Bishamonten, also known as the God of Wealth, is a great god who protects Buddhism and is one of the four heavenly kings.

However, the Bishamonten who is targeting General Raiden at this moment is a local god born from mythology by the people's belief in Japan.

Although the clone of General Raiden, who presides over the military and political affairs of the Mingshen Army, does not share the memory with the original body, he also vaguely understands why Bishamonten calls himself the enemy of Buddha and wants to kill him as soon as possible.

Because the Mingshen Army led by Hojo Aso directly wiped out the Uesugi family in Musashi before it could move to Echigo, Bishamonten's investment in the Uesugi family was also wiped out, and Uesugi Kenshin, who claimed to be the reincarnation of Bishamonten, would not appear in the future. The occurrence of this incident made Bishamonten's accumulation of many years go down the drain, and almost cut off his future path to further progress. How could he let General Raiden go?

General Raiden looked at the many dead monks and the soldiers who were already covered in armor. Combined with the information from the intelligence personnel in Kyoto, he knew that the final decisive battle would take place on the plains near Kyoto.

"Go down and gather the soldiers, take the enemy soldiers away, take them to labor reform, and repair and expand the road."

General Lei Dian gave his next order. Smart subordinates will be very considerate and do things in a neat and orderly manner. After all, if General Lei Dian had to explain everything clearly, what would the general do?


On the Yingxiang Mountain, in a newly opened space.

All the strong men under the name of Naruto gathered in this space, in the huge palace, which was magnificent and filled with precious dishes.

General Raiden sat high on the main seat. The banquet was divided into two rows. On the left were the powerful monsters, mainly Yakumo Yukari and Kazami Yuuka, and on the right were the powerful gods, mainly the Yamai sisters and the Mizozu family. There was a peaceful scene in the hall. After all, this was the election banquet held by Naruto for the members of the Hundred Demons Night Parade. No brainless monster wanted to be presumptuous in front of General Raiden at this important moment.

"Please enjoy the food, these are delicious dishes from China, it is not easy to eat these delicacies again."

General Lei Dian said with a sweet smile, and the majesty that he exuded inadvertently made the people present look at the delicacies on the table and swallow their saliva inadvertently. After all, everyone knows that Japan is a place that does not have the rich food history of China.

And the dishes in front of them, which are like works of art, are said to be made by several chefs that General Lei Dian asked from the big figures in the underworld of China. The fragrance of the ingredients makes people feel relaxed and happy. When everyone saw General Lei Dian move his chopsticks, they also got permission to eat the food on the table. At the same time, they seemed to have taken down the rules and chatted with each other, and there were bursts of noise.

Two hours later, the table that was originally full of delicious food was empty, and various drinks were placed on it. After eating and drinking, everyone regained their calm and looked at General Lei Dian who was in the main seat.

"All of you who are able to sit here are monsters who have made great achievements in the past two years or powerful people with unfathomable strength. This time, a night parade of one hundred demons will be held in the summer to provide enough fear for everyone and enhance everyone's strength."

"Leader Horse, please read out the list of participants this time!"

The horse-headed monster heard General Lei Dian's order, and exuded the aura of the peak strength of a high-level monster. He took out a list that had been prepared long ago and read it out.

"The monsters participating in the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons are Yuuka Kazami, Shiranui, Gyuto, Yotsuguhime... Seshomaru, Inuyasha, and Aoandon."

The horse-headed monster loudly announced 108 monsters. These monsters are at least high-level monsters and have made great contributions.

The list above was selected after careful consideration, so the monsters did not have too many objections, but everything has its surprises.

"Lord Narukami, I have a problem with the list of the horse leader. I have achieved great results in attacking those rebellious monsters, so why is my name not on it?"

General Raiden paused for a moment, and then cast his eyes on the owner of the voice. He saw a handsome monster dressed as a ronin warrior with mostly golden hair but gradually turning black at the ends.

Nurarihyon had just spoken when he was stared at by many eyes. Unexpectedly, with his high-level monster strength, he felt powerless under the gazes, as if several mountains were pressing down on him, and he became a fish on the chopping board.

"How could that green-haired female monster be so... strong!"

Yuuka Kazami has a bad temper to begin with. What she hates most is trouble, destruction of the natural environment and slander against herself, and the Nura-no-Goblin in front of her is obviously looking for trouble.

Should he be beaten into powder with his fists!

Or should he be beaten into ashes with a magic cannon?

General Raiden naturally noticed the murderous intent emerging from Yuuka Kazami, but today is a festive day, how could he kill a meritorious official? He quickly used his strength to restore Nura-no-Goblin's normal mobility.

Yuuka Kazami just glanced at General Raiden slightly, then turned her eyes to the timid Firefly Grass, showing a warm smile, and made a gesture to her, wanting to build some good relationships with this junior.

Nura-no-Goblin also suddenly found that the moment General Raiden looked at him, the huge pressure on him was wiped out by himself, but his illusion talent was warning him that the space around him had changed, and he seemed to be separated from the monsters around him by several spaces.

"Nurarihyon, you actually have objections to the final list that everyone has decided on. Don't you take us seriously?"

Ma said with some anger.

He knew that if he didn't handle it well, the monsters of the Narukami Group would be dissatisfied, and this festive day would be a mess.

Naturally, he could only speak in a rough tone.

Nurarihyon listened to Ma's rebuke with lingering fear, but he was also helpless.

He originally wanted to use the excuse of some objections to show his style in front of the monsters, but he didn't expect that among the monsters present, there were more than a dozen strong ones who were at least as powerful as big monsters.

If he didn't handle it well, he would not be infamous after today, but would be beaten into a pulp by the angry big monsters.

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