Gui Zhong and Marcosius, who were watching the game beside Lin Yu and Morax, were also stunned.

Morax shook his head helplessly.

"Well, you win."

Marcosius looked at Gui Zhong with some doubts, looking for a solution.

"It turns out that the rules of Go are so mysterious and changeable. Can Gui Zhong tell me something?" Marcosius asked inquiringly.

Gui Zhong fell into deep thought...

How to explain this?

"Uh... Marcosius, don't worry about this chess at the moment. This is Lin Yu's unique way of playing chess, which is not restricted by the rules of Go."

"You must not learn from him."

Gui Zhong looked at Marcosius and said.

If Marcosius is interested in Go, then she can also teach him personally, but she must not learn Lin Yu's way of playing chess without any reason.

That is not playing chess at all, it is just a mess.

This way of playing chess can only be played at home. If you go out to play chess with others, you may be beaten up.

Lin Yu is probably the one who beats others, but Marcosius should not learn to do this...

Marcosius nodded thoughtfully.

Lin Yu, who won the chess game, naturally smiled.

After today, the entire Guiyuli Plain will be on alert and guarded!

No one knows whether there will be any unthinking demon gods who will attack Guiyuli City, so we have to guard against it.

As demon gods, we are not worried about the invasion of demon gods.

It's just that if the demon gods invade, it will affect the people of Guiyuli because they are not prepared.

Fortunately, the decree of heaven has just been issued, and the demon gods have not made any big movements yet, and everything has returned to peace.

The peace is terrifying.

The demon gods are not stupid people. They are all on guard and alert to possible demon attacks around them.

As if trapped in the bondage of the law of the dark forest

Everything was terribly quiet.

But such silence was destined to not last too long. Some ambitious demons had already made preparations after the accumulation of time.

They began to attack the weak demons around them.

This spark instantly ignited the entire bundle of quiet explosives of the Demon War, and the entire Teyvat continent was in turmoil, and everyone was in danger!

Anyone could become the next one!

These days, under the instruction of Morax, Guiyuli Qianyan Army has expanded to 30,000. After training, these Qianyan Army will patrol the entire Guiyuli.

While protecting Guiyuli's safety, it is also a part of Guiyuli's defense against the invasion of demons.

It's not that the Qianyan Army should confront the demons. As long as a demon enters Guiyuli's territory, the Qianyan Army will be able to discover it in the first time.

Then convey the news to Liyu Palace in the first time.

In this way, Morax can react in the first time.

The area of ​​Guiyuli Plain is very large. Morax, as a powerful demon god, cannot cover the entire Guiyuli Plain under his divine consciousness.

Therefore, these Qianyan troops are naturally an important key to maintaining the peace and stability of the entire Guiyuli.

Since the flames of the Demon God War were completely ignited, there have been demon gods fighting around Guiyuli from time to time. The demon gods have strong survival ability, otherwise there would not be a record of a fight between demon gods and demon gods for hundreds of years.

Outside Tianheng Mountain, near the former site of Liyue City, there are more than ten demon gods around. Now these more than ten demon gods are fighting each other, and this place has fallen into endless war.

This shows the importance of the Tianheng Mountain defense line.

This Tianheng Mountain defense line is a natural barrier that blocks the connection between Guiyuli Plain and this place, and is always on guard against demons affected by the Demon God War and fleeing to the Guiyuli area.

If a large number of demons pour into Guiyuli, the chaos and consequences brought about can be imagined.

Fortunately, on the day when the Demon God War began, Guizhong was responsible for the final completion of the Tianheng Mountain Defense Line, but was interrupted by a passage in the sky.

After the Tianheng Mountain Defense Line was built, the first batch of Qianyan Army was successfully stationed in it.

The three fortresses of the entire Tianheng Mountain Defense Line, a total of six Guizhong machines and several other small Guizhong machines, can form a powerful firepower barrage to suppress the enemy.

It also makes the natural barrier of Tianheng Mountain more solid and unbreakable.

At the same time, after completing the coal detection, Marcosius, after discussing with Morax and Guizhong, also resolutely decided to go to the Tianheng Mountain Defense Line to guard this place.

