Everyone is working hard in a good direction!

Our Guiyuli is thriving!

After watching this scene with great satisfaction, Lin Yu came back to Qingyu, patted Qingyu on the shoulder and said.

"Brother Qingyu."

"Leave the rest of the things here to the people of Guiyuli City Affairs Department. Don't worry, they are professionals and will definitely be able to properly settle the people of Qingxupu. There will be no problems."

"Let's go to Morax, Marcosius and Guizhong to discuss the follow-up matters."

To be honest, this is Qingyu's first time to Guiyuli.

I have heard that people say that Guiyuli is extremely prosperous, but seeing is worse than hearing. Now I can feel the shock brought by seeing it in person.

The scale of Guiyuli City alone is already several times the area of ​​Qingxupu City.

Not to mention the unique Chinese-style buildings.

I don't know why, just at a glance, Qingyu has already liked this style of architecture.

After hearing Lin Yu's words, Qing Yu came back to his senses from the shock.

"Ah, that's right."

"Brother Lin Yu, lead the way."

Qing Yu came back to his senses and said to Lin Yu.

"Well, follow me."

Lin Yu has locked the positions of the other demons.

In fact, without feeling the breath of the demons, Lin Yu can also know where they will appear, because generally speaking, if Gui Yuli has something important to discuss.

They will gather on the pavilion in the clouds, discuss with each other, and come up with a countermeasure.

Under the leadership of Lin Yu, Qing Yu found that he was walking towards the sky, and he couldn't help but have some doubts in his mind. Could it be that the gods of Gui Yuli like to discuss things in the sky?

With such doubts, Qing Yu followed Lin Yu and flew into the clouds of Gui Yuli.

Then he saw that there seemed to be some buildings standing in the clouds.

It seemed to be a large-scale pavilion?

Pavilion in the clouds?

But when I think about it, Lin Yu can even resurrect himself, then building a building on the cloud, wouldn't it be quite reasonable?

"Morax! Guizhong! Marcosius!"

"We are back!"

Lin Yu looked at the three people standing in the Pavilion in the Clouds, waving his arms at them and said.

After that, Lin Yu took Qingyu and entered the Pavilion in the Clouds.

"It's just in time to come back. We were just discussing the resettlement of the people in the Demon God's territory."

"Hey, the one next to you should be the former Sword Demon God, Qingyu, right?"

"Morax has told Marcosius and me about all your affairs. Our Guiyuli has grown stronger again."

Guizhong said, and then saw Qingyu next to Lin Yu, and then said to Qingyu.

"Yes, that's right, he is my best friend, Qingyu."

Lin Yu patted Qingyu on the shoulder and said.

"Hello everyone, my name is Qingyu. Sword Demon God and the like have become a thing of the past for us."

Qingyu introduced himself.

From the moment he became Qingyu, the identity of Sword Demon God actually had nothing to do with him.

Gui Zhong nodded, and at the same time was somewhat thoughtful.

Sword Demon God Qingxu became Qingyu, lost the identity and authority of the Demon God, and continued to exist beside Lin Yu as an immortal.

This seems...

"Well, since everyone is here, let's take a seat first."

Morax said.

With Morax's words, Gui Zhong and Marcosius nodded and sat in their respective seats at the same time.

Lin Yu took Qingyu's hand, and then next to his seat, he materialized a chair belonging to Qingyu for Qingyu, with the word Qingyu engraved on it.

Next, Morax first raised the issue of receiving the people in the Jueyunjian area and the surrounding areas of Qingxupu, those lost Demon God territories.

Then Morax and Guizhong discussed this issue, while Marcosius listened and occasionally expressed his own views.

Lin Yu took out the smart chessboard and whispered to Qingyu about the rules of Go.

"I understand."

"Then let the people of the City Affairs Department take the lead, and then the immortals will take the lead to go to the territories of those demon gods, identify the people in the territories, and include the people with good intentions in Guiyuli."

"At the same time, further expand the outer city of Guiyuli."

