"Haha, I think what Morax said is right!" Lin Yu laughed and looked at Morax and said.

As expected of Morax, he speaks well, and Lin Yu really likes to listen.

"Well, I also think what Morax said is right. I think, if there is really a soul demon, he will definitely nod and praise you."

Guizhong walked over with a smile and looked at Lin Yu and said.

"Yes, yes, I think so too."

Even Marcosius, who has always been taciturn, came over and said.

"That's right, he has a more divine temperament than all of us."

Qingyu put down the wine pot and thought about it carefully. Since everyone said it, wouldn't it be very unsociable if he didn't say it?

So he looked at Lin Yu and said.

At this moment, if Lin Yu had a tail, maybe his tail would be almost up to the sky now.

"Okay, okay, I know I am really powerful, and you don't have to praise me like this."

Lin Yu scratched his head and said a little embarrassedly.

Lin Yu was almost at a loss for the first time when Morax, Guizhong, Marcosius and Qingyu all praised him.

In response to this situation, everyone just smiled at each other.

After all, they were not just praising him randomly, but Lin Yu did a great job in the ceremony of rebirth.

So this is what he deserves.

Everyone continued to discuss for a while in the Pavilion in the Clouds, and after discussing the development of Gui Yuli, they left.

After all, they had just experienced a war that involved more than a dozen demon gods.

A series of problems were derived for Gui Yuli, and all of these problems needed to be solved by them.

Lin Yu's rebirth ceremony was now completed.

But other busy things such as population transfer and resettlement, reconstruction in the direction of Tianheng Mountain, and Gui Yuli's expansion plan were just the beginning.

After the end, Lin Yu and Qingyu returned to the Yushen Palace.

Qingyu was getting used to his immortal body and had to use his sword to open up a path of his own.

As for Lin Yu, he returned to his room.

He began to practice.

While increasing and restoring strength, he naturally had to continue to accumulate night lights.

If he had not accumulated so many night lights before, he might not have been able to do anything when facing Qingxu's death, and could only watch Qingxu die in front of his eyes.

This shows how important energy reserves are.

Lin Yu once again confirmed his inner thoughts, so he had to accumulate more night lights to the maximum extent without affecting his own strength improvement.

In case of emergency.

After receiving the order from Morax, the immortals in Jueyunjian immediately organized a group of immortals, including True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng, True Lord Xueyue Zhuyang, True Lord Lishui Dieshan, True Lord Yixiao Daotian, etc.

They led a group of immortals from Jueyunjian to Guiyuli, and then cooperated with the people of the City Affairs Department.

Teams were organized to go to different demon territories to carry out the task of population transfer.

However, because the Qianyan Army is currently short of manpower, not many teams have been sent out, which means that if you want to completely include the humans in those demon territories.

It will take more than a year.

However, solving the problem of Qianyan Army manpower is not a difficult problem.

After the death ceremony presided over by Lin Yu himself, the image of Qianyan Army, which was already tall in the hearts of the people, has become more magnificent.

In the hearts of young men or teenagers in Guiyuli, there is a dream of joining the Qianyan Army and defending Guiyuli!

The Qianyan Army took advantage of this reality and immediately launched the recruitment of the Qianyan Army.

This recruitment will increase the number of Qianyan Army to 10,000!

After all, the population of Guiyuli will only increase in the future, and the number of 10,000 Qianyan Army is the most appropriate number agreed upon by the top leaders of the Qianyan Army.

The conscription notice was posted by the City Affairs Department and spread throughout Guiyuli.

A large number of qualified men flocked to the Qianyan Army's conscription office to sign up.

The enthusiasm of the people directly overwhelmed the entire Qianyan Army's conscription office.

For a time, it was overcrowded, and the city guards had to come out to maintain order on the scene. In just three days, the Qianyan Army selected 10,000 qualified young men.

These 10,000 qualified young men were all included in the Qianyan Army.

However, in order to make them combat-ready, they still need years of training and cultivation.

The Jingxian method is not something that can be mastered in a few weeks or months, but requires day-to-day training and practice.

Three months have passed.

The Qianyan Army led by Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun has brought back the first batch of humans from other demon territories.

After being registered by the people of the City Affairs Department, these humans were directly settled in the newly added houses of Gui Yuli.

Although these houses are not as exquisite as those in the city, they are not products of shoddy work and are in line with the living conditions of most people.

At least they are much better than the living conditions in the previous demon territories.

There is no harm without comparison.

In three months, Gui Zhong re-surveyed the topographic structure of Tianheng Mountain, and then redesigned a stronger Tianheng Mountain defense line according to the current topographic structure of Tianheng Mountain.

It just so happened that the immortals brought back a group of manpower.

It was just right to connect seamlessly.

So with the blessing of manpower, the second generation project of Tianheng Mountain was successfully launched under the leadership of Gui Zhong.

Fortunately, during the previous battle of Tianheng Mountain, the cave house set up by Guizhong in the Tianheng Mountain Range was not damaged.

She can go here directly to supervise the construction work.

The second generation of Guizhong machine research direction was officially started.

Drawing on the experience of the last war, Guizhong found that the Guizhong machine needed two to three people to operate, which led to a huge problem.

That is, the Guizhong machine is a defensive weapon, so it must be the target of attack by other invaders.

And these operators will inevitably die in large numbers under the attack of invaders. In order to continue the attack, the Qianyan Army inside the fortress will not fear life and death, and will continue to operate the Guizhong machine.

As a result, the Qianyan Army stationed in the Tianheng Mountain defense line suffered huge casualties.