If there is no demon god sitting in the formation, then other demon gods may have some tricks against the Tianheng Mountain Defense Line.

And MarcoXiusi also changed his mind.

He hoped to see the smiles on the faces of his people while eating.

It was just that after the Demon God War began, Gui Yuli was still safe with four demon gods, and other demon gods had to weigh their own strength if they wanted to provoke them, right?

But the news of war everywhere still poured into Gui Yuli.

The trade route was blocked, and Gui Yuli's economy was also affected a lot.

The quality of life of the people of Gui Yuli also declined, but the problem was not big. The most important food, Gui Yuli had already achieved self-sufficiency.

At the same time, a huge granary was built underground to ensure that even if the farmland was destroyed by the war.

It can also guarantee Gui Yuli's food for several years.

Fortunately, the entire Gui Yuli was protected by four demon gods, and there were also patrols and guards of the Qianyan Army, which made the people of Gui Yuli feel full of security in this dangerous Teyvat continent.

Lin Yu was sitting in his hall at this time, thinking about something.

"Oh, it's really chaotic."

Now, dozens of demons are fighting in the old site of Liyue City. The scene was once very chaotic, but no demon has fallen yet.

I don't know what the situation is like, Brother Qingxu?

Although Brother Qingxu is located in a remote area and his territory is not too large or small, he is a free and easy person who has no enemies and does not like to expand externally.

But now the Demon War has begun.

Even with the existence of powerful demons such as Morax, it is still helpless.

The rolling trend of this Demon War will push us forward.

"Do you want to meet Brother Qingxu?"

Lin Yu casually put a night light back on his desk.

Because the Demon War has begun, Lin Yu no longer placed the night light in this palace, but put it into his own Demon Space.

Only one night light was left on his desk.

As a toy to play with, or as a lighting fixture.

Lin Yu was a little hesitant in his heart, wondering whether he should go to meet Brother Qingxu. He didn't know whether Brother Qingxu would change because of the start of the Demon God War.

In fact, in his heart, he wanted to pull Brother Qingxu into Gui Yuli.


Although the two were close friends, they did not live together.

Lin Yu did not dare to say that he had a complete and thorough understanding of Qingxu. What kind of person was Qingxu?

Unlike him and Morax, he already knew what kind of person Morax was from the original game. Otherwise, he would not have agreed to Morax's proposal from the beginning.

Lin Yu was very entangled in his heart.

Finally, he decided to tell Morax about this matter and wanted to hear all the suggestions from Brother Morax.

"That's it. I don't know if Brother Morax thinks I should go or not."

Lin Yu came to Morax's palace, told Morax his inner thoughts, and asked Morax for some advice about him.

"Since we are close friends, we should go no matter what. If we have changed because of this, we can also recognize Qingxu's true face."

"As for the invitation to join Guiyuli, I believe Brother Zennos has his own judgment on this matter."

"I will explain this to Guizhong and Marcosius."

Morax said.

He left the decision of whether the Sword Demon God Qingxu could join Guiyuli to Lin Yu.

However, Morax personally preferred that the Sword Demon God would not agree with Lin Yu's decision.

Although Qingxu and Lin Yu were close friends, it was not the case for him, Guizhong and Marcosius. So could he really make up his mind to follow Lin Yu to Guiyuli and live in the same room with the three other demon gods?

Lin Yu nodded: "I understand."

So Lin Yu's final decision was to go to Qingxupu to see Qingxu.

Then, under the gaze of Morax, Lin Yu turned into a ray of white light and flew rapidly towards Qingxupu.

Crossing the Tianheng Mountain defense line, passing the old site of Liyue City, and about to arrive at the territory of the Sword Demon God, Qingxupu.

When approaching Qingxupu, Lin Yu felt the powerful fluctuation of the demon god's power.

One force came from Qingxu, which Lin Yu was very familiar with.

The other force, Lin Yu was not clear.

"Not good!"

Such a powerful fluctuation of the demon god's power can only be that Brother Qingxu is fighting with another demon god.

Lin Yu accelerated his speed and stepped into the territory of Qingxupu.

Then he saw in the sky that Qingxu, dressed in green, holding the Qingxu sword, was fighting with a group of demon gods full of ominous.

