Tokyo, the Happy Valley of Foreigners.

As the place with the largest number of foreigners and the closest economic and cultural interweaving, it is filled with all kinds of companies and gangs.

It is also one of the most troublesome places for government departments. After all, this place is a mixed bag, and has extremely close relations with various high-level officials. It has a huge foreign background and is one of the important economic sources of Sakura Country.

But at this moment, this place is empty, and the alarm of space shock resounds throughout the area, driving people away from here. As for those drug addicts and drunkards, they are not taken seriously by government officials.

They are still counting on these people to attract the attention of ghosts, so that government officials have time to capture or eliminate them. After all, after more than 20 days of secret sweeps, the number of ghost killings has been significantly reduced.

"Damn, you actually asked us to deal with these ghosts. You really want my wife to be a widow!"

"Murakami-kun, you should say less. We are the most elite in the Self-Defense Forces. We can’t let the AST steal the limelight all the time!"

"Oh, I don't have much hatred towards ghosts. I know that ghosts love people who do bad things the most. We are just tools used to clean up their mess."

"Huizi-chan, please be careful with your words. If your superiors hear this, you'll be in trouble!"

"No road race!"


A masked girl with a graceful figure was walking slowly on the almost desolate street, but the colorful neon lights brought an eerie sense of liveliness to the neighborhood.

The sound of bullets being fired silently, one bullet after another, driven by powerful force, shot rapidly towards the girl, as if to tear her into pieces. The slit-mouthed woman seemed to have anticipated this a long time ago. She swung her arms quickly, holding a dozen steaming bullets in her hands. If you look closely, you can see the light green light in her hands.

Random Domain!

This is why the slit-mouthed woman used herself as bait to attract them, because these higher-level ghosts had already mastered the use of the random domain.

Who asked Isaac and the other magicians to engrave the magic circuits of the random domain that were ahead of their time on the display device? They were geniuses among humans, so naturally they were the first to master it.

"Damn, this ghost's ability seems to be much stronger than before. It looks like I need to attack it by force."

"The first and second teams used beam weapons to besiege, the third and fourth teams used electromagnetic weapons to attack, and the fifth team and I prepared for close combat!"

With the order of the battle commander, hundreds of members who had been hiding started to move, and for a while, various bullets covered the position of the slit-mouthed woman.

But the next moment, the mask of the slit-mouthed woman split open, as if it was a dark black hole, sucking countless attacks directly into the four-meter-wide mouth, which made people uncomfortable. For a while, there was only the magical phenomenon of bullets and beams being sucked into the dark mouth, but the Self-Defense Force members with rich combat memories also kept adjusting their positions to fire ammunition, and those with bad tempers also directly fired micro-missiles.

But the situation was without exception, and they were all sucked into the three- or four-meter-long giant mouth that was transformed from a mouth less than the size of a fist, and could not cause any waves.

Under the order of the commander, the fifth team was ready to go, ready to be in the short-term firepower of other teams. During the break, they immediately engaged in close combat, but they heard the painful cries of their teammates.

When they came to their senses, they found that more than a dozen ghosts similar to the monsters in ancient legends had approached them and killed them. For a moment, blood and broken limbs were flying everywhere in the dilapidated block. The offensive of the Self-Defense Forces was immediately disrupted, and they were caught in a situation where they could not take care of themselves.

The protective shield of the random field, which they thought was indestructible, seemed to be like waste paper in the hands of those ghosts. They were pierced one by one, and for a while they could only fly away in panic.

At the same time, they also found that their weapons had limited damage to them. They could only make them emit bursts of black mist, and the next moment their bodies would return to their original state, but it could also be seen that their movements were a bit slow.

"Damn, these monsters are ambushing us!"

""Retreat quickly!"

After hearing the order from their commander-in-chief, the Self-Defense Forces flew away quickly from high altitudes, feeling relieved. However, several flying ghosts were chasing them closely, as if they wanted to eat them alive.

The slit-mouthed woman also returned to her original state at this moment. She did not take their attack seriously at all. Instead, she looked at a building a hundred meters away.

"What a weird ability, I never thought you would consciously launch a counter-encirclement!"

Takamiya Mana slowly walked from the broken glass window of the high-rise building, wearing the blue and white CR-UNIT of DEM Society, with special weapons like shields on her arms like wiring suits, and looked at the slit-mouthed woman with cold eyes.

For her, today's secret observation was just a whim of hers, and she never expected to see this weird battle scene when the space earthquake alarm sounded. The slit-mouthed woman's eyes lit up slightly, and the use of spiritual power allowed her to see the other person clearly. She couldn't help but say:"You are exactly the same as a girl named Takamiya Mana whom I met more than ten years ago. It seems that you should be her daughter!" Takamiya

Mana heard the inexplicable remarks of the slit-mouthed woman and felt a little angry. The weird existence in front of her clearly wanted to take advantage of her and make herself twice as inferior to her.

"That depends on whether your ability can match your eloquence!"

After saying this, Chonggong Mana was very close to the casual field.���covered her body, and her ability to control the manifestation device was obviously much stronger than those of the Self-Defense Forces.

A second later, Takamiya Mana used the double blades in her hands to slash at the slit-mouthed woman fiercely. The extreme speed made it difficult for people to react, but the slit-mouthed woman opened her mask and a half-meter thick energy beam spit out from it.

Takamiya Mana immediately dodged at the critical moment. The heavy beam directly swept across the buildings within a hundred meters, making her back cold.

But as an existence ranked in the top ten in the world in terms of the combat power of the manifestation device, Takamiya Mana also took advantage of this to play a flexible role. The random field directly expanded the scope of influence and directly wrapped around the slit-mouthed woman. The shooting weapons behind her were quickly ejected, and several energy beams shuttled back and forth directly from the slit-mouthed woman's body, trying to crush her into powder.

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