After hearing about the supplies General Lei Dian needed for three people, Keqing also knew that the two people and the cat had to go to the Layered Abyss to solve the problem, but she didn't have any intention of stopping them.

"These are the supplies we need. Please prepare them. We will go back to rest first."

General Lei Dian stood up, picked up Beizi and Kikyo and walked out of the dinner. However, his eyes stayed on a plain-looking girl from the General Affairs Department for a while.

When the footsteps of General Lei Dian and the other person could no longer be heard, Keqing asked,"How credible are her words?""

"It's completely believable, but she hid some important information and didn't want us to delve deeper. At the same time, she seemed to find out that I was not an ordinary staff member of the General Affairs Department."

"Ye Lan, she was able to discover your identity. Does it feel wrong?"

"No, anyone who could successfully escape to other countries from the encirclement of the Fatui and the Solstice Army must be very sensitive to things, otherwise he would not have been able to kill the Fatui's executive officer, the Doctor, in Mondstadt."

"The witch next to her is also a strong person who should not be underestimated. Although she does not have the Eye of God, I can feel the flavor of those ancient warlock families in her."

"No wonder we need to prepare three people's ten-day supplies. Then we should quickly dispatch and investigate so that they can enter the Layered Rock Abyss tomorrow and set up a new supply point there."

Ye Lan also nodded, said a few words to her colleague next to her, and hurried to the direction of Yujingtai to report to Tianquanxing Ningguang. However, what she didn't notice was that after the two General Affairs Department staff left, Keqing ordered another serving of golden shrimp balls.


The next day, General Raiden and his entourage, led by the Thousand Rocks Army, headed for the Layered Rock Abyss. The landforms on the road were very different from the island-style landforms of Inazuma. The dilapidated ancient ruins on the road also allowed Kikyo and Neko to appreciate different beautiful scenery.

The Thousand Rocks Army's marching speed was not very fast, but the planned route was very safe and fast. In just three hours, they had brought General Raiden to the Layered Rock Abyss checkpoint in a carriage.

Ye Lan had changed back into her familiar clothes at this time, staring at General Raiden and said,"I am Ye Lan, the person in charge of the General Affairs Department this time. I am responsible for your safety and supplies when you enter the Layered Rock Abyss. If you need anything, please let me know in advance."

"Please lead the way! This is not my first time here."

Ye Lan nodded. The character information of General Lei Dian was slightly different from the actual situation, but it was still possible to see that the deviation was not big. He quickly used the power of the Eye of God to jump continuously on the rugged mountain road.

General Lei Dian also understood that the other party was testing the strength of his side. Kikyo looked at Ye Lan's agile movements and fast-moving figure, took out the Shikigami made when she was bored, activated the power on it, and a huge flying bird appeared beside it and dragged the three people up.

From the air, the magnificent and majestic Layered Rock Abyss seemed to be only described by the work of God. There were several crystals emitting yellow light dotted on the purple-red land, making it more exquisite. It only took Ye Lan half an hour to reach the surface of the Layered Rock Abyss and the entrance to the inner cave. Looking at the giant bird circling in the sky, she could clearly feel the subtle elemental fluctuations and a strange power on it.

Kikyo saw that Ye Lan had finally reached the entrance, and also let the Shikigami fly down and put it away, because she found that there was an evil power below that would affect the operation of the elemental power, and it might make the Shikigami out of control.

"Kikyo is a really amazing witch. She can use magic tools and her own power to perform such mysterious magic. I am really impressed by her.

Kikyo is also a smart person. She felt the other party's temptation and said,"These are just some methods that are not up to standard. If we reach the Layered Rock Abyss, we can only exert one tenth or one twelfth of our power. I am mainly responsible for temporarily expelling the influence of the power of the abyss."

Ye Lan also knew that too much is as bad as too little, and said,"This is really unexpected, but please cooperate with us on the road to the Layered Rock Abyss, because the Fatui and the Treasure Stealers are colluding with each other, and there are many uncertainties."

Ye Lan seemed to see the doubt in Kikyo's eyes. As he led the way, he said,"Because the Fatui lifted the seal of the demon god Osel, it brought great harm to Liyue, so the cooperation with the Fatui was severed, and many cooperative personnel were also expelled from Liyue."

"However, the Layered Abyss was temporarily closed due to a small disaster, which prevented the Fatui from contacting the outside world in time and left them trapped inside. Lacking supplies from Liyue, they had no choice but to work with the Treasure Stealers."

"It was half a month later that our General Affairs Department received accurate information. Tianquan Xing Ningguang had to deal with government affairs while building the Qunyu Pavilion, and did not think of this matter. But it was too late at this time. The seal set by the Seven Stars had already become a sieve."

"It was difficult for ordinary people to enter