"Well, it's settled!"

Lin Yu patted Morax's shoulder and said with a smile.

Morax looked at Lin Yu, who was full of energy, and a smile appeared on his face inadvertently.

Lin Yu was a man of action.

Immediately decided to go to his room with Morax and make a drastic transformation.

"Yes, now all these stone furniture will be removed!"

Lin Yu looked at Morax and said.

With a tool like Morax at hand, Lin Yu certainly wouldn't do it himself!

Although they were all not very good stone furniture, Morax still had a lot of furniture.

"Okay, right away."

Looking at Lin Yu's commanding look, Morax said.

Then he waved his hand, and golden light wrapped around the furniture, and then the furniture floated up and was transferred to other rooms by Morax.

"It's done. Can you start your decoration show?"

Morax looked at Lin Yu and said.

Lin Yu clapped his hands and said, "Of course!"

"I believe you will like this masterpiece of this decoration master!"

Ahem, although I have only played with the Chen Ge pot for a while.

But this does not prevent Lin Yu from calling himself a decoration master.

Anyway, Morax is just a stone!

What does he know about art!

I say this is art, then this is art!


"Okay, I'm looking forward to it." Morax nodded and said with a smile.

He had heard the boasting in Lin Yu's tone.

But he didn't point it out, just watched Lin Yu constantly materialize furniture and began to decorate this empty room.

With the last decorative potted plant placed in the corner by Lin Yu.

At this point in Morax's room, Lin Yu was completely decorated.

If you continue to stuff some furniture in, it will not look beautiful, but it will look a bit bloated inside.

But if there are fewer furniture, it will look empty.

So, this decoration is really an art!

"How is it? Morax, do you like my masterpiece?"

Lin Yu looked at Morax who had been watching and asked him.

Morax nodded and said, "I don't know much about this, but from the appearance alone, it is indeed very good."

"Thank you, Zennos."

"You're welcome, you're welcome, isn't this how friends should get along?" Lin Yu said with a smile.

After Lin Yu left.

Morax kept thinking about this sentence.

Isn't this how friends should get along?

Yes, it is true.

Morax has made Zennos his friend!

Lin Yu returned to his room and lay bored on his soft big bed, with his hands behind his head and his legs crossed.

He looked so cool, except for holding a piece of dog's basil in his mouth.

But Lin Yu was not thinking about cool things.

Today was the first day he traveled to the ancient times of the world of Teyvat, the original god.

Fortunately, he met Morax, whom he knew, and Morax's character was indeed impeccable.

In less than a day, he had embraced Morax's thigh.

If he didn't commit suicide and was a little bit more cowardly.

He should be able to survive the Demon God War.

But is this really all he pursues?

Lin Yu asked himself, he didn't seem to be like this.

If he only embraced the thigh and didn't have enough strength, when he encountered danger and things he couldn't solve, could he only watch?

Such a sense of powerlessness is too great, so what is the meaning of his own manifested authority?

But, how should the manifested authority be used in battle?

So, can I manifest a large-yield nuclear bomb? When he saw a demon he couldn't defeat, he kept throwing nuclear weapons at him.

If he couldn't threaten the demon, it must be because the nuclear bomb's equivalent was not enough!

Ahem, this idea of ​​his was too dangerous.

It was feasible, and it was okay to use it in the land of the Kingdom of Winter, but if it was used in Liyue, the damage to the environment would be too great.

Just treat it as your secret weapon, and never use it easily until the last moment!

Is there any other way?

By the way, the power of his body was materialized by himself through the power of embodiment.

Since he could give his body huge power through embodiment.

Then could he directly materialize the power?

"Fire escape, small flame technique!"

Thinking of this, Lin Yu jumped up from the bed with a carp jump.Sitting up, he shouted loudly.

At the same time, he mobilized his materialization authority.

"It really works! Good, so magical."

As expected, a small flame appeared on the fingertips of Lin Yu.

This is the power that Lin Yu materialized through the materialization authority.

Since the fire element can be materialized, what about the others?

"Water escape, small water ball technique!"

"Little vine, grow up quickly!"

"Uh, freeze it!"

"And this, wind element!"

"Finally, thunder!"

Lin Yu is very excited or excited now.

He has now used all the elemental powers. Although it is only the most basic application, Lin Yu is still very excited.

Who can refuse to use seven elemental powers?

But it is not the use of elemental power, because all of these are limited by his own materialization authority.

I feel that there are still many things to be developed in the future!

"Morax, good morning!"

Lin Yu found Morax very deliberately and said to him.

Morax looked over and said, "What's wrong?"

"You haven't had breakfast yet! These soup dumplings are all my favorite food!"

"Want to try it?"

Lin Yu took out a basket of soup dumplings hidden behind him.

Looked at Morax and said with a smile.

Morax saw Lin Yu's thoughts at a glance.

It's too obvious that he wants something from me.

"As demon gods, we don't need to eat, which is a common activity."

"But since it's your intention, I'll try it."

Morax said.

Looking at Morax saying this, Lin Yu was a little unconvinced.

Who doesn't know that Zhongli thousands of years later, every day he eats either at Liuli Pavilion or Xinyue Pavilion, or at Wanmin Hall where Xiangling is on duty!

It can only be said that it's not that he doesn't like it, but that he hasn't encountered delicious food!

At this stage, the food of ordinary people is very simple, and the stove demon Marcosius has not yet joined Morax's team.

As for the food, it is naturally difficult to describe.

Morax picked up a soup dumpling. It smelled a faint fragrance from the outside, and it felt nothing special.

The soup dumpling had a thin skin and a lot of stuffing. When Morax just bit it, he felt the richness and deliciousness of the stuffing. Then the soup burst out from the soup dumpling and instantly wrapped the whole mouth.

A sense of surprise and satisfaction came naturally.

Morax's evaluation of this was that it was a rare delicacy.

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