The immortals then discovered that there was actually a pavilion standing above the Guiyuli cloud layer.

The immortals looked at everything in the pavilion with great curiosity.

It was incredible to see that Morax stood in the cloud.

You must know that this is not some kind of cave-sky technique, but real clouds and mist. They did not expect that these clouds and mists could actually stand on it.

Originally, they thought that only the pavilion could stand.

It was really magical.

However, even at this moment, they had many doubts in their hearts, but they did not express them directly. Instead, they entered the pavilion in the cloud at the invitation of Morax.

"Please sit down, everyone, don't be restrained."

Morax looked at the immortals and said.

This pavilion in the cloud is no longer the original small pavilion. After Lin Yu's continuous upgrading and transformation.

Now it is not a problem to hold a party or a gathering on this pavilion in the cloud.

It is not a problem to entertain the immortals.

The immortals transformed themselves into human forms again and took their seats one by one.

During this time, Morax lightly brewed a pot of hot tea for them.

"The immortal Jueyunjian lives in seclusion, and today's visit by the immortals is a bit sudden, so there is not much preparation. Please forgive me if the hospitality is not good enough."

Morax looked at the immortals and said.

Although Morax said so, from receiving the immortals to the pavilion in the clouds, Morax showed Gui Yuli's hospitality.

"Humph, it's all because of the eight demon gods surrounding Jueyunjian."

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun said.

His tone was full of dissatisfaction with the eight demon gods.


Morax became interested.

Then, under the immortals' narration, he began to gradually tell the grievances between Jueyunjian and the eight demon gods.

After listening to the immortals' narration, Morax understood.

As he guessed, the immortals in Jueyunjian were indeed in trouble.

After failing to fight for it, did they decide to destroy it?

Morax Yu had a deep friendship with the immortals in Jueyunjian, so Morax naturally did not want to see Jueyunjian destroyed by the eight demon gods.

"I see, I already understand the specific situation."

"So what are you going to do now?"

Morax looked at the immortals and asked.

If he needed to take action, relying on his deep friendship with the immortals in Jueyunjian, this would not be a big problem.

It was just helping once, could it help for a while?

So Morax thought, listen to the opinions of the immortals first.

After hearing what Morax said, the immortals fell into silence for a while. The purpose of all of them coming here had been prepared before they set off.

But... who should speak up?

True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng, True Lord Gechen Langshi, and True Lord Yixiao Daotian were talking to each other in a low voice.

As the demon god Morax, if he wanted to listen, he could hear it, but he chose to respect the privacy of the immortals, so he did not eavesdrop on the whispers between the immortals.

After a while, it seemed that they had discussed the result.

True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng stepped forward and walked towards Morax.

"Hmph, forget it, since you don't say anything, then I will talk about this matter."

"One or two of you talked excitedly at the time, but now in front of the demon god of rock, you start to shirk each other, not as open and generous as me." True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng said to himself.

If he had not participated in the discussion and shirking before, these words might have been believed by other immortals.

So what is the matter?

Morax became more and more curious, waiting for Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun to speak.

"We are here on behalf of the immortals of the entire Jueyunjian, just for one thing."

One thing?

While Morax was thinking, suddenly, under the leadership of Liuyun, all the immortals bowed in the direction of Morax.

"We are willing to join Guiyuli, please don't refuse the Demon God of Rock!"

Everyone said in unison.


Morax slowly typed a question mark.

This point really caught Morax off guard, he had never thought of such a scene before.

But think about it.

If all the immortals of Jueyunjian joined Guiyuli, then for the immortals of the entire Jueyunjian, wouldn't it be a solution?

After all, there are very few demon gods who will take the initiative to provoke questions about Guiyuli.Li's incident.

With the participation of many immortals, each immortal has his own expertise. If Gui Yuli is led by so many immortals, he will surely reach a higher and more prosperous level.

However, this matter is of great importance, and he cannot make such a decision alone.

It is necessary to discuss with other demons before.

However, Morax is inclined to accept the participation of the immortals of Jueyunjian.

The immortals of Jueyunjian are different from demons, and their identities are not so sensitive, not to mention that Morax has already had a lot of intersections with them before.

"Uh... do you really think so?

Morax asked.

"Of course!"

The immortals said in unison again.

The words were full of determination, and Morax had already felt the determination of the immortals.

Morax nodded, looked at the immortals and said.

"As for your joining Gui Yuli, as one of the four demons of Gui Yuli, I have no objection. "

"But this matter is serious now, and he needs to discuss with several other demon gods before he can give you a definite answer."

The immortals expressed their understanding.

After all, they also knew that Guiyuli was not Morax's Guiyuli alone. In addition to Morax, there were three demon gods in Guiyuli.

It's just that I don't know whether the other three demon gods will agree to them joining Guiyuli.

But with Morax's help, there shouldn't be any big problems.

Then Morax left the Pavilion in the Clouds.

At the same time, he told the immortals that they could take advantage of this period of time to have a good stroll in Guiyu City, but just try not to disturb the lives of ordinary people.

After getting such permission, the immortals were extremely excited.

Quickly transformed into an appearance that fits the appearance of ordinary people, and then took a bag of Morax given by Morax before leaving, Then he went to Guiyuli City.

As for Morax, he was going to find the other three demon gods separately.

Discuss the matter of Jueyunjian Immortal with him.

After hearing the movement outside the door, Lin Yu immediately withdrew from his practice mode and found that it was Morax's breath outside the door. Lin Yu immediately showed surprise.

You know, this stone basically won't come to find itself in person.

What happened today?

Could it be that the stone bloomed?

