So, the consequences are serious!


Going to the toilet with a lantern in the middle of the night?

The Swamp Demon God was stunned, obviously he had never heard such sharp words.

While Hastus was stunned, Lin Yu had already taken action.

Lin Yu stretched out a hand.


The Broken Sky Sword flew down directly from the clouds and flew into Lin Yu's hand.

The sword body was cold and sharp.

As for why the Broken Sky Sword appeared above the clouds, Lin Yu would not tell you that he knew that there might be a battle coming.

So he put the Broken Sky Sword on the table in advance.

When the battle starts, shouting "Sword Come", wouldn't it be so cool!

Ha, I didn't expect that this kid in front of me still has two tricks.

The Swamp Demon God thought that a demon god like him who had no integrity would turn around and run away and complain to his Namorax.

"Put away your meaningless resistance, it's meaningless to me!"

The Swamp Demon God was very disdainful.

In his opinion, it was just a sword.

Even if the sword was sharp, what would it matter? He was the Swamp Demon God, using a sword to deal with the swamp?


"Humph, so much nonsense."

"I think you are really a toad wanting to eat swan meat, you are ugly and useless!"

"Watch out for the sword!"

Lin Yu said, and his kung fu did not stop at all.

A sword was slashed out.

The sword energy immediately split the muddy image condensed by Hastus into two halves.

"Hahaha! Useless work!!"

I saw that this ball of mud merged together again.

It seems that the sword just now did not cause any substantial damage to Hastus.

But the problem is not big, it was just an attempt by Lin Yu.

"Now, it's my turn!"

The swamp suddenly bulged, and several swamp tentacles stretched out from it, stretching towards Lin Yu, as if trying to pull Lin Yu into the swamp.

Lin Yu flew up with a look of disgust.

I stopped playing with mud when I was seven years old!

How childish!

Lin Yu didn't want his clothes to be stained with these mud stains.

While rising in height, Lin Yu slashed with a sword.

With a horizontal slash, all the extended swamp tentacles were cut off.

Obviously, these swamps have not yet reached the level of violating Newton's laws. After breaking, they turned into a pool of mud and fell back to the ground.

It's amazing to be able to fly!

The Swamp Demon threw swamp balls into the sky one by one, trying to hit Lin Yu.

As long as Lin Yu was stained with swamp mud, the Swamp Demon could activate the power of authority on Lin Yu.

Cause fatal damage to Lin Yu!

Lin Yu dodged these dirty mud balls slowly, and cut off the ones he couldn't avoid with his sword.

As time went by, Lin Yu began to become a little impatient.

Rage value +1

Rage value +1

Rage value +1

Calm down, calm down, don't be angry.

Lin Yu was a little worried that he would throw nuclear bombs at the Swamp Demon God.

The damage of that thing is indeed good, but next to it is Guiyu Licheng, although it has its own barrier protection, it can't affect the people inside.

But the land outside will be reclaimed and become farmland in the future.

If the nuclear bomb explodes, people will eat the food they grow in the future.

That would be a disaster.

"Swamp Demon God, why don't we change a place and have a fair duel?"

"It would be bad if those humans were affected because of our fight."

Lin Yu suggested.

The Swamp Demon God should agree, right?

"Hahaha, I don't!"

The arrogant laughter of the Swamp Demon God resounded.

Lin Yu slowly typed a question mark.

Why don't you play by the rules?

At that time, during the Demon God War, the battle of the gods affected a little girl who went up the mountain to collect herbs. They were able to propose a truce, and were moved by the little girl's will to survive, and spent their strength to treat her.

At this point, they can only choose other ways.

Even if the Sky-breaking Sword can cut through space, what does it matter? This guy's swamp can be restored to its original state in an instant.

Lin Yu's mouth corners slightly raised, and he had a good idea.

What about the Swamp Demon God.

He wanted to see, he dried up the swamp, what can the Swamp Demon God do?

"I said, there must be light!"

A blazing fireball appeared in Lin Yu's palm, which was the MAX, PULS version of Lin Yu's small fireball technique before.

It looks like a miniature star.

In the blazing light, a terrifying temperature was emanating.!

The surface temperature alone has reached 8000 degrees Celsius! You should know that the surface temperature of the sun is only about 6000 degrees Celsius.

It is so terrifying!

Lin Yu threw the star into the sky, and the star became a little bigger.

It burst out with extremely high temperature above this swamp, scorching the earth!

In an instant, a lot of white smoke came out of the swamp, and those sticky swamps began to dry up, and the earth cracked.

"Uh, ah!!"

"What is going on here?!"

The swamp dried up, so that Hastus, the god of the swamp, could no longer hide in the swamp.

Hastus's body was directly exposed to the scorching of the star.

Especially the star turned on automatic following, and wherever Hastus ran, the star would chase him.

Obviously Hastus did not expect that Lin Yu, who was regarded as a soft persimmon by him, could use such a terrifying power!

And it was a power of high temperature attribute.

