Uh... After listening to Paimon and Lin Yu, Zhongli and Funina fell into silence at the same time.

Zhongli said that the Wind God of Mond next door is indeed a good example in terms of universal rationality, but can he not bring himself into this example?

Didn't he destroy Lin Yu's stage before? Now it seems that this is really a wrong decision.

"But... but, I feel that these methods don't seem to be suitable for me." Funina said.

If he disappears like the Wind God of Mond next door, then all the things in Fontaine will fall on Vilet? Funina still thinks it's not a good idea to do so.

As for learning the fake death of the Liyue Rock God in front of him... After so much effort to be able to return to his true self, is he going to fall into another disguise? She doesn't want to do that.

Funina thinks these two plans are not suitable.

So is there any better solution? At least now Funina has not thought of a better solution.

Lin Yu now basically knows the needs of Funina and Fukaros, and he has a very good solution for this.

If Lin Yu remembers correctly, the soul crystal bracelet that Lin Yu gave before is still on Fukaros. As long as he takes out this soul crystal, Lin Yu can revive Egolia.

As long as Egolia is resurrected, everything will be solved naturally.

With Egolia, an experienced god, everything about Fontaine can naturally be handed over to Egolia.

Well, this is very reasonable.

So Lin Yu looked in the direction of Fukaros and said, "Fukaros, do you still remember the necklace I gave you on the day we first met?"

"Remember, what's wrong, Lin Yu." Fukaros thought for a while and replied.

"In fact, this necklace was not commissioned by Egolia, but the crystallization of Egolia's soul. Counting the time of hundreds of years, Egolia's soul crystal has matured."

"Now as long as I have this necklace, I can make Egolia reappear in this world."

"By then, you can return power to Egolia, and at the same time you will be free, and you can have more free time to do other things." Lin Yu looked at Fukalos and said.

Fukalos was shocked!

Obviously she had never thought that there was such a secret hidden in that necklace.

As Egolia's dependent, Fukalos and Egolia naturally had a deep relationship. If Egolia could be resurrected, then she would naturally have no problem.

And now that Fontaine has solved the prophecy, it no longer needs those ridiculous drama trials. It is time to let justice return to itself.

"Let Egolia reappear in this world?!"

"Can this kind of thing be done? Won't... won't it touch the sky again?" Funina was shocked and stretched out her hand to point to the sky.

After all, Fontaine has just come out of the haze of prophecy. If they resurrect Egolia and bring disaster to Fontaine again, it will be a big problem.

Lin Yu obviously understood what Funina was worried about.

He smiled and said, "Don't worry, everything in the world is decided by the Rule of Order. You are not on Sky Island, why do you listen to the law of heaven?"

The world is equal to the rule of order.

And the law of heaven, as the law of heaven, is naturally the manager of Sky Island.

Isn't this very reasonable?

Lin Yu was never afraid when he said this. He wanted to see if the law of heaven had the ability to crawl out of Sky Island to take care of his affairs.

Since Sky Island did not respond, it was tacitly agreed to Lin Yu's actions.

Well, what a good default.

Very reasonable.

"It seems... there is some truth." Fukaros said.

Funina was surprised and said: "It makes sense? How can it make sense!!"

"From the perspective of universal rationality, the current situation is still within the scope of order, so Lin Yu's actions are still within his authority and responsibility, so it is not considered an encroachment on the superior." Zhongli also said.

"After listening to Zhongli's words, it seems to make sense!" Paimeng said with sudden enlightenment.

"Well... If that's the case, then I have no objection to resurrecting Egolia." Funina chose to believe Zhongli and Fukaros.

They both think that there is no problem with this matter, so there must be something they don't know. Since they think there is no problem, then sheSo she thought there was no problem...

Anyway...if there was any problem, she would no longer face it alone.

"That's good, then please give me the soul crystal of Egolia." Lin Yu stretched out a hand in the direction of Fukaros.

Fukaros looked silently in the direction of Funina.

Obviously, the necklace, as a decoration, was on Funina's body at this time.

Funina soon reacted. She remembered that she did have a necklace before, but later because of carelessness, the necklace broke.

So Funina took off the crystal on the necklace and made it into a pendant to hang on her body.

When she realized that this was the soul crystal of Egolia, Funina quickly took this soul crystal off her body.

At the same time, he said with some relief: "The craftsman who repaired my bracelet at that time said that this soul crystal could be polished into a ring. Now I think it's a good thing that I refused at that time, otherwise Egolia..."

"Don't worry, the soul crystal is very strong. Even the power of the demon god level cannot change the soul crystal." Lin Yu said softly.

Since Lin Yu chose to do this at that time, she naturally considered this point.

Therefore, the hardness of the soul crystal is very high. Unless it is placed in the center of the night light to explode, it is really difficult to destroy it by ordinary means.

Lin Yu took Egolia's soul crystal from Funina's hand.

The soul crystal bloomed with a white light in Lin Yu's hand, and then the soul crystal turned into a soul light ball, which was suspended in the palm of Lin Yu's hand.

Lin Yu checked the soul of Egolia in his hand and found that it was well preserved without any problems.

So now you can go directly to the next step.

Lin Yu found the appearance of Egolia in his memory, and then began to use the power of embodiment to restore the body according to the original appearance of Egolia.

After this step was completed, everyone could see Egolia's figure.

Egolia stood in front of everyone with her eyes closed.

Regarding the strength of Egolia's body, Lin Yu still followed the convention and embodied a body with the strength of an upper immortal.

