"See, this is the real life of your subjects after being oppressed by the nobles you trust.

Barbatos stood aside and said indifferently.

"You have to believe now that this is the result of your lover. The person you love is deceived, suppressed, and dismantled like a toy by the guy you trust, and doesn't take human life seriously at all.

Barbatos retorted.

The Lone King of the Tower lay on the ground, his head tilted at the group of children.

The mood is low to the bottom.

It is not because of the defeat of Barbatos and others, and thus the loss of the low position of power.

Rather, I feel sorry for the norms I have had for thousands of years.

He was born from a tornado in the snow and lived a lonely life in the snow.

Until I met humans, I became curious about humans.

The first time he spoke, he frightened the human children, but instead of being afraid of him, the human children chose to accept him.

And tell him about the human world, daily life and troubles.

He listened silently and became friends with the human child.

As human children grow up, the topics of conversation gradually change.

"I may have to go, Decarapian, the environment here is becoming less and less inhabitable for us. The human boy hugged the tornado sadly.


"It wasn't so cold in the past, the wind and snow wouldn't cover the farmland, and although you would starve, you could barely survive. But now there is a famine, and we have to go to other warmer places to survive.

"If it's not me, if it is, I'll stay away from you. The Tower King said anxiously.

"No, it's not your problem, Decarapian. The snow has not stopped for nearly a thousand years, and there are fewer and fewer places for humans to live.

When I met you, I had only moved here from an old place, and it had only been ten years before I had to move again. The

young man looked at the tower king and had an idea, he said, the heat in his mouth emitting white smoke in the ice and snow: "It would be great if there was a huge tornado like you that kept blowing away the wind and snow, so that all the people in the world could live in harmony and peace inside."

With that, the boy waved goodbye to the Tower King.

This was also the last time the Tower King saw the boy.

After the boy left, the words that the boy said kept echoing in his head.

The Tower Lone King worked hard to cultivate, unlike other demon gods, who allowed the interference of nature and elemental power to grow.

In just a few years, the Tower Lone King gradually developed his authority, and soon was able to create a tornado of more than ten kilometers steadily and for a long time, avoiding the interference of wind and snow.

The young King of the Tower was happy that he was finally able to fulfill his friend's wish and have the ability to live with his friend for a long time.

He searched in the direction of the migration of the juvenile group, and walked for a long, long time.

After a few months, he finally found the boy in the northern basin.

However, what was found was a frozen corpse.

Due to the long distance and lack of supplies, some of the weaker children froze to death during the migration, and the teenager was one of them.

Disheartened, but still remembering his best friend's wishes, the Lone King of the Tower negotiated with his family to create a tornado that would free the people from the wind and the blizzard.

Although occasionally their own wind is not mastered well, it will hurt them, but the young man's family is not afraid of this small injury, at least compared to the wind and snow in the outside world, the injury is nothing at all.

As time passed, the tornado of the Lone King of the Tower grew larger and larger, and gradually became an object of human admiration in this area.

Humanity is getting closer, worshipping him, and hoping to be sheltered and taken in by him.

Under the persuasion of the boy's family, the tower king slowly handed over all decision-making power to the boy's family.

In his opinion, if the boy is a good person, then his family will not be bad.

The Lone King of the Tower focused on cultivating and guarding against other demon gods, and rarely bothered about everything in the dragon scroll.

And as the tornado expanded, the small tribe built stone bricks, built walls, and built towers.

With that came aristocracy and oppression.

How long has it been?

hundreds, or a thousand years.

I completely trusted the people of the young family, didn't think about it of my own, and didn't trust other subordinates.

It seems that Irena was not alone in admonishing him and complaining about the atrocities of the nobility.

The previous one, who seemed to be a red-haired youth, was finally expelled from this stable Tornado City.

"It was my mistake that I broke my promise with you. Tears flowed down the cheeks of the Tower King.

The Lone King of the Tower ignored the wounds on his body and allowed the lance of the rainbow to pierce his body.

He looked at the children, as if he had seen the old boy behind them.

"I can't go on any more wrong, and the position of government is not something to fight for. All I really want is for human beings to live freely, equally, and carefree. As

he spoke, the Tower King closed his eyes.

"Thank you, if you hadn't woken me up this time, I might not have really known that I listened to his family's words and committed a lot of crimes, so let me use my life to atone for this sin as much as possible.

Barbatos and Andreus didn't speak, but stood respectfully, staring at the most powerful demon god in Mondstadt.

The body of the Tower Lonely King was faintly transparent, and then slowly turned into a pale yellow fluorescent, spreading to the entire area covered by the tornado.

His body and blood diffused into the eternal immortal wind elemental power, and they attached themselves to the ever-expanding tornado.

It provides a steady stream of power for this tornado, which was originally shaped to shelter people.

The Tower King is dead.

Or maybe he's alive forever.

This city, this eternal tornado, is his symbol.

"He is a true king. Andreus muttered.

But if he needs to dedicate himself, he will not hesitate to dedicate himself.

Barbatos gazed at the tornado, reminiscing about the past and hearing in the wind the first respect for the Tower's Lone King.

Li Hua stood up.

"No matter what he did, all deeds will be judged by future generations. However, it is no surprise that he was a worthy and respectable king. "


The other side.

Tommy, who has won the revolution, leads a group of sergeants in the heart of the aristocratic district.

Leggfender, Shavic, Irena, Mira, Alex, Aron and others kept order in order.

On this square, countless civilians gathered here.

In order to completely end the aristocratic era, and also to count the sins of the nobles, and let them get the retribution they deserve.

Tommy formed a court to try these sinners.


them!" "This group of dead nobles can finally slaughter them

!" "Karina, do you see! The nobles have been caught, and your revenge can finally be avenged!" Many

people cried, these are the tears of revenge.

"We will sentence them according to their crimes and their actions on weekdays.

Tommy said, waving his hand for the sergeant to bring in the first nobleman.

"Sydlu Adolf, guilty of concentrated murder, who has slaughtered more than three hundred known people in thirty years, is now sentenced to death, to be executed as an iron virgin. "

Bring a black barbed iron chest.

Adolf was thrust in horror and weeping until blood flowed through the cracks and there was no sound.

"Next, Deman Marx. "

It's true, Mr. Tommy, if it weren't for Mr. Marx's relief, our family would have starved to death. A lame middle-aged man said for Marx.

Other people who have been favored also spoke for Marx.

"Okay, then release Marx's family.

"Next, Dilis Miller, Stina Miller and the rest of Miller. He was guilty of abduction, torture and killing, deliberately making people seriously ill, and tortured and killed more than 2,000 people in ten years, and was sentenced to beheading, splitting the bodies of five horses, and Ling Chi in accordance with their responsibilities. With that

, Tommy asked the sergeant to pull the noblewoman to the Louis XVI platform.

The maiden was tied up, and five horses were ready.

"Actual punishment!"

the guillotine's oblique knife fell, blood splattering the ground.

The lady's head fell to the crowd and was trampled on, and her body fell to the ground and twitched.

And her daughter, Stina, was pulled in five different directions by five horses.

He died in a scream of pain, and his body was torn apart by external forces.

Legon Fender looked at the girl's corpse and said a silent word.

"The sin deserves it. "

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