When the Mingshen Army reached the second line of defense, they found a city wall that was more than ten meters high and stretched for dozens of kilometers. The wall was shining with various spiritual lights. On the wall, there were countless gun barrels emitting powerful auras facing the open space outside the city. Behind it was a huge illusory continent in the sky.

General Raiden looked at the city wall that was emitting countless barriers and formations, and he also understood the intentions of the gods and nobles of Takamagahara. It was obvious that they wanted to use extraordinary power as the main force and ordinary soldiers as the auxiliary force to contain the Mingshen Army's advance.

"It looks like the Emperor's lineage is nearing completion."

"Seshomaru, Lingyue Xianji, Kuhuo Bird... wait until the army is deployed, then recover your true form and attack the city wall! Don't worry about the recovery of spiritual power."

General Raiden directly ordered the powerful big monsters in his Naruto group. You must know that the true form of each big monster can grow to tens of meters in height, and each of them can be called Godzilla level.

But unfortunately, times have changed. Due to the depletion of spiritual energy, the recovery of spiritual power, and the lack of food have become the biggest limitations. As a result, the big monsters can only use human forms to reduce resource consumption, and the growth of their true forms has also been greatly restricted. The

Naruto army is exactly the same as General Raiden imagined. Under the autonomous deployment of General Raiden's clone in the central army, a large number of soldiers marched towards the two wings to attack those who are still The soldiers in the original fortifications launched an attack.

The big monsters also cooperated with the surging firepower of the mechas, using their own advantages to fight the city walls with magic and flesh. If it weren't for General Raiden's intention to control the battlefield, the enemy soldiers on both wings might have been beaten into meat paste in the aftermath of the battle.

Takama-ga-hara also experienced huge ups and downs under the impact of these big monsters, and the light emitted from the city walls also dissipated a lot. Although they had two more god-level gods than Naruto, the threats from General Raiden and Yakumo Yukari made them dare not act rashly, and they ended up using their strength to directly attack these big monsters.

"The blood sacrifice ceremony is almost ready. It's time to use the three sacred artifacts and ask that lord to kill the Sky-Snail God Baal!"

"Your Highness , please hold the sacrificial ceremony!"

The prince of the Emperor's lineage sighed slightly as he looked at the fanatical and obsessed blood relatives in the sacrificial ceremony, suppressing the sadness in his eyes. All this was for the noble status of the Emperor's lineage.

The prince took out the Kusanagi sword, the Yasakani no Magatama, and the Eight-foot Mirror from three ancient wooden boxes with full respect, and activated their power with the blood power in his body. A powerful power fluctuation immediately erupted on the field, and the traces of time on the three artifacts slowly dissipated, emitting the brilliant light of the ancient artifacts. The surrounding priestesses and priests also began to chant ancient spells.

The bodies of the hundreds of people obsessed in the ceremony immediately emitted a glow. The sacred blood-red light, the body scattered on the ground like fine sand, gave people a bloody and sacred feeling.

Blood sacrifice is a bloody and cruel thing in the eyes of modern people, but in ancient times it was a sacred and inviolable ancient ritual, representing the close relationship between the sacrificer and the gods, and was an important reliance for the survival of the human race.

The ceremony went very smoothly, and without any accidents, hundreds of people were sacrificed and melted into a blood-red agate, and were constantly seduced by the three artifacts.

The three great gods who were high in Takama-ga-hara also showed joy in their eyes, and cast their eyes towards the place where the prince was, and quickly activated the magic circle that had been prepared long ago, and a powerful The majestic power immediately turned the prince into a bloody mist, and communicated with the power of the three sacred artifacts.

Its power caused the space to collapse in an instant, and the world was wailing. The power had exceeded the upper limit of the power that the space here could allow, and reached the unreachable realm of the celestial being.

But that was only a moment of power, and it was enough. The target they wanted to communicate with was not Amaterasu, who had created the world with Kanzaki and hid in the demon world, nor was it Susanoo, who was forced to leave for other star regions, but Tsukiyomi, who was in a state of transformation on the moon.

Just the power that burst out in that instant made the three gods in Takamagahara realize that the power of the gods they had accumulated over the years was... Most of their strength was consumed, but their eyes were full of joy. The greater the consumption, the further Yue Ye Jian Zun went in the realm of celestial beings.

On the moon, the leaders of the Moon City were sitting in the observation room, constantly spying on the war happening on the Japanese mainland through high-tech instruments and magic tools. After all, there were several god-level strongmen involved, and the monster sage Yakumo Yukari was also involved. The

Mian Yue sisters looked at the picture of the Emperor's lineage using their own blood relatives to stimulate the power of the three artifacts with great disdain. You must know that these three artifacts were given by their mother, aunt and younger aunt respectively, and they have the power to rival the god-level strongmen.

"Humans are so filthy!"

"That's right, no wonder my mother finally built our Moon City, a holy place."

"It’s a pity that Kaguya is willing to use the Penglai monster to escape from the glory of her mother!"

"That’s right, it’s really abominable that the great sage was allowed to disappear in this filthy world!"

The Mianyue sisters chattered about their loneliness over the years, but they suddenly felt a mighty breath rising from the moon, and the world seemed to be much brighter.

"Could it be that my mother has finally integrated the Heavenly Dao and reached the legendary realm!"

Mian Yue Feng Ji just said happily, but suddenly found that many magic tools in the observation room suddenly exploded, and the high-tech instruments showed a dark passage covering the sky above Japan.

"This is……"


General Raiden and Yakumo Yukari raised their hands to block the attack that was causing the space to collapse, but the space above them was constantly expanding. It was obvious that the attack of this force was still making the space overwhelmed.

"It seems that time���Go and face my enemies!"

General Raiden stood up, glanced at the strong men in the Moon City through countless spaces, and then used his own power to smooth out the broken space. He left the earth in two steps and came to the vicinity of the Moon City. Yakumo

Yukari didn't say anything, but looked at the place where the Takama-ga-hara projection was. After all, if the attack just now hadn't been blocked, the Japanese mainland would have been hit into the sea. At the same time, she felt guilty about Narukami Bar, so she naturally took those three guys as a punching bag.

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