At night, the sound of sirens was incessant.

General Raiden led Yato and Himura Kenshin to the place where Isayama Yomi had fought with the combatants ten minutes ago. At this moment, demons were dancing wildly.

Countless evil spirits and corpses possessed by evil spirits were fighting fiercely with the special forces that were continuously dispatched. Bullets and water purified by spiritual power were constantly spreading on the battlefield.

"How could there be so many evil spirits here? Has the gate to Hades been opened?"

Kenshin Himura looked at the razed high-rise buildings in disbelief, because there were tens of thousands of evil spirits fighting with human soldiers here. If it weren't for the help of the special forces, this place would have collapsed long ago.

Yato also seemed to understand why General Raiden didn't care about the lives of these people, because if the root cause could not be solved, it would be futile to help more.

"Someone used the flesh and souls of these humans to temporarily open a crack in the underworld, which led to the presence of so many evil spirits. Could it be the little ghost who escaped from my hands three years ago?"

"That's true, but it was actually Yuyuko who was planning in the underworld. If Yuyuko can't be sealed or put back into a dead state, she will not stop planning for the present world."

General Raiden said, pointing to the road section where armored vehicles were scrapped. The meaning was very clear. Isayama Yomizumi was the bait she marked, and Sanzuhe Kazuhiro, who was the fisherman, was also Yuyuko's pawn.

Yato nodded, and he and General Raiden rushed to the headquarters of the Countermeasures Office of the Ministry of the Environment according to the reason why the vehicles were constantly broken. At this moment, Kenshin Himura realized that he should not get involved in this matter that was obviously only for the absolutely strong, and instead drew out his reverse blade and rushed towards those evil spirits.


Within ten minutes, General Raiden and Yato arrived at a seemingly ordinary high-rise building, but the countermeasures room was filled with the aura of the underworld, and countless underworld creatures gathered in it. The surrounding area was filled with many experts from the Ministry of Environment, and there were countless special forces on guard inside to ensure that those butterflies emitting bright blue would not escape.

"It seems that the government has invested a lot of money. Maintaining this double barrier of several kilometers must be a big monster-level item, and the magic tools they use are not cheap."

Yadou was amazed when he saw the powerful barrier used by the government to besiege Isayama Yomi and Sanzu River Kazuhiro. This thing would be a treasure even if it was placed in Inazuma five hundred years ago.

Taking out his mobile phone, Yadou checked the time. There were less than ten minutes left to complete the task. It was obvious that the group of government people were waiting for his surprise attack to break the temporary layout inside before taking action.

"The government's methods are still as dirty as ever!"

Yato said, and then he summoned a weapon that emitted a powerful spiritual power fluctuation. His eyes were no longer scattered like before, but were filled with a fierce killing intent.

"Jizhi, don't think about showing mercy. Huang Quan has been possessed by the devil. For Kagura's safety, I must do my best."

After hearing the advice of his uncle Tsuchimiya Masagaku, Iitsuka Noriyuki could only slowly nod his head with gritted teeth. After all, he was Tsuchimiya Kagura's good friend, but he was also Isayama Yomi's ex-fiance.

A group of members of the Ministry of the Environment equipped themselves with their own demon-killing weapons, wearing standard black suits, silently watching the headquarters that already exuded an ominous atmosphere, and Isayama Yomi's angry shouts could be heard from inside.

Because Isayama Yomi found that Jinguji Ayame and those high-level people she hated the most actually used props to simulate their auras, which put herself in a dilemma. Sanzu

River Kazuhiro looked at the hundreds of combatants outside the building with an ugly face, and looked at several of them dressed like ancient generals, and they were even more unfriendly. His strength barely reached the level of high-level monsters, but he was more capable of escaping and hiding.

He had never thought that the newly established Exorcism Special Warfare Department would be so closely united with the Countermeasures Office of the Ministry of the Environment, and would put most of their assets on dealing with him.

"Fengweiyuan China, those who cause unrest here, I, the God Yato, have descended here, surrendered to the power of the spiritual weapon, and swept away all kinds of filthy barriers!"

Yato lightly jumped to the barrier covering the entire building, using the power of the words of the artifact, blessing the spiritual sword, and gently swung it to cut open part of the barrier. The white knife light was like cutting tofu, splitting the door in two.


Yato's action seemed to touch some kind of switch, and countless evil spirits ran out of it. The dark breath continued to sweep around, making the atmosphere suddenly dark.

""God of War Yato is here!"

Yato shouted softly, and the speed of swinging his sword increased sharply. The white blade light shone as brightly as day. Countless evil spirits were split in two under this powerful force, and the surging blade light even chopped the first floor into pieces.

But at this moment, the evil spirits showed no sign of decreasing at all, and they quickly poured out from the top of the building, making the combatants outside tremble with fear. If Yato hadn't stepped on the thunder, they would have suffered heavy casualties.

""God! It's delicious!"

A yellow spring creature train that was more than ten meters long broke through a wall and jumped out. Its huge mouth filled with scorching breath wanted to swallow Yato into its mouth and chew him up.

"Everyone, be alert, it's a Class B train!"

The combatants waited for the train to break through Yato's defense and provide some support. For them, the existence of Class B is already extremely destructive.

Yato didn't care. A train with only medium-level monster strength was only a little more difficult than a kitten in the eyes of him, a former great monster.

The sword light of dozens of meters was also quickly stimulated,���The train split into two, and its might even split the entire building in the middle. Countless pieces of rubble flew everywhere, leaving the combatants dumbfounded.

Yato's expression became even uglier, because he found that a huge purple-yellow crack had opened up across the entire three floors of the building, and countless evil spirits were running out of it, including some famous ones such as trains, hanged ghosts, human head balloons, and stilt ghosts.

But what does this have to do with Yato!

His target from beginning to end was only the sword Lion King in Isayama Yomi's hand. The task of sealing the Yomi crack and destroying the evil spirits was not his responsibility.

At the place where the building was leaking air, a girl holding a sword inadvertently appeared in Yato's sight, and his eyes suddenly lit up. It was Isayama Yomi who was using the Lion King.

"It’s so annoying!"

A sharp knife light once again obscured everyone's vision!

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