He instantly felt that he was restrained!

"Where do you want to go?"

Lin Yu chased after him.

The Swamp Demon God obviously wanted to escape.

But how could Lin Yu let him escape? After all, this was delivered to him by the Swamp Demon God himself!

"Zennos, don't even think about it!"

The Swamp Demon God shouted loudly.

It must be said that the movement speed of creatures at the level of Demon God is still quite fast. In a short while, they have left Guiyu dozens of kilometers away from the city.


Lin Yu no longer intends to drive away the Swamp Demon God.

He waved his hand, controlled the star in the sky, and fell in the direction of the Swamp Demon God.

In a moment, the whole world was quiet.

A new sun rose in the sky, and the surroundings were illuminated by the extreme light!

Perhaps from the Sky Island, you can see the small dots of light flashing.

After all the noises calmed down, only a huge pit with a diameter of more than 6,000 meters remained, and the entire pit was still filled with molten lava and white mist.

It is hard to imagine what happened here.

"He is not dead?"

Lin Yu was stunned.

He just used his divine sense to check all the conditions in the entire pit, and did not find the breath of the Swamp Demon God.

You must know that after the death of the demon god, all the power in the demon god's body will burst out, similar to self-explosion.

And the demon god is not an existence that can be completely destroyed.

After the death of the demon god, the demon god's remnant will be left.

At present, there is no breath of the demon god's remnant in this pit, not even the demon god's remnant.

Unexpectedly, the Swamp Demon God still escaped.

Lin Yu touched his chin.

It doesn't feel strange. The Swamp Demon God can annex the territories of the other three demon gods. Obviously, he is also an extremely resourceful existence.

Otherwise, the Dust Demon God will not regard him as a threat when he dies.

Lin Yu held his forehead.

This swamp demon was not killed in the end, but instead created such a big problem for himself.

The first is the huge pit in front of him.

It seriously damaged the environment of Guiyuli Plain.

Think about it, if such a large thing similar to a meteorite crater appeared in a plain, would it look good and beautiful?

It would be nice to inject water into it in the future and become a lake.

It's just a little problem, but it's nothing, it can't make Lin Yu feel a headache.

It can still be solved by gritting your teeth.

But before, in order to deal with the bastard swamp demon, the star burned everything nearby, and now the whole earth is like a very rare drought that occurs once every few thousand years.

The earth is full of cracks.

If the fight continues, the Guiyuli Plain, which has not experienced the demon war, will soon become the ruins of Guiyuli thousands of years later.

Lin Yu was angry when he thought of this.

Damn Swamp Demon!

Just wait, you will definitely be in trouble!

"Earth escape, soil pouring technique!"

Lin Yu used the power of materialization to materialize a large amount of soil to fill the entire giant pit.

At least now from the surface, the fresh soil is much more pleasing to the eye than the previous hot giant pit.

Just materializing something like soil does not consume much for Lin Yu.


Lin Yu sighed, then looked up at the sky.

Then he snapped his fingers.

"Water escape, heavy rain technique."

Lin Yu materialized several thick dark clouds, which quickly covered the clouds in this area.

Then the heavy rain continued to fall.

At first, the rain fell on the ground, directly on the hot ground, and a white cloud rose.The high temperature directly atomized the raindrops. As the massive amount of rain fell, the temperature returned to the previous level, and the cracked earth began to recover. After the rain, the water lost in the earth will be replenished. As for the small flowers and grasses that died because of this, Lin Yu spread his hands. He could only say that he was powerless. But it doesn't matter. After all, if the grass is not cut off, it will grow again in the spring breeze. He believes in the vitality of nature. In less than half a year, the green grass will sprout again and cover the entire disaster area soon. After doing all this, a pale yellow light flew over from a distance. The person who came was Gui Zhong. She was originally in her palace, studying and making some interesting "gadgets", and suddenly heard a loud noise. Then she saw that in the direction of Gui Yu Licheng, which was under construction in space, a dazzling new sun was rising, and she felt something was wrong. She flew towards Gui Yu Licheng as soon as possible. "What happened? What happened just now? Lin Yu, are you okay? Why did the earth become like this?"

Gui Zhong's words were like a torrent of water.

Lin Yu scratched his head and explained.

"Well, it's nothing serious."

"It was just that the Swamp Demon God Hastus came to my house to make trouble, and then I beat him up."

"In the end... that's it."

Lin Yu spread his hands, very helpless.

? ?

So the scene just now was Lin Yu fighting with the Swamp Demon God Hastus?

Gui Zhong looked around in a daze.

The cracked earth that had not yet recovered, the color of the soil was obviously wrong, and it seemed that the circular area with a diameter of 6,000 meters was buried.

So, is Lin Yu so powerful?

Gui Zhong knew the authority of the Swamp Demon God very well, so the demon god who caused the previous scene could only be Lin Yu.

Lin Yu had never shown his strength in front of Gui Zhong.

Now it seems that Lin Yu is also one of the top demons.

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