Not much time had passed, but the team leader of the combatants was already directing the personnel to clean up the battlefield, but they all tacitly did not interrupt the conversation of Jinguji Ayame and the others.

General Raiden was in a very good mood at the moment because of the huge gains tonight, so he started to talk to them, although she could see their thoughts clearly with just a glance.

Jinguji Ayame was also depressed after more than ten minutes of communication. She had taken more than a dozen ways to test the intelligence of General Raiden, but she did not gain much at all. Even her own intelligence agency could not find any information about Beichen Meiyi in the database.

General Raiden looked at Jinguji Ayame who was smiling as always, and interrupted him, saying,"It's getting late now, and I have to go back first, so I won't bother Minister Jinguji." When

Jinguji Ayame heard General Raiden's request to resign, she looked at the Onmyojis who were calm and composed beside her, and felt depressed. But when she saw Isayama Yomi, who was now called Zero, next to General Raiden, she gave the secretary a look without leaving a trace. The secretary immediately understood and walked towards Iitsuka Noriyuki, and General Raiden also saw this scene, but did not stop him, because some things still have to have a result.

But what was unexpected was that when Tsuchimiya Kagura heard that General Raiden was going to take Isayama Yomi away, she suddenly rushed in front of General Raiden and said in a pleading tone:"Miko-sama, where are you taking Sister Yomi? Can you please not take Sister Yomi away?"

Although Isayama Yomi didn't know why the girl in front of him was standing in front of him, he subconsciously reached out and rubbed Tsuchimiya Kagura's head, as if recalling something.

General Raiden smiled and pointed at the body of Isayama Yomi not far away and said:"The sister you are familiar with is lying there quietly, and next to you is just a newborn baby."

"Impossible! I definitely can't feel Sister Huang Quan's aura wrongly, I won't abandon my loved ones!"

Tsuchimiya Kagura said firmly, tears welling up in her eyes. She didn't want to lose her closest person again.

"Do you think it was just an accident that Jianshan Huangquan was controlled by the killing stone? When an avalanche occurs on a high mountain, no snowflake is innocent."

"You know the person who is great and glorious in your heart, but the furthest distance between people is the ignorance, and your self-righteousness is the last straw that breaks her back."

General Lei Dian's eyes at this moment saw through everything that happened in the hospital a few hours ago. She knew clearly everyone's attitude and behavior towards Jian Shan Huang Quan.

"No, how can this be possible! Sister Huang Quan is not like that~"

"She didn't kill Jianshan Mei out of hatred. She must have been framed, right?"

General Raiden's amethyst-like eyes seemed to have the magical power to see through everything. He saw through Tsuchimiya Kagura's thoughts very thoroughly and said again:"On the contrary, Jianshan Yomi killed her cousin out of hatred because her cousin Jianshan Mei killed her father."

"The indecisiveness of her fiancé, the in-laws' words that ruined the marriage, the distrust of her teammates, the suspicion and indifference of her superiors, the self-righteous trust and careless hesitation of her relatives, were like mountains pressing down on her heart, causing her great suffering."

"What's more, she has become a useless person who can't take care of herself because of the schemes of others."

General Raiden's tone was very cold, and he narrated the bloody reality. These things were extremely normal and even correct practices for each person, but mixed together, they were the greatest torture for the genius girl Isayama Yomi.

In the face of being unable to speak, the suspicious eyes of colleagues, the cancellation of the engagement, the only relative, and the sister who was regarded as the most precious treasure, Isayama Yomi, who was locked by a lot of false evidence, also showed distrustful hesitation and unsteady trust.

It can be said that without Sanzu River and Hong's obstruction, as long as the killing stone was placed in front of Isayama Yomi, she would be affected by the dark side of her heart and do the same thing.

Tsuchimiya Kagura was stunned by what she said, but after hearing General Raiden's story, Iitsuka Noriyuki was very surprised. He hurried to General Raiden and asked vigilantly:"How do you know so clearly."

General Lei Dian's cold face showed a half-smile, and he said with a hint of sarcasm:"If you have a little bit of my strength, this kind of thing is just a matter of counting your fingers."

"If the Iitsuka family is willing to spend a high price to find someone to investigate the matter for Isayama Yomizumi, who lost her succession to the throne and is now disabled, you don't have to hesitate so much."

Iitsuka Noriyuki's eyes became flustered for a moment, and he did not dare to look at General Raiden, Tsuchimiya Kagura, and Isayama Yomizumi. He clenched his hands nervously, and his heart was constantly struggling.

The engagement between Iitsuka Noriyuki and Isayama Yomizumi was originally a family marriage, but when Isayama Yomizumi's adoptive father died, she was forced to lose her status as the heir to the head of the family, and the engagement had a huge crack.

Then Isayama Yomizumi became a disabled person, and the marriage was unilaterally dissolved.

It was impossible for Iitsuka Noriyuki's father to ignore the family's opposition and the family's interests to investigate the true situation of Isayama Yomizumi's disability, who had become a disabled person.

General Raiden saw Iitsuka Noriyuki's indecisiveness, looked at Jinguji Ayame and said,"Didn't your Countermeasures Office also find out that it was Isayama Yomizumi who killed her cousin Isayama Mei? You are unwilling to spend a lot of resources and favors to cure Isayama Yomizumi, who has become a disabled person."

"After all, a genius girl who could kill her cousin���It is terrifying, not to mention that even if she is rescued, her future will only be limited to B-level strength, and the effort and reward are not proportional at all."

After hearing the inside story and some hidden secrets from General Raiden, Tsuchimiya Kagura suddenly grew up a lot, and understood why her father did not intervene in this matter, and why everyone alienated Sister Isayama Yomi.

"That's true! Even if sister Huang Quan returns to her original appearance, we can no longer get along as friendly as before, so please help take good care of sister Huang Quan, sister Miko."

Tsuchimiya Kagura took a step back, took a deep breath, and bowed 90 degrees to General Raiden to ask for help.

General Raiden helped the bowing Tsuchimiya Kagura up, and said in a kind tone:"If she can awaken her own wisdom, maybe you can continue your relationship, but you should take your father home to recuperate first! After all, he is missing a big piece of his soul."

Tsuchimiya Kagura suddenly thought of her taciturn father, and panicked, preparing to take the body of Isayama Huang Quan back to her father.

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