Therefore, Guizhong must iteratively upgrade the Guizhong machine according to this problem.

After the previous research on the smart chessboard, and the experience of designing a fully automatic small Guizhong machine production mechanism based on the principle of the smart chessboard.

Guizhong believes that he can give intelligence to the Guizhong machine.

Let the Guizhong machine realize several functions, such as automatic enemy identification, automatic target locking, and automatic aiming and attacking.

In this way, there is no need for human control, and there will be no large-scale deaths caused by controlling the Guizhong machine.

There are only slight obstacles in research and design.

However, Guizhong believes that as long as it works in theory, he will be able to develop a new generation of intelligent Guizhong machines with his own wisdom and technology one day.

Realize the intelligence of the Guizhong machine as soon as possible! Reduce the casualties of the Qianyan Army!

Guizhong has put a lot of effort in the design to reduce the casualties of the Qianyan Army.

For example, when designing the defense line, in addition to the more solid military fortress, Guizhong also added an additional shield system.

It just requires an extra huge amount of power to support it.

Guizhong thought of Lin Yu's night light, so he planned to borrow a night light from Lin Yu in the future, and then study the problem of energy compatibility.

Convert the night light into energy supply for the shield system.

In this way, a truly indestructible and unbreakable Tianheng Mountain defense line in the new era can be created!

In order to achieve this goal as soon as possible, Gui Zhong wanted to use one hour as two hours and devote himself to scientific research all day long.

At the same time, on the other side, because of the rapid population growth in Gui Yuli, the number of people cooking increased, and the amount of honeycomb coal used also increased.

In order to ensure that everyone can eat, Marcosius once again led people to mine new coal mines and set up new honeycomb coal factories.

And what about our Morax? What is he doing?

Morax is studying immortal methods. He found that the most primitive immortal methods from the immortals in Jueyunjian fit the immortals' cultivation methods, but not the mortals' cultivation methods.

So Morax is tailor-made for the Qianyan Army, modifying and testing new immortal methods step by step.

Everyone in Gui Yuli is busy with their own things.

The gears are turning constantly.

We, Gui Yuli, are thriving!

A month later, the spies from the Salt God's territory carefully completed their exploration of the outside world.

They got very surprising information and brought it back to the Salt God's territory.

The Salt God listened to the spies' report and frowned, looking as if he didn't know what to do.

Ever since the Demon GodAfter the war began, the fight between the demons became more and more intense.

In order to avoid the war and prevent his people from being affected by the demon war, the Salt God led his people to live underground.

However, the land here is barren and the grain production is extremely low.

And foreign trade was forced to be interrupted because of the demon war, and it was impossible to use the large amount of salt in the territory to exchange the necessary living materials from other demon territories.

The living standard in the territory plummeted.

Fortunately, the Salt God injected his divine power into this land, and used divine power to maintain the fertility of the land, so that food can grow underground.

Although the living standard in the territory plummeted, at least the most basic food supply can be guaranteed.

Now I heard the news from the spies again, and I didn’t know what to do for a while.

Although they moved underground, they were still close to Gui Yuli.

Now the spies have brought news that Gui Yuli fought against seventeen demon gods and killed all seventeen demon gods. The immortals are taking Gui Yuli's people to receive news from their territory.

"Oh my God, those are seventeen demon gods!"

"All seventeen demon gods were killed by Gui Yuli. Is there anyone in the world who can be Gui Yuli's opponent?"

"I'm afraid it won't be long before Gui Yuli will attack us?"

"Lord Salt God! What should we do now?"

After hearing the news from the spies, the people around the Salt God immediately talked about it, and then looked at their Lord Salt God.

I hope to know the solution to the problem from Lord Salt God.

"I...Gui Yuli has always been peace-oriented. Although Gui Yuli killed seventeen demon gods this time, it is indeed terrifying, but these are the faults of those demon gods."

"I think that if we live in seclusion here and do not participate in the fight for the demon gods, Gui Yuli will not attack us."

Salt God said.

When she said this, she herself was unsure.

Hearing Lord Salt's answer, the people below immediately said.

"Lord Salt! As a demon god, you should understand that there will only be one winner in this war!"

"Gui Yuli will not let us go, and will not let go of all the demon gods in this area except them!"

"War will come to us one day. Do we have to hide forever?"

"We have lost the green land and the blue sky, and come to such a dark underground. Now we have no way to retreat, Lord Salt!"

"Yes, Lord Salt! Please face the problem, don't hide anymore!"

Because of the weak character of the Salt God, the people under her rule have gradually eroded her prestige as a demon god after living with her day and night.

The long-term concession has caused complaints in the hearts of the Salt God's people.

It's just that until now, it has not yet reached the time of outbreak.

Faced with the aggressive words of his people, the Salt God could not help but take a step back and put his hands on his chest.

"I... I will think about this matter carefully."

"I am a little tired, let's stop here today."

The Salt God's voice gradually weakened.

"Then please, Lord Salt God, think carefully and find a solution to the problem!"

After leaving such a sentence, the people all left the Salt God's palace.

Then the palace became quiet, and only the Salt God was left.

She was burdened with the responsibility of protecting her people.

During these years, the burden on her made her feel very heavy and she was almost out of breath.

But every time she saw the smiles on the faces of her people.

At that moment, she felt that everything she had done was worth it.

But since the start of the Demon God War, the smiles on the faces of her people have become less and less, especially in recent times, she has rarely seen anyone smile from the heart.

Did she really do something wrong?

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