Before Asakura Ye Wang had a chance to show his style, it ended so hastily. When

General Lei Dian saw the evil ghost devouring Asakura Ye Wang's entire soul with a big move, he did not feel much guilt. If he did not kill him today, countless ordinary people would die in the future because of his wish.

"It is better to clean up all the hidden guys in Inazuma and return to the Warring States Period."General Lei Dian said to herself helplessly. She had a hunch that as long as she completed the promotion to the realm of heavenly immortals, she would never be able to use the Bone-Eating Well again.

A bolt of lightning struck the body of King Asakura Ye, and the body turned into nothing. At the same time, General Lei Dian also forged the traces of King Asakura Ye going out to rob tombs to make money, and hid a suicide note and"funeral objects" in a hidden corner of this villa. King

Asakura Ye's father would also believe it, because King Asakura Ye himself stood out from the crowd since he was a child, liked to go it alone, and used his ability to earn a lot of money to buy this villa.

After General Lei Dian forged the traces of the villa, he returned to the outside world and saw that he was holding the Tianmu Kage sword and swinging the sword one by one. Isayama Yomi in action, her subconscious is influencing her daily training with the katana.

General Raiden just wanted to pull Isayama Yomi back to Kagome Higurashi's house, and suddenly heard Yato's helpless and angry shouts in the distance, among which there were the roars of a woman and the sound of weapons colliding.

Between the buildings in the distance, Yato was entangled by a very exposed blonde woman wearing a military cap, black leather jacket and leather pants, and the weapons of the two were constantly emitting the sound of metal collision.

That beautiful blonde lady is Bishamon in"Noragami", who became a mortal enemy of Yato because of an unknown secret, but judging from the situation, Yato obviously did the same thing as in the original world.

"What a pair of happy enemies!"

General Raiden did not want to use his own power to figure out the things between Yato and Bishamon. With their special status as gods, his investigation would make them have a premonition.

He took the evil ghost back again, waved his sleeves, and the two of them changed the space and jumped directly back to the Higurashi Shrine. With a jump, he took Isayama Yomi back to the room where he lived. Kikyo felt the arrival of General Raiden with her closed eyes and opened them to look at the dark outside world, but quickly closed them again, ignoring the movement in the next room.


In the early morning, the outside world was already covered in snow.

General Raiden was sitting on the sofa, watching the report by Tokyo TV today about terrorists attacking a location in Tokyo, igniting natural gas, causing huge casualties and property losses, but all of them were shot dead by the brave and fearless police.

Kagome Higurashi was also very surprised to see this scene. After all, Tokyo is the current political and economic center of Inazuma, and she didn't expect it to be attacked by terrorists. But she looked at the pure-eyed miko next to General Raiden with doubts, and always felt that there was something she didn't know.

"Is this really just a terrorist attack?"

After Kikyo finished her meditation, she looked at the idle Kagome Higurashi and said,"Kagome, today's shrine maiden training can begin. Please be sure to concentrate!" When

Higurashi heard Kikyo's words, her face was a little dull. For her, who was born lively and active, the boring shrine maiden training and the study of extraordinary knowledge were a kind of torture, which was much more boring than studying. When old man Higurashi saw his granddaughter's collapsed expression, he was furious. The revitalization of his own shrine is entrusted to you, how can you be so lazy!

"Kagome, you are the heir of Higurashi Shrine, how can you be so lazy? This is an opportunity that many people have been longing for. If you can't complete your homework as a shrine maiden, you will lose your pocket money for the next few months!"

Higurashi Kagome was helpless when she heard her grandfather's threat, because her mother would definitely support her. She didn't expect that she would have to practice as a shrine maiden after just waiting for the weekend break.

Kikyo was envious when she saw this scene. Her parents died when she was young, and she lived a hard life with her sister until she fully awakened her spiritual talent. Only then did her life and her sister's life become better.

General Raiden felt the inner changes of Kikyo next to him, covered Kikyo's fair little hand with his hand, his eyes full of tenderness, stood up and pointed to the prosperous city on TV and said,"Let Zero and Kagome tidy up the open space and shrine for practice next to them in the morning! Let's go to the town at the foot of the mountain to buy some daily necessities first!"

Kikyo smiled peacefully after hearing this, nodded, and gave instructions to everyone, and then walked with General Raiden to the city after the first heavy snow of the year.

General Raiden and Kikyo didn't know that a huge storm had caused a huge upheaval in the Inazuma government, and the government's investigation into the priestess of Beichen Meiyi was directly raised to the highest level.

As a result, after a period of exploration with the Narugami Shrine in Kyoto, it was discovered that there had never been a hidden strongman named Beichen Meiyi in the Narugami Shrine, and the sword she carried was also investigated. It turned out to be the legendary Tenmekage tachi, the sword of General Raiden.

Combined with the fact that the Tokyo castle tower lost the sacred artifact, this made Inazuma panic for a while. After all, the meaning behind this made the government officials panic all day long.

Three months passed quietly, and General Raiden was about to complete the complete improvement of his strength. Looking at Kagome Higurashi, whose temperament was much more elegant in the Higurashi Shrine, and Isayama Yomi, whose momentum was getting more fierce, he thought for a while and took out the Lion King that Tsuchimiya Kagura secretly handed to him that night.

""Zero, come here!"

Jianshan Huangquan put down the wooden sword in his hand, walked to General Lei Dian with an imposing manner, bowed respectfully and said:"Teacher, do you want Zero to come here to help you with something?"

"Well, it's nothing, I just give this weapon to you, I hope you can take good care of it!"

When Jianshan Huangquan saw the exquisite Lion King in the hands of General Lei Dian, his heart was throbbing, as if it was a most precious item. He quickly took it in his hand and slowly pulled it out. The blade exuded a sharp cold air, but if you look closely, you can see countless runes in the pattern.

"It seems that you like this Lion King that I reforged very much, but I have to tell you a bad news. Kikyo and I are going on a long journey, so I ask you to help protect the Higurashi Shrine."

Isayama Yomi nodded, and some dreamlike memories seemed to flash in her mind, but when she thought about it carefully, it was like a mirage, which made her very confused.

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