Liyue's relocation is not something that can be accomplished simply.

It takes a certain amount of time to accumulate.

It is impossible to let the people abandon their original cities and farmlands and move to Guiliyuan with Morax and Lin Yu to establish a new city.

So we need to take it step by step.

"Well, Brother Morax is right. It happens that we are all three gods now. Why don't we discuss a suitable plan together to carry out the relocation of Liyue."

Lin Yu looked at Guizhong and Morax and said.

Guizhong agreed.

"Yes, this matter is very important to the people. We must discuss it carefully."

"It should be so." Morax said.

Guizhong smiled and said: "In the future, this piece of Guizhong Territory will become the territory shared by the three of us gods. If it is still called Guizhong Territory, it is a bit inappropriate."

"I don't have too many opinions on the title of the territory." Morax said.

The territory was provided by the Demon God of Dust Guizhong for free, so how could he have any other opinions on the name?

Lin Yu nodded: "Yes, yes, sister Guizhong, you can decide it yourself, I have no opinion on the name!"

Based on Guizhong's naming rules, Lin Yu has roughly guessed what the name of this territory shared by the three gods will be.

It's just that there is one more me!

"Is that so? If you two have no opinions and leave it to me."

"Then I have to think about it carefully."

Guizhong said with a lively look.

At the same time, she was constantly thinking about the name of the new territory in her mind.

After a period of thinking, Guizhong selected a name that she thought was most suitable from more than a hundred names in her mind.

"I've thought of it!"

"Since this territory will be shared by the three of us in the future, why don't we each take a character from our names and use it on the territory."

"Gui, taken from my name Guizhong."

"Yu, taken from Zennos's name, Lin Yu."

"Mo, taken from Morax's Mo."

"How about calling it Guiyumo?"

Guizhong looked at Lin Yu and Morax expectantly.


What the hell is Guiyumo!

Something's wrong, this is very wrong!

Lin Yu almost couldn't hold back the ice and kuole in his mouth.

Fortunately, he held back, otherwise he would have sprayed Morax's face with ice and kuole, and the scene was so beautiful that Lin Yu didn't dare to think about it.

But he felt that he would be chased and beaten.

"Eh? What's wrong? Is there anything wrong?"

Guizhong noticed Lin Yu's abnormality and asked Lin Yu.

Although Morax also felt that this name was not so satisfactory, he did not show it in his heart.

"Why did we two choose our own names, while Brother Morax chose the name of the demon god?"

"No, no, this is not harmonious and unified at all."

"In my opinion, Brother Morax should also give himself a name to walk in the world!"

Lin Yu explained.

The pressure was given to Morax.

Morax was stunned, so should I give myself a name to walk in the world now?

The Demon God of Dust returned to the end, and the Demon God Lin Yu was manifested.

If I were still Morax, it would seem a little unsociable.

Just a name.

Morax touched his chin, thought for a while, and gave the answer.

"In that case, let's call it Zhongli over there."

For Morax's name, Lin Yu had no expectations at all, because he knew that Morax would choose Zhongli as his name to walk in the world.

Although he used many different names and identities during the incognito visit, only the word Zhongli can best represent it.

"Zhongli? What a nice name."

"In that case, our territory will be called Guiyuli in the future!"

"And the newly built city will be called Guiyuli City!"

Gui Zhong said with a smile.

Morax nodded slightly: "The name has been determined, and the next step is to discuss how to carry out the relocation work in an orderly manner."

"You guys talk, I just listen."

Lin Yu lay on the table, staring at the iced cola bubbling in the glass in front of him, already in a bad posture.

Morax has long been accustomed to Lin Yu's appearance, and Gui Zhong will gradually get used to it.

Then the two began to discuss how to relocate in the safest way.

After about an hour, the result was that Gui Zhong and Zhong Li jointlyAfter discussion, it was completed.

The plan is relatively simple and safe.

But Lin Yu doesn't like this plan very much, because there are some things in this plan that are more costly for Lin Yu.

What is the reason?

During the relocation period, Morax will be stationed in the original Liyue City, Guizhong will be stationed in the current Guiyuli, and he, Lin Yu, will be responsible for guarding the team going to Zhuzao New City and transporting supplies.

When Lin Yu heard this plan, Bingkuole didn't care about it, his head shook like a bell, and he quickly refused.

But under the unanimous decision of Guizhong and Morax, Lin Yu's objection was invalid!

Since the objection was invalid, what else can Lin Yu do...


Forget it, it hurts the harmony.

It's definitely not possible to lose! After all, Lin Yu has never fought with all his strength until now, and he is not very clear about his specific combat performance.

But in terms of combat skills and experience, he is definitely not as good as Morax.

In the end, Lin Yu could only accept this task helplessly.

After the plan was decided, Lin Yu and Morax left Guiyuli.

Returned to Liyue City.

The first thing Morax did after returning to Liyue was to convene the entire Liyue management structure and explain the relocation of Liyue in detail.

As a request from the gods, they, the people who are protected by the gods, naturally have no objection.

What's more, Liyue is now in a situation where it cannot expand and its development is hindered.

The management structure started to work quickly, and then everyone in Liyue knew the news and expressed their maximum support.

When the city-building team was called, the people rushed to join it.

They all wanted to add their own strength to the construction of Liyue!

Did you see it? Our Lord God also needs our help! We who have been enjoying the protection of the demon god can now help the Lord God!

The people were very excited.

Soon after, the first convoy to Guiyuli was ready.

Before leaving, Lin Yu said to Morax.

"Zhongli, I'm leaving, don't miss me too much."

"Well, be careful."

Morax nodded slightly.

But in fact, with Lin Yu's current strength, the surrounding demons can not pose too much threat to him.

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