"There is only one person in this land of Inazuma who can call the shots, and that is Lord Ogosho."

"The only ones who can shelter us from the wind and rain are the three great magistrates and the Narugami Taisha Shrine. It won’t be the Kujo family, nor will it be my Kamisato family. You must know this."

Kamisato Ayato’s father turned around and looked at his son and said,"My Kamisato family has been able to stay safe and in power all along because of the trust of General Raiden, who was able to shelter us from the wind and rain."

"You know, the Takashi family in the Tenryo Bugyo has always coveted the position of the Kujo family in the Tenryo Bugyo."

Kamito Ayato suddenly realized that the general was immortal, while mortals like him would grow old with the passage of time, so the most important thing was the trust and favor of the supreme being.

"Father, I will wipe out all traces of my sister."

Kamisato Ayato's father sighed and said,"That's not enough. Tell the Tenryo Bugyo to take away the Eye of God from the housekeeper Thomas. After all, he is not from the shogunate."

"Kamisato Ayato, I hope you know that the general is playing a big game. The god of the neighboring country has already passed away."

Kamisato Ayato heard her father's name and knew the seriousness of the matter. After bidding farewell to her father, she went out and ordered the ninjas loyal to the company to erase all traces.

Naganohara Fireworks Shop.

After saying goodbye to the movie, General Raiden returned to this place and saw the returning Naganohara Yomiuri. At this moment, she felt a little heavy.

"Xiao Gong, what's bothering you? Do you need your sister's help?"

Naganohara Xiao Gong was hesitant to speak when she heard what General Lei Dian said, but when she remembered that the other party's Eye of God had been confiscated, she blurted out:"Sister Mei, a friend of mine was imprisoned in the deep prison of the Tenryo Bugyo because of some things. I wonder if you have any way to get him out."

"Deep in the prison, this is a troublesome matter, but it is not a particularly difficult matter. I will write you a handwritten letter and give it to Hokuchen Zaemon in the Tenryo Bugyo. He will find a way to help you get him out."

Naganohara Xiaogong showed a happy expression on her face, because she knew that Hokuchen Zaemon was the"little brother" of General Raiden, and it was obvious that the family would use their power to get him out.

"Xiao Gong, I will go to the Asase Shrine next to Qinglai Island to meet my friend today. This room is for you to store some things that cannot be seen by the Tenryo Bugyo.

"Sister Mei, it turns out you already know everything!"

"If you don't use elemental power in front of me secretly, I won't find it so easily."

After saying this, General Raiden walked towards the house, put some light novels and daily necessities into the storage bag, and hung a Tenmoku Kage tachi that he had made not long ago on his waist. His hair was tied into a ponytail with a rope.

When Naganohara Xiaogong saw General Raiden coming out, he had changed into easy-to-move clothes, hung a Tenmoku Kage tachi on his waist, and was holding an envelope with the Beichen family emblem printed on it. It was obvious that he was about to leave.

"Please take this letter, I believe it will bring you good luck!"

Naganohara Xiaomiya took the letter and found a bunch of keys underneath. He put it in his pocket and said sincerely:"Why don't you have lunch at my house before leaving!"

"Alas, Xiaogong, your request is really difficult for me. I guess it won't be long before people surround me. If I don't leave now, it will be difficult."

"All right then! Have a good trip!"

General Lei Dian nodded to her, and with a few leaps, he stepped down the city wall with extremely delicate steps and quickly disappeared into the village.

When Naganohara Xiao Gong saw General Lei Dian disappear from her sight, she retracted her gaze and walked towards the place where General Lei Dian lived. She knew very well that this was a residence used to help those wanted persons hide their tracks.


Qinglai Island, Asase Shrine.

Neko patted the cash box, which was as empty as ever, with her paws, and couldn't help but sigh:"Don't the people of Inazuma know how to worship gods nowadays? Broken-horned demon." When

Miyuchiyo heard Neko's complaint, a helpless look appeared on her face, which was half covered by the mask, and she said:"Is it possible that most people in Inazuma believe in the Great Palace of Takenami-jin, and even the people of Umijima believe in Oropus.

" Neko shouted somewhat unhappy after hearing this:"This is Qinglai Island, how can they not worship the cat god!

" Kikyo slowly returned to Asase Shrine from the outside world with food.

Seeing the daily conversation between Miyuchiyo and the cat demon Neko, she smiled and said:"It seems that Miss Miyu's condition has recovered a lot, and she can chat with Neko normally.


"Kikyo Miko, it’s all thanks to you for saving me, otherwise I would still be sealed next to the shrine!"

"But Miss Kikyo, you collected a lot more food from the outside world today than usual. Is there anyone who wants to visit you?"

Yu Chiyo could tell at a glance that the amount of food today was obviously not enough for two people, but Neko asked,"Are they the soldiers stationed on Qinglai Island?"

"No, but she may be an acquaintance to Miss Miyu, and to me, she is the god who pulled me from darkness to light."

When Miyu Chiyo heard what Kikyo said, her eyes became a little erratic. After five hundred years, there were only a few people who could be called acquaintances, but they were all existences she didn't want to face.

Seeing Miyu Chiyo's absent-minded look, Kikyo guessed something, but to be alive, one must always face one's past weaknesses, so she asked Qinzi to cook her favorite food. Miyu Chiyo saw

Kikyo's receding back, stretched out her palm that looked like a real hand, and recalled her experience after being invaded by the power of the abyss.

At that time, because she was infected by the power of the abyss, she fled to the deep mountains and forests in order not to hurt the shogunate army, but her body was not controlled by her will at all. She fought to the death with Lei Dianying in the mountains, but Lei Dianying let her go and cut off one of her own. She lost an arm and a demon horn, and the huge pain awakened her consciousness and she fled the battlefield.

After that, she spent her time in a state of wakefulness and confusion until she met her son, Miyu Michiki.

She lost an arm and a weapon and was defeated by her son, but he painfully gave up the idea of taking his own life.

She wandered around in the mountains and forests for a hundred years with scars all over her body.

It was not until she was chased by a mechanical creature called the Demon Sword Ghost that she realized that the swordsmanship of this thing was exactly what her son used against her.

It was when her life was hanging by a thread that a thunderbolt tore through the sky and suppressed the Demon Sword Ghost at the battle site on Yayu Island. She was also sealed by the familiar figure near the Asase Shrine and was removed by the roots of the sacred cherry tree.

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