The forces of both sides collided with each other in the sky, causing huge ripples.

The entire QingxupuThe faces of the humans in the ruins were full of panic, and they were looking for a reliable place to hide.


"Brother Qingxu, I'll help you!"

Lin Yu took out his Broken Sky Sword, then flew into the battlefield, and fought the ominous aura with Qingxu.

"Brother Zennos! Why are you here?"

"The demon god who invaded my Qingxupu this time is Kart, the demon god of plague."

"Brother Zennos, be careful not to be corroded by Kart's plague aura. If we are entangled by this plague aura and enter the origin, even if we are demon gods, we will be as sick as mortals!"

Seeing that it had been a long time since Brother Zennos came to help, Qingxu hurriedly explained to Zennos some information about the demon god of plague.

Kart, the demon god of plague, as the demon god of plague, holds the power of plague, and the plague aura transformed by the power of plague.

If you go deep into the origin of the demon god, even the demon god will be infected with the plague.

In the end, he died of the disease!

So the one in front of him was actually the demon god of plague, Kart?

The power of removing the plague in the hands of the demon god can even make the demon god die of the disease!

It's really so terrifying! ! !

Lin Yu looked at the monster in the mist seriously. The appearance of this monster was really difficult for Lin Yu to describe. It was a bit like a monster that only appeared in the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

The biggest feature is that it is extremely ugly.

No wonder it is the demon god of plague. The appearance and identity are really matched.

Lin Yu nodded: "Well, Brother Qingxu, I will pay attention."

Seeing Lin Yu's appearance, Kart, the demon god of plague, was stunned. Wasn't he still slightly dominant just now? Why is it two against one after a while?

"You, the demon god of sword Qingxu! You are despicable and shameless!!!" The demon god of plague was a little stunned.

In order to plan Qingxu, the Demon God of Plague can make great efforts, so that other demon gods will not interfere in this matter.

For this reason, a lot of interest exchanges were carried out.

I never thought that a demon god would come in now!

"Zennos? Are you the demon god of Gui Yuli?"

"Since the Demon God War began, you, the Demon God Gui Yuli, have cut off contact with the outside world. I thought you would become a complete coward and dare not face the cruel Demon God War!"

"I didn't expect that today, you would interfere in the affairs of my Demon God of Plague."

"Do you think that I, the Demon God of Plague, am easy to bully?"

The Demon God of Plague argued with reason.

Lin Yu was a little speechless.

"Sword Demon God Qingxu is my best friend. Now my best friend is in trouble and I come to help him. How can I bully you, the Demon God of Plague? How childish."

"Why don't you go back crying and complain to your mother now?"

"Oh, as a demon god, you don't have a mother."

Lin Yu smiled and looked at the Demon God of Plague and challenged.


Although the Demon God of Plague didn't quite understand what Lin Yu meant, it was definitely not a good thing.

However, he was angry, but he could feel that Lin Yu's strength was not weak.

If he was fighting alone, he could still test it.

But now Qingxu and he are fighting him together, so he is the one who suffers.

If he is not careful, there is still the danger of falling.

The Demon God of Plague is not so stupid.

"You wait for me!"

The Demon God of Plague said the harsh words and flew in a direction outside Qingxupu.

Lin Yu looked at the direction where the Plague Demon God left.

Holding the Sky-breaking Sword, he swung it.

"One sword"

"Open the sky!"

A white sword blade hundreds of meters long was slashed out.

The Plague Demon God sensed the danger and wanted to dodge, but the sword had already slashed on him.

If his body had not been sideways, this sword would have slashed the origin. By then, the origin would be damaged and the strength would be reduced. After he, the Plague Demon God, returned, wouldn't he be targeted by other demons?

"Zennos! Zennos!"

"I will never forgive you!!"

The Plague Demon God muttered with resentment.

But he still didn't have the courage to rush up and fight two people. He turned into a ray of black light and left here at the fastest speed.

Fearing that he would be slashed from behind.

Cutting the grass without removing the roots is not Lin Yu's style, but there are more important things at the moment, so he temporarily let the Plague Demon God Kart go.

However, the demon god of plague, Kart, has been written into Lin Yu's little notebook.

This is the must-kill list!

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