doesn't pester him to play chess in the future, it will be even better.

After saying that, Lin Yu opened a space gate in front of Morax, and on the other side of the space gate was the Tianheng Mountain Defense Line.

Manifesting authority, manifesting a space gate, this... is very reasonable.

At least Morax... reluctantly accepted it.

Lin Yu took Morax through the space gate, and the two appeared in the air of the Tianheng Mountain Defense Line. At this time, the Tianheng Mountain Defense Line has not been completed and is in the process of construction.

After Gui Zhong noticed the abnormal movement of the demon god, he immediately suspended the construction plan of the Tianheng Mountain Defense Line and immediately arranged for the evacuation of all personnel.

In order to prevent Gui Yuli's people from being affected by the demon war.

The battle between demons and demons, if slightly affected, is not a force that ordinary people can bear.

"Morax, Lin Yu, you are here." Gui Zhong's figure appeared beside the two.

Lin Yu nodded: "What's the situation?"

"The twelve demons are coming here now. If we calculate the time..."

"They are already here." Morax folded his hands in front of his chest, looking at the dark clouds in the distance, in which there were the breaths of twelve different demons.

"What can we do? Since the Demon War, the trust between the demons has been very low. How can they attack us together?" Gui Zhong said with a little anxiety on his face.

Lin Yu said calmly: "It's probably because we are too powerful, which makes them feel threatened, so they have to take this as their goal and want to get rid of us first."

Morax sighed. He knew that what Lin Yu said was correct, and this group of demons should probably think so.

But... he didn't have a heart that wanted to compete.

But... why should it be so?

Morax sighed.

"In this world, many demons and gods have risen up. Although I have no intention of competing with them, I know the suffering of the people. I only wish to cleanse the four directions and protect a corner of the world."

"As Lin Yu said before, those who offend Gui Yuli will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

After saying this, Morax burst out with a golden light all over his body, and a long spear condensed in his hand.

Even if the twelve demons besieged Tianheng Mountain in front of him, there were countless Gui Yuli people behind Tianheng Mountain, so he could not retreat even a step. If he wanted to fight, he would fight.

(To be continued)

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