Haha, then we will have another powerful tool man in Guiyuli.

Then I think this is really cool!

Our Guiyuli is thriving!

Delicious food? This is something that Ruotuo Dragon King has never tried before, so he is very curious about it now. Is there any difference between this kind of food and stone?

He didn't have much to linger in this cave.

"I have nothing to do and can leave here at any time. Is it going up from here?"

Ruotuo Dragon King pointed to the tunnel that Lin Yu and Morax opened before.

Morax nodded slightly: "If you want to try other ways to go up, you can let Lin Yu show you."

Lin Yu on the side slowly typed a big question mark, and his small eyes were full of big doubts!

Why did Morax involve himself at this time!

Could it be that because he had given him the task of fulfilling the contract and giving Ruotuo Dragon King the eyes, he began to be a little dissatisfied with himself in his heart! !

How can this be possible! ! !

Fortunately, Ruotuo Dragon King is not interested in other ways to leave this place, because he only has one thing in mind now, that is to leave this place quickly and go to the outside world!

"Haha, is that so? But now I am not interested in other methods, let's go directly up!"

After Ruotuo Dragon King finished speaking, he jumped directly into the passage opened by Morax and flew upward along the passage.

Previously, Ruotuo Dragon King could not transform, so he had no way to leave in this way. If so, it is estimated that a bottomless abyss with a huge diameter will appear on the land of Liyue! !

It is enough for the Liyue area to have a layered abyss, and it is a bit too much to have another vertical abyss.

So many holes are almost catching up with the scale of Xumi.

Just thinking about it makes people feel a little chilling. Lin Yu really can't look directly at Liyue with so many holes!

Then Lin Yu came to Morax's side, showing a meaningful expression, patted Morax's shoulder, then took off and caught up with the departing Ruotuo Dragon King, heading towards the ground.

Morax followed immediately.

The three of them flew in this 1,300-meter-long tunnel, with Ruotuo flying in the front and Lin Yu in the middle, and Morax at the end.

Morax, who was flying at the end, also needed to be responsible for the aftermath, that is, to mobilize the power of the rock to close this opened tunnel again.

Otherwise, if someone accidentally fell into it, it would be a bit bad.

So Morax was rising while closing the tunnel that had been dug before.

"Hahaha!! Is this the world above the ground?!"

Ruotuo jumped up, flew out of the tunnel, and then rose into the sky, overlooking this land, greedily absorbing the fresh air on this land!

Green grass, trees, mountains, sky, clouds!

All of this is much better than the world outside that Ruotuo Dragon King imagined in his mind!

He has begun to be impatient to explore the world on the ground.

"How is it? Is the world on the ground completely different from what you imagined?"

Lin Yu also flew up. He came to Ruotuo's side, patted Ruotuo's shoulder, smiled and looked at him and said.

It's not just different from what he imagined, it's completely different!

Before coming to the ground, Ruotuo Dragon King's imagination of the world above was just the land where he could run as he pleased.

When he was really in such a world, he realized how narrow-minded everything he thought at that time was!

"Yes, it's completely different from the world I imagined."

"But I like this kind of world very much."

Ruotuo Dragon King clenched his fist and said, and at the same time secretly made up his mind in his heart that sooner or later he would travel around the whole world!

Witness all the beauty of this world with his eyes!

While Lin Yu and Ruotuo were talking, Morax had completely closed the passage with the power of rock, and the ground now looked no different from the original ground.

It was impossible to tell that there was a vertical tunnel with a depth of 1,300 meters here!

"The matter has been dealt with, and now it's time to meet up."

Morax flashed, and the next momentThen he appeared beside Lin Yu and Ruotuo.

"Yes, if Gui Zhong and Qing Yu wait too long, they will definitely worry about us!" Lin Yu said.

But it seems that a certain True Lord who is very good at talking has been completely forgotten by Lin Yu.

Hearing that he was going to meet up with others, Ruotuo suddenly became interested.

"Meet up? Does Gui Yuli have other partners?" Ruotuo asked doubtfully.

It seems that Ruotuo does not understand the value of Gui Yuli, the most prosperous city in the entire Teyvat continent!

Lin Yu smiled and said, "You will know when you go there. At present, there are five demon gods in Gui Yuli."

"Everyone has his own duties and manages and maintains this city called Gui Yuli together."

"No kidding, now there is no city in the entire Teyvat continent that can compare with Gui Yuli in terms of scale and prosperity!"

"Gui Yuli is the well-deserved first! Right, Morax!"

This is not Lin Yu bragging, but he is telling the truth.

The settlements gathered by people of the entire era now can never be compared with Gui Yuli.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with saying that Gui Yuli is the well-deserved first in the world!

"Haha, nothing is absolute. Teyvat is a big continent, and other places still have great potential for development."

Morax said.

High EQ, great potential for development.

Low EQ, not as good as Gui Yuli!

After hearing Lin Yu's description of Gui Yuli many times, Ruotuo is now looking forward to the appearance of Gui Yuli's city.

To be honest, he has never seen a city.

So what kind of scenery is a city?

Ruotuo couldn't help but start to look forward to it.

Lin Yu and Morax came to Tianheng Mountain again, but this time there was a guy named Ruotuo!

Gui Zhong, Qing Yu and Liu Yun who stayed on Tianheng Mountain.

Soon they saw the figures of Lin Yu and Morax, but they were a little puzzled.

Who is the guy next to them with two horns on his head?

With such curiosity, until Lin Yu and Morax met up with him.

"Lin Yu, Morax, you are back!"

"How is the situation of the abnormal movement handled? And who is this person?"

After the three of them approached, Gui Zhong asked Lin Yu and Morax with a series of doubts.