"Then I will tell the City Affairs Department about these things, and I will ask Morax to inform the immortals."

After talking with MoraxAfter discussion, Gui finally determined a complete plan to integrate the people of the Demon God's territory.

The people of the City Affairs Department are fully capable of doing this job.

However, the people of the City Affairs Department do not have a strong force to escort people to Gui Yuli safely, so the immortals need to cooperate at this time.

I believe that there are no demons in this area who will attack Gui Yuli's team, so the next enemy is only those demons.

With the strength of the immortals, it is not a problem to expel the existence of these demons.

After this time, the population of Gui Yuli will usher in a huge increase, so it is necessary to consider expanding the outer city of Gui Yuli.

Otherwise, there will be no way to accommodate so many people at that time.

Because of these things, various small problems are involved, such as compensation for the occupation of fields in the expansion of the outer city, the recruitment of personnel for the construction of the outer city, etc.

These are not the scope of their consideration as demons.

With the City Affairs Department here, I believe that the people in their City Affairs Department are fully capable of this task.

"This matter has been resolved, so let's discuss the next item."

"Also, the two of you should play chess in a lower voice."

Morax said, looking at Lin Yu and Qing Yu at the same time.

Since they were discussing things just now, Lin Yu had already taught Qing Yu the rules of Go, and then the two began to play.

And Lin Yu just played chess, why did he have to shout some incomprehensible words.

Similar to the previous... If there are gods in the world, I will also beat him by half a piece.

"Ah... OK, OK, I will pay attention next time! Next time for sure!"

Lin Yu, who was suddenly cueed by Morax, looked at Morax and said embarrassedly.

When others were discussing business, the two of them were playing chess here, which seemed a little wrong.

Ahem, but Lin Yu believed that whether it was Morax, Guizhong, or Marcosius, they would not mind!

There is no way, who made me so popular.

Led by Morax, the gods began to discuss the next task.

"About the repair of the Tianheng Mountain Defense Line?"

"From a universal point of view, the Tianheng Mountain Defense Line played a vital role in this battle, and now there are demons entrenched in the southwest of Guiyuli."

"The Tianheng Mountain Defense Line has not lost its meaning and should be rebuilt."

"However, the reconstruction of the Tianheng Mountain Defense Line will be handed over to Guizhong, after all, the Tianheng Mountain Defense Line was built by you."

Morax said.

The Tianheng Mountain Defense Line played a vital role in this battle.

If there is no Tianheng Mountain Defense Line, then the nine demons will drive straight in and bring the battlefield directly to Guiyuli City.

What kind of indelible damage will it bring to Guiyuli?

It's really hard to imagine.

The Tianheng Mountain defense line blocked many attacks from the demons. If it were not for the blessing of Marcosius's divine power, I'm afraid that the current Tianheng Mountain would have been shattered by the demons.

However, even so, the current Tianheng Mountain has become precarious and needs to be renovated and structurally reinforced.

This is a big project.

Morax has never been very proficient in this, so the task of rebuilding the Tianheng Mountain defense line naturally fell into Gui Zhong's hands.

And Gui Zhong, after this battle, also found many problems in the Tianheng Mountain defense line.

She already has many ideas in her mind, and will renovate the Tianheng Mountain defense line while upgrading it.

In this way, the Tianheng Mountain defense line will become more perfect.

"Well, this is not a big problem for me, just leave it to me."

Gui Zhong nodded and said.

Now Gui Yuli is about to attract a large number of people, which can be said to be abundant in labor, even if it is to build a few wonders.

"That's good."

Morax said.

The meeting naturally moved on to the next task.

The next thing to discuss was the compensation for the Qianyan soldiers who died in the Tianheng Mountain defense line.

"Those Qianyan soldiers fought to the last moment before their death to protect the Tianheng Mountain defense line. Naturally, they also had a share of the credit for protecting the Tianheng Mountain defense line."

Marcosius said.

Marcosius witnessed the scene with his own eyes at that time.

Even now that he has come to his senses, the scenes that happened before still make Marcosius unforgettable.

