
"Drop your weapons now!"


The Fatui approached quickly, and although they were exhorting loudly, they had already activated their weapons, and several debt collectors had even approached secretly.

Kikyo's eyes flashed coldly, and she wanted to cast a spell to mobilize the so-called elemental power and practice the spell, but General Lei Dian held her raised hand

"Our goal is to leave Inazuma and sit back and watch the clouds rise, not to have conflicts with our tools."

General Raiden said, with a strong willpower flashing in his eyes. The whole area was immediately watched by the supreme gaze, and the spirits of the Fatui were immediately distorted.

Will infection!

This will also disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Within two seconds, the murderous eyes of the Fatui looked at General Raiden and Kikyo with awe, and said:"My lord, we are ordered by Her Majesty the Queen to come here to serve the two executive officers. I wonder what you want!"

"You send two teams to destroy the ruins of the Asase Shrine, and ambush the Yae Goddess who came to stop our plan, and don't reveal our information."

After General Raiden finished speaking, he put on the ghost mask that covered the upper half of his face left by Miyashiro. Kikyo looked at those guys with strange masks on their faces, and seemed to understand something, so she took out a fox mask and put it on her face.

The Fatui naturally looked at General Raiden fanatically, and then went to the ship to organize those subordinates who had been infected by his will, and went to the Asase Shrine to execute orders. Neko looked at these Fatui who were like crazy, and her awe of General Raiden increased a lot, But thinking of the entire Asase Shrine that General Raiden had taken away and the fakes left behind, he became more obedient.

General Raiden boarded the giant steel ship and ordered the Fatui to sail the ship to Liyue Harbor. The Fatui ignored their companions who were thrown to Qinglai Island to perform the mission, and neatly controlled the ship to set sail.

Half a day later, the already dilapidated building where the original site of the Asase Shrine was located welcomed a group of more than 30 Fatui. Among them, two advance teams took the lead in demolishing the building, and the remaining dozen people found their hiding places one after another. She had to hide in hiding, and was determined to serve the"executive" with all her heart and soul until her death.

More than half an hour later, a pink figure floated on the ground like a butterfly. When she stopped and looked at the devastated shrine and the advance team that was searching for objects fiercely, she remained silent.

The people in the advance team had been waiting for a long time. The moment Yae Shinko stopped, they activated the elemental shield function on their equipment and launched an attack on her.

Yae Shinko's originally charming eyes suddenly became sharp and fierce. Because she smelled several hidden scents, it was obvious that this was an ambush.

Lightning flashed on the spot, and dozens of fox spirits composed of magic led the lightning elements between heaven and earth to launch a fierce attack. The seemingly unbreakable shield of the advance team was like paper, which broke at a touch. The powerful power of the lightning element penetrated their bodies and killed them directly on the way of charging.

The debt collector, the lightning firefly magician, the ice firefly magician, and the prism lady also launched a fatal sneak attack at the moment when the eight gods launched a powerful magic attack.

"Oh no! You are so impatient. Don't you know that speed and wisdom are always the best of foxes?"

The Fatui who were in charge of the sneak attack discovered that the Eightfold God Child had secretly moved his position without knowing it, and what was left in the original place was just an illusion constructed by elemental power.


"The Sky Fox Appears!"

Yajyou Godson looked at them with cold eyes, but spoke in a charming voice. A huge fox shadow immediately covered a hundred meters. The powerful elemental force burst out instantly, and more than a dozen voices immediately lost most of their ability to move.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if you can tell me what happened, I will let you go!"

Yae God slowly approached the dozen or so Fools with lightning flashing on their bodies, and said with a smile, now he is the knife and they are the fish, he has plenty of ways to make them tell the answer

"For Her Majesty the Queen!"

"For the sake of the executive officer!"

More than a dozen members of the Fatui knew their situation, but the distortion of their will made them burn their lives and launch a final attack on Yae Shenzi. Yae Shenzi's face suddenly changed, and she was no longer as confident as before, because she felt the sudden burst of momentum and the rapidly dissipating vitality of the dozen people.

Yae Shenzi also knew that these people were probably dead men, and it was a pipe dream to get information from them. It was estimated that the witches and soldiers on Qinglai Island would have to be mobilized to collect the specific situation of the Fatui.

Yae Shenzi also lost the ability to fight with these Fatui who burned their lives. With this thought, the figure turned into a stream of light and flew towards the shogunate headquarters on Qinglai Island.

The Fatui were even more furious when they saw Yae Shinto retreat without a fight, and wanted to chase after her, but when they saw that the shadow of the voice had disappeared, they roared in pain. They failed to complete the order of the"Executive" to defeat or capture Yae Shinto.

Half a minute later, there was a dead silence here.

On the steel giant ship of the Fatui, Kikyo felt the moist sea breeze blowing on her cheeks, and the warm sunshine fell from the top of her head, warming her body.

White seagulls flew over the sea not far from the ship, but their speed was comparable to that of the ship.

"Ahead is the thunderstorm barrier covering the boundary between Inazuma and Liyue, which is one of the wonders of Teyvat."

After hearing this, Kikyo held up the defensive shield, hugged her bed and looked at the thunderstorm that was getting closer and closer. Purple thunder covered the sky, and lightning bolts as thick as buckets struck the sea.

As the ship approached, the entire sea area exploded as if it was boiling, the turbulent tsunami surged wildly, and countless thunders exploded.

But the Fatui's doctor had already used special lightning protection and lightning conduction technology for this situation, and the magic technology on the hull also burst out with powerful functions, isolating the roar of thunder.

With Kikyo's sighing tone, the ship passed through this thunder curtain that was like a punishment from heaven and sailed towards the distant Liyue.

"Turn on the maximum power, we must reach Liyue in the shortest possible time."

The captain went to the control panel without any hesitation and started the power system that could destroy the entire ship. He wanted to reach Liyue as quickly as possible. As for the issue of destroying the ship, it was all worth it for the order of the"Executive Officer".

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