"Well, even if it's death."

The Salt God nodded in the direction of Lin Yu and answered resolutely.

Even if it's death?

Lin Yu got such a question from the Salt God.

But he also felt very confused. Since everyone has the courage to face death, why don't they have the courage to fight for themselves?

Lin Yu was very confused about this.

But he couldn't impose his ideas on others.

After all, he was not the Salt God, and he had never experienced what the Salt God had experienced.

It's just that he knew the final ending of the Salt God.

To be honest, Lin Yu's heart was a little bit reluctant, and he couldn't bear to see such a gentle and kind god die in the hands of his people.

If you want the Salt God not to die, the solution is actually very simple, that is, to include the Salt God and the Salt God's people into Gui Yuli.

But in this way, Gui Yuli will completely become a refuge.

And as for the character of the Salt God's people, it's not that Lin Yu looks down on them, but in the future, he will be able to assassinate the gods who have always protected him.

Lin Yu didn't think such people would be good people.

After incorporating them into Gui Yuli, wouldn't it be like using topics like "I am weak, I am right, do you discriminate against people from the Salt God Territory?" to pressure them and gain privileges for themselves?

But Gui Yuli is different from the Salt God's rule.

Although Lin Yu usually doesn't act like a demon god around his people, it doesn't mean that Lin Yu won't be angry because of these offensive behaviors.

He is not the Salt God.

If these people dare to jump in front of him.

Lin Yu can let them experience what the burning truth is!

In fact, Lin Yu has always been confused about one thing.

In order to seek the power of protection and fighting, and to prove that gentleness is inappropriate, the last king of the Salt God Territory killed the lonely demon god with the long sword in his hand.

The Salt Demon's body collapsed, and the Salt Temple collapsed with the fall of the Salt Demon. Those who failed to escape also turned into salt sculptures because they could not bear the power lost when the demon died. The mortal city ushered in a bitter end like a block of salt.

The Salt God's people who had not experienced this disaster left her territory and went to Liyue to ask for the protection of the Rock King.

Their descendants were afraid of the demon remnants of Heulia and feared that she would curse them forever.

So, they risked breaking the sword and offering it, hoping to calm her anger.

But how could this demon who had never resisted until the end be angry with his own people?

It is said that the body of the Salt Demon is still left deep in the ruins. Although it has long been turned into salt crystals, it still maintains the posture of being pierced by the long sword.

Anyway... Lin Yu can't really understand their brain circuits.

Speaking of the Salt God's territory, is there no normal person?

They deceived themselves and brainwashed themselves all the time, and even in later generations, they believed that Morax was the murderer of the Salt God.

Fortunately, Morax thousands of years later, his temper was very stable.

If it were me, I might find all the descendants of the Salt God, and then end everything with a night light.

Both Morax and Lin Yu felt the determination from the Salt God's expression.

She had made her decision.

Morax may have made a decision in his heart, but he did not say it immediately, just looking in the direction of Lin Yu.

Lin Yu understood what Morax meant.

Isn't it just to express your own opinions?

Emmmm, my opinions...

I definitely hope that the Salt God can survive, which can be regarded as making up for the regrets of later generations.

But Lin Yu doesn't really want the group of people who make trouble in the Salt God's territory.

So... is there a compromise solution?

Lin Yu touched his chin and fell into deep thought. He was thinking about whether there would be any compromise solution to this matter.

Lin Yu believed that since something had not happened yet, it should not be imposed on them.

So the people of the Salt God's territory can be absorbed, but only a part of them can be absorbed. Those high-level people around the Salt God who disrespect the gods must be punished and prohibited from entering Guiyuli.

It can also be regarded as a test for the Salt God, so that the Salt God Hewuliya's character has taken the first step in this transformation!

"Hewuliya, the Demon God of Salt, I have a question for you." Lin Yu said.

The Salt God paused and said, "Okay, no problem, you ask."

"Well, that's good."

"What I want to ask is, sinceHowever, the Salt Demon God even has the courage to abandon his people and face death alone, so why doesn't he have the confidence to survive on the continent of Teyvat? "

"What is hindering you?"

Lin Yu looked in the direction of the Salt Demon God Heulia, and slowly said his problem word by word.

Facing Lin Yu's question, the Salt Demon God Heulia was stunned, then lowered his head, wishing to bury his head in his chest.


"About fighting, I, I really can't do it, I can't do it..."

"I didn't mean to abandon my people, but, but I didn't drag them down."

"They will never find their own place to stay in this world if they follow a demon like me."

"Let them follow me to migrate and wander around, all of this is my fault, I am sorry for them. "

The Salt Demon God Heulia said with great self-blame.

After hearing these words, Lin Yu had only one feeling, that is, the Salt Demon God Heulia was definitely CPUed by the people in his territory!

If he hadn't been PUA, how could he take all the faults on himself.

Lin Yu interrupted the Salt Demon God Heulia to continue speaking.

"Salt Demon God Heulia, you are wrong, you are indeed wrong, and you are very wrong, you are hopelessly wrong!"

"As a demon god, you have brought them shelter and a safe place to live. If it weren't for you, they would have become food for demons in the wilderness, or shivered in the mountains!"

"You have done better than most demon gods. The means of other demon gods' love are not as gentle as yours."

"In that case, what are you ashamed of for your people? Which of their food, clothing, housing and transportation is not satisfied? ”

“If they are not satisfied, have you ever restricted their freedom? Why don’t they leave and find a new life? Join a new demon god? Instead, they force you, the demon god, step by step?”

“Demon God of Salt Heulia, have you ever thought about this?”