In order to protect the Tianheng Mountain defense line and to prevent the demon god from entering the Guiyuli Plain, even if he had already issued an order to retreat.

But he was still not afraid of life and death, and he continued to hold on to the attack from the demon god.The last moment!

Even if they know they will die in the end! They are not afraid at all!

This is the spirit in the hearts of the Qianyan Army.

Qianyan is solid and immovable!

"That's right. If it's just compensation, if there is only Mora, in terms of universal rationality, it can't show what they have done for Gui Yuli."

Morax said.

Gui Zhong and Marcosius also fell into deep thought.

Generally speaking, after the death of the Qianyan Army, a large amount of Mora will be given for compensation.

At the same time, they enjoy some priority regulations in Gui Yuli.

But it seems that there is nothing that can show their dedication to Gui Yuli.

After all, no matter how much Mora, it can't save a life that has passed away.

After listening to this, Lin Yu on the side was thoughtful.

He thought of something.

"How about this."

"Let's hold a rebirth ceremony for the Thousand Rocks soldiers who died in the battle in the name of the Demon God! While praising the achievements of the Thousand Rocks soldiers during their lifetime, their souls can also rest in peace."

"Hey~! It just so happens that I am now a part-time Demon God of Souls~"

Lin Yu suddenly had an idea and said what he was thinking.

Now, I am not only the Demon God of Manifestation, but also the Demon God of Souls of Teyvat Continent. So, as the Demon God of Souls, I will hold a rebirth ceremony.

Is this reasonable?

After listening to Lin Yu's proposal.

Whether it is Morax, Guizhong, or Marcosius, they all think that this proposal is very good.

"I think Lin Yu's suggestion is very good!"

"Holding a rebirth ceremony can not only praise their achievements, but also soothe the pain of losing loved ones, and guide the living souls to rebirth."

"A very good suggestion!"

Gui Zhong said with a smile. She sincerely thought that Lin Yu's idea was very good.

It just seemed that something was wrong!

"Wait! Lin Yu, what did you say just now?"

"You are a part-time soul demon?!"

Gui Zhong recalled from his excitement and immediately understood what was wrong.

The word part-time, I can barely understand.

But part-time plus soul demon, these two words.

Instantly burned Gui Zhong and Marcosius's CPU.

Can the authority between demons be part-time? Besides, they have never heard of the existence of soul demons in this area.

Morax didn't have much waves.

When Lin Yu said that he had the power of the soul, Morax seemed to have understood everything.

It is very likely that Lin Yu used the power of embodiment to manifest the power of the soul, and then also took on the identity of the soul demon god.

Finally, he used the power of the soul to transfer Qingyu's soul to another body.

Thus, Qingyu's reincarnation was realized.

But he knew that the demon god of embodiment was very powerful, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful. As long as the power is enough, even the power of the demon god can be manifested?

But it seems wrong. Isn't the power between demon gods of the same level?

And if the power is manifested, wouldn't it involve the power of the law?

Now Morax has doubted whether Lin Yu is the native demon god of Teyvat.

But none of this matters, after all, there is no hostility between them.

"As the Demon God of embodiment, what's wrong with the authority of the embodiment of the soul?"

"Isn't this unreasonable?"

Lin Yu put his hands on his waist and looked at Gui Zhong and Marcosius with confidence.

Gui Zhong and Marcosius slowly typed a question mark.

Should they think this matter is reasonable?

The two thought for a long time and finally chose to give up thinking.

No matter how Lin Yu's authority came from, he is our Lin Yu, and there will be no change in this regard.

"Forget it, it's reasonable! Reasonable!"

"Then the rebirth ceremony is settled. Lin Yu is a part-time demon god of the soul, so you will arrange the rebirth ceremony."

Gui Zhong waved his hand, not thinking about other things, but just told Lin Yu about the rebirth ceremony.



Lin Yu was stunned. He just made a suggestion.

How come you took on the task of the funeral ceremony?

Communication Group


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