No, a stone is a stone, how can a stone bloom?

Lin Yu got up quickly, came to the door of the palace, opened the door of the palace, and looked at Morax outside the door.

"Hey, it's really rare to see it. Brother Morax came to the door in person."

"Is today a good day?"

Lin Yu said with a smile to Morax.

"From a general rational point of view, today is not a special day worth remembering."

"But if things go well, it may become a special day worth remembering. "

Morax said seriously.


Lin Yu raised his eyebrows.

Why did Morax suddenly talk about riddles?

"If you have something to say, say it quickly, don't talk about those nonsense, I hate riddlers the most!"

Lin Yu rolled his eyes and looked at Morax with a little impatience.

What he hated most in the game was the riddler.

Obviously he knew everything, but he didn't tell you.

Instead, he just gave you a few words and asked you to search for clues based on these contents and find the truth of the matter yourself.

Although the process was good, Lin Yu just wanted to give up.

"Regarding the matter of the immortals in Jueyunjian, earlier today..."

Morax didn't continue to keep the secret and explained to Lin Yu what happened today .

After listening to it, Lin Yu understood it.

In the later Teyvat continent, he only knew about the contract between the immortals and Morax, but he never thought that there was such a reason behind it.

Then we have to thank the eight demon gods.

If it weren't for the actions of the eight demon gods, how could the immortals of Jueyunjian be pushed into Gui Yuli's arms faster?

What kind of gifts should I give to express my gratitude when I meet next time...

"So I want to ask about your opinion."

Morax looked at Lin Yu and said.

"Huh? What opinions can I have? Isn't it a good thing for the immortals of Jueyunjian to join our Gui Yuli?"

Lin Yu put his hand on Morax's shoulder. He wanted to finish this sentence in a free and easy manner, but he had to tiptoe because of his height.

So Lin Yu put his hand away again.Go back.

Ahem, if I had known that I would have adjusted my height a little higher when I was making people.

But fortunately, at least it is taller than the seven-foot-five-inch immortal in the future.

In this way, Lin Yu was satisfied.

"In this way, I understand."

"Come with me to ask Gui Zhong for his opinion, Brother Zennos."

Morax said.


Lin Yu said with a smile.

Anyway, I have already left the state of cultivation and will soon witness the contract scene between the immortal and Morax. How can I be absent at this moment?

Morax nodded slightly.

Then he set off with Lin Yu.

Gui Zhong is not in Gui Yu Li at present. If nothing unexpected happens, Gui Zhong should be in the cave of the Tianheng Mountain Defense Line.

As the Gui Zhong machine is continuously put into use in the Tianheng Mountain Defense Line, the Gui Zhong machine will be damaged after a long time of use. When the damage reaches a certain critical value, it will naturally become inoperable.

Generally, at such times, the Guizhong is remade.

After all, the internal parts of the Guizhong machine in this case have different degrees of wear and tear, and it is more troublesome to repair, so it is better to remake it.

However, after making the Guizhong machine for a long time, Guizhong also discovered an unavoidable problem.

First of all, Guizhong has become more and more familiar with the craftsmanship of making the Guizhong machine.

However, she can only make one Guizhong machine at a time, which is too slow in terms of efficiency.

And there is a lot of demand in the direction of Tianheng Mountain.

In this way, Guizhong's time will be occupied by making the Guizhong machine, and then other mechanism research and subsequent upgrades of the Guizhong machine will have to be put on hold.

So Guizhong decided to come up with a solution.

So, can we build a mechanism that can be put into materials to automatically make the Guizhong machine?

Guizhong's eyes lit up, and she thought this idea was very feasible.

So Gui Zhong started a new round of research. She combined some of the technologies she obtained from disassembling and researching the smart chessboard given by Lin Yu.

Although it can't achieve the computing power of the smart chessboard, if it is used in simple production and manufacturing.

It is more than enough.

It is completely feasible in theory, but there are still many technical problems waiting for Gui Zhong to break through one by one.

So Gui Zhong has been staying in the cave house on the Tianheng Mountain defense line recently.

Rather than saying it is a cave house, it is better to say that it is Gui Zhong's factory here.

"Lin Yu, Morax? Hey, why are you two here suddenly? Could something major have happened?"

Gui Zhong was shocked.

After all, one has been practicing for a long time, and the other is completely a stone, but the two of them are combined together and come to his side.

It is obvious that something happened.

So Gui Zhong seriously suspected that there was something wrong with Gui Yuli again!

"What's the big problem? Guizhong, you're really good at thinking." Lin Yu said with a smile.

"I see, that's good."

"Since it's not a big problem, then it's a small problem?"

Guizhong's eyes moved and he immediately thought of it.

Lin Yu said: "There are just some things that need to be asked about Sister Guizhong's opinion."

Then Morax briefly explained the situation of the immortals in Jueyunjian to Guizhong.

And expressed his and Lin Yu's opinions and attitudes.


"It turned out that the immortals in Jueyunjian wanted to join our Guiyuli because they were persecuted by the surrounding demons."

"This is a good thing, I have no problem."

Guizhong touched his chin and said after thinking for a while.

Hehe, now Guiyuli has vacancies everywhere.

If the immortals in Jueyunjian join, wouldn't they be able to directly make up for these vacancies?

Moreover, I heard that among the immortals, there are several who are particularly good at making mechanisms. When the time comes, I will persuade them with emotion and reason, and lure them all to my cave.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to study these mechanism making techniques together?


Why do I have such a strange idea.

It seems that I have been with Lin Yu for a long time and have been influenced by Lin Yu's personality.

Yes, it must be like this.

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