“It’s not because you didn’t do well enough, but because they are too greedy? "

Lin Yu stood up and looked directly at the Salt God and said to him.

In this era, people are like grass or even worse than grass. If they don't make progress and don't have the protection of the demon god, then there is only one way, which is death.

And Hewuliya, as the demon god, has already given them the protection of the demon god.

Let them live and reproduce in a safe environment, and don't hesitate to consume their own divine power to meet their basic needs of life.

Among all the demon gods, this is already the first echelon of conscientiousness in protecting humans.

A human nanny who has absolutely no complaints.


"No, it's not their fault..."

Lin Yu heard the Salt Demon God Hewuliya, and he was still thinking about defending them. It seems that he has been PUA for too long, which has caused him to be unable to get out of his previous thinking.

"It is the nature of demon gods to love people, but this is not our responsibility. ”

“The people in the territory of the Demon God of Wind and Sand eat a lot of sand every day because of the power of the Demon God of Wind and Sand, and the average life expectancy of humans does not exceed 40 years old.”

“The humans in the territory of the Demon God of Swamp live in a smelly swamp and eat the rotten food in the swamp every day.”

“The humans in the territory of the Demon God of Plague have spots on their bodies because of the power of the plague.”

“I said this just to tell you that every demon has his own concept and way of loving.”

“Compared with the Demon God of Wind and Sand, the Demon God of Swamp, and the Demon God of Plague.”

“Demon God of Salt, you have done well enough, why do you always feel that you owe them? You don’t owe any of them.”

“On the contrary, all of them should be grateful to you, because you exist so that they did not die tragically in the Demon God War. "

"You are willing to die for this group of ungrateful and heartless guys. Do you think what you have done is worth it? Is it right? Is it reasonable?"

Lin Yu's words were like a sharp sword, piercing the heart of the Salt Demon God Heulia fiercely.

Broken the original Salt God Heulia was stunned on the spot.

Because of Lin Yu's words, he fell into deep thinking.

Lin Yu's words made sense, and he cited many other examples of demons. What should the relationship between demons and their people be like?

Did I really do something wrong?

According to Lin Yu's words, she did not oweAnyone, because if she hadn't chosen to shelter them at that time, they would no longer exist.

There is such a causal relationship.

"I... I don't owe them, right... It's just that I... I love them too much and can't bear to see them suffer, and do everything possible to meet the needs of my people."

"I think that only by doing this can I be considered a good god."

The Salt Demon Heulia said in a very tangled tone.

Morax, who had been watching Lin Yu's performance without saying a word, had already fully understood the current situation of the Salt Demon Heulia through the conversation between the two.

And also deduced the situation in the territory of the Salt Demon Heulia.

"That's not the case. The final judgment of a good god should not be based on whether he is completely good to his people."

"Take us as an example. As demon gods in Guiyuli, we will indeed help our people in some aspects, but most of the time it is the people of Guiyuli who work hard on their own."

"Look at the prosperous Guiyuli now. This is built by the people with their own sweat, and the fields reclaimed outside the city are the same."

"As the demon god of embodiment, why doesn't Zennos directly manifest? Instead, he wants his people to build it themselves? Is it because Zennos doesn't like humans?"

"That's not the case. I think this is what you should think about now."

Morax drank a cup of tea and said in the direction of Heulia, the demon god of salt.

The meaning of the words is that demon gods cannot completely help humans to take care of everything, and humans should not rely on demon gods for everything. They should learn to be independent.

However, there was one thing that Lin Yu wanted to refute in Morax's words.

That was the matter of materializing Gui Yu Licheng and materializing so many farmlands. Lin Yu felt that Morax really overestimated himself.

Or if you want to tire yourself to death, just say it! ! !

After listening to Morax's words, the Salt Demon Heulia began to think thoughtfully.

"Demon God of Salt Heulia, it is because of your doting on your people that the current situation has been created."

"Your people have already regarded this unreserved love as a habit, thinking that this is what should be, not from your love."

"This is a pathology that needs to be corrected."

"The people of the Land of Salt, we Gui Yuli can absorb, and even let you join Gui Yuli is not a problem."

"But the premise is that you need to correct the current pathological situation of the Land of Salt, instead of letting Gui Yuli pay for the mistakes caused by you."

"In that case, we will not accept these humans."

Lin Yu looked at the Demon God of Salt Heulia and directly told him how to deal with this matter.

At the same time, Morax had no opinion, but just looked in the direction of Lin Yu and nodded slightly, indicating his approval of the plan.

After Morax and Lin Yu argued with reason, the Demon God of Salt Heulia was not a stupid god, and gradually understood the mistakes he had made.

For some reason, now recalling the words that the people in the territory said to her.

Heuliah, the Demon God of Salt, felt a little disappointed.

It turned out that they did not feel her love for them, but regarded this love and selfless dedication as what they deserved.

A helpless smile appeared on the face of the Demon God of Salt.

Sure enough, she was really not suitable to be a demon god.

Her life as a demon god was too much of a failure.

After hundreds of years of hard work, she did not get the recognition of her people, but the people kept asking for more and more.

This... really made her feel disappointed and hurt.

When the truth was revealed, it was often very cruel, and now Heuliah, the Demon God of Salt, was facing such a cruel situation.

But fortunately... everything could be saved.

"Thank you, I know what to do, but can you give me some time to prepare."

Heuliah, the Demon God of Salt, said.

When Lin Yu and Morax looked at the Salt Demon God Herulia again, the Salt Demon God Herulia's eyes were full of new life and hope.

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