It's not that the demon god can't be embodied, but the immortal body is more cost-effective.

Now Lin Yu looked at Egolia's soul light ball in his hand. The body was ready, so it was time to place the soul in it.

Lin Yu began to call on the power of the soul authority in his body. Egolia's soul light ball left Lin Yu's hand and flew towards the body that Lin Yu embodied for it.

Then Egolia's soul light ball sank into Egolia's body.

Under the power of the soul, the fusion between the two is perfect.

Now everyone in the Opikle Opera House is focused on Egolia, quietly waiting for Egolia to wake up.

Soon after, Egolia's eyebrows moved slightly, and then slowly opened her eyes.

"I... this is..."

Egolia lowered her head and looked at her hands in a daze


She raised her head and looked at the surrounding environment, her eyes full of incredible colors.

"The Ruler of Order, Zennos, the God of Rock, Morax, and... Fukalos, you... I... what is going on?"

Egolia didn't understand what was going on. If she remembered correctly, she should have fallen on the battlefield of Canreya, but what was going on now?

"Don't be confused. Normally, you have indeed fallen on the battlefield of Kanreya. At that time, I protected your soul and kept it until now."

"Now the time is finally ripe. Welcome back to Egolia." Lin Yu looked in the direction of Egolia and said with a smile.

After Lin Yu said this, Egolia understood what was going on.


"The ruler of order, I am a sinner. Since I have already died on the battlefield of Kanreya, why do you have to revive me? This puts too many risks on you..." Egolia said.

She was a sinner. Now that Lin Yu resurrected her, she might incur the punishment of the gods of Sky Island.

Egolia did not want to involve Lin Yu, the ruler of order, in this matter.

"So what if you are guilty?"

"I am the Ruler of Order, Zennos, who governs the order of the world. I now formally forgive all the sins I have ever committed."

"In this way, you are innocent."

EgoliaHe was stunned, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Lin Yu continued.

"Now Fontaine has just experienced the prophecy and is in a stage of reconstruction. The rule of law in Fontaine has long been destroyed in the entertainment to death, and it needs to be completely rebuilt."

"As the previous water god, you are also the god of justice. You are most familiar with everything in Fontaine in the past, so Fontaine needs you now."

"And this is your meritorious service. Only by leading the people of Fontaine to prosperity again can you be worthy of my pardon."

Fontaine has just experienced the prophecy and is in a stage of reconstruction?

The word prophecy touched Egolia's nerves at once. Could it be that Fontaine has been submerged now? Otherwise, how could it be in a stage of reconstruction?

"The ruler of order, can you tell me the current situation of Fontaine?"

"The prophecy has been broken, and the people of Fontaine have become real humans. The sins carried by all the people of Fontaine have dissipated."

"You can ask Fukalos for more details." Lin Yu said lightly.

Then Egolia set her sights on Fukalos, but in fact she set her sights on Funina.

The two souls are essentially connected, so from the perception of the breath, there is almost no big difference, so Egolia of course relies on the appearance of Fukalos in her memory to make judgments.

"Uh... That, I'm not Fukalos, my name is Funina, she is Fukalos."

Funina waved her hand and said, then pointed to Fukalos beside her.

This is a bit confusing for Egolia, after all, it happened after her, and she didn't know the relationship between Funina and Fukalos.

"It seems that you will have a lot of questions, but it doesn't matter. Fontaine is the most time-poor now."

"Now I will leave you to reminisce and learn about the current situation of Fontaine as soon as possible."

"I have some other things to do, so I will leave first. If there is anything that cannot be solved, you can ask me for help."

After saying this, Lin Yu turned around and prepared to leave.

At the same time, Zhongli, Qingyu and Xiao moved, ready to leave with Lin Yu.

Paimong shouted: "Hey! Lin Yu also took us!!!"

If you can't leave from Iliye Island with Lin Yu, I don't know how long it will take to return to Fontaine by taking the patrol ship.

After leaving the Opikle Opera House, the people outside the Opikle Opera House had already evacuated under the arrangement of the security team. When the Star-Eating Whale appeared, the breath emanating from the Star-Eating Whale alone was enough to make everyone feel extremely terrified.

Arriving outside the Opikle Opera House, Lin Yu released the Feather with a wave of his hand.

The door of the Feather slowly opened, and everyone sat in it one by one. Lin Yu directly handed over the driving of the Feather to Kong. Although driving the Feather only required a click on the operating panel, Lin Yu said that he was tired enough today.

Leaning on the seat of the Feather, waiting for the flying car to land.

After a while, the Feather stopped in front of the hotel. After getting off the car, Lin Yu put away the Feather, and then put his hands on Qingyu and Xiao's shoulders respectively.

With a weak look on his face, he walked towards the hotel.

Qingyu pushed open the door of the room, and the three of them entered together.

Lin Yu fell on the bed in a big character, and a light flashed on his ears. An Oasis device suddenly appeared, and then Lin Yu's face showed a touch of excitement.

"Qingyu, Xiao, what are you two waiting for?"

"Log in quickly!"

Lin Yu shouted in the direction of Qingyu and Xiao.

It was not easy to deal with the matter of Fengdan, so couldn't he, the God of Feathers, enjoy himself?

Lin Yu immediately ordered Qingyu and Xiao to log in quickly.

I don't know if Ruo Tuo and Xie Yue have surpassed their rankings during the time they were offline.

If their rankings were surpassed, then Lin Yu would definitely lead Qingyu and Xiao to fight back!

Xiao: I will defend the honor of Lord God of Feathers to the death!!!

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