At the same time, she also felt the powerful aura coming from the dragon-horned young man, which was similar to the aura between Lin Yu and Morax.

This means that their strength is at the same level!

Is there such a level of strength everywhere? How come Lin Yu and Morax just went out for a trip and brought back such a guy in the blink of an eye?

Now Gui Zhong's small eyes are full of doubts.

"The abnormal movement has been dealt with. The Tianheng Mountain defense line project will no longer be affected by inexplicable vibrations."

"As for what you asked, who is this guy around us?"

"His name is Ruotuo, his real name is Ruotuo Dragon King, and all the previous abnormal movements were caused by him."

"Now he has signed a contract and joined us Gui Yuli. Without him, the abnormal movement will naturally disappear without a trace."

For Gui Zhong and everyone's doubts, Lin Yu smiled and briefly explained the reason for the matter.

After Lin Yu finished speaking, everyone was stunned.

Lin Yu's few short sentences contained a huge amount of information, and it would take some time for everyone to digest it.

In other words, the guy who caused such a shock underground before was the dragon-horned young man in front of him?

And the dragon-horned young man's name is Ruotuo, and his real name is Ruotuo Dragon King!

So he is not a demon god, but an elemental dragon king? !

Then such an existence, that is, Ruotuo signed a contract with Morax and Lin Yu, and joined Gui Yuli?

Therefore, after that, all kinds of abnormal movements caused by Ruotuo will never appear again.

After about a few dozen seconds, everyone finally sorted out this huge amount of information.

"Hello Ruotuo, I am the Demon God of Dust, Hagentus, just call me Guizhong!"

"Lin Yuzhi's best friend, Qingyu."

"This immortal, Liuyun."

After sorting out the cause and effect of the matter, as a member of Guiyuli, Ruotuo, who had just joined Guiyuli, naturally had to introduce himself first and then welcome him.

"Haha, nice to meet you, I'm Ruotuo!!"

Ruotuo smiled from the bottom of his heart.

On the first day after leaving the underground cave, he was able to recognizeIt's a good start to meet so many interesting partners!

"From the moment the contract was signed, Ruotuo is a member of our Guiyuli family."

"According to our Guiyuli custom, whenever a new member joins, we will prepare a grand welcome banquet for him."

"Guizhong, Morax, do you think it's right!"

Lin Yu proposed.

Although Guiyuli did not explicitly stipulate that there is such a custom.

But who is Lin Yu? If he says there is, then there is!

"From a universal rational point of view, Ruotuo is a new member, and we should indeed hold a welcome ceremony."

"What Zennos said makes sense."

Morax thought about it carefully, and finally decided to follow Lin Yu's words.

And Guizhong didn't think so much, and agreed directly and decisively.

"Since they are new members, they should be welcomed."

"It just so happens that the Tianheng Mountain project is suspended, so I can take some free time to go back to Guiyuli and take a good look."

Guizhong said with a smile.

After discussion, Morax and Guizhong agreed with Lin Yu's words.

As the welcome object of the banquet, Ruotuo began to look forward to it. He had a hunch that this banquet to welcome him would be particularly wonderful!

He wanted to take in all the wonderful things in the world!

Then the group turned into a ray of light, left the Tianheng Mountain defense line, and flew towards Guiyuli.

Because Liuyun and Qingyu are immortals, they naturally cannot keep up with Lin Yu and others who are demon gods in terms of strength.

In order to reach Guiyuli as quickly as possible, Lin Yu took Qingyu with him, and Guizhong took Liuyun with him.

In this way, the flying speed of everyone will not be slowed down by Liuyun and Qingyu, and they can rush back to Guiyuli as soon as possible at the fastest speed.

At the same time, on the other side, after receiving the information from Lin Yu's Qianli Note, Marcosius rushed back to Guiyuli as soon as possible.

Then he stayed in Guiyuli, guarding against all possible crises around.

But Marcosius was puzzled about the major changes in Tianheng Mountain in the information.

But even so, Marcosius still stayed in Guiyuli City seriously.

Until he saw several flashes of light, all of which were familiar to him, but not completely familiar, because there was an unfamiliar and powerful breath.

Then Marcosius moved and flew towards the Pavilion in the Clouds.

Everyone landed on the Pavilion in the Clouds, and Ruotuo was like a curious baby, curiously looking at the clouds that could stand on it.

Why can the clouds here stand, and even build buildings on them, then why can't other clouds next to them?

There are so many wonders in the world!

Not long after Lin Yu and others landed, a ray of light flashed, and Marcosius also appeared above the clouds.

Seeing Marcosius's appearance, Lin Yu smiled.

Then he said to Marcosius.

"Marcosius, we have a new member in Guiyuli!"

"Yes, it's this guy, his name is Ruotuo."

"According to convention, whenever Guiyuli has a new member joining, we have to hold a banquet to welcome him!

"Now it's time for you to perform again, Marcosius, go and make those 108 delicious dishes! ! "

Marcosius just came up and heard Lin Yu's words.

What? We have new members joining Gui Yuli?

The last time a new member joined was the last time!

When the Salt Demon God joined, he, Marcosius, also prepared 108 dishes as a welcome ceremony, but Gui Zhong did not attend the banquet.

Because Gui Zhong was still in charge of the Tianhengshan Project at that time, he was seriously studying the intelligent mechanism, so he could not spare time to rush back for the banquet.

"Oh! I understand, then I will prepare it now."

After Marcosius finished speaking, he turned around and left.

He seemed to have forgotten what the purpose of coming to the Pavilion in the Clouds was.

After hearing about the new members, the banquet, and the need to cook by himself, all the things he had thought about before were thrown out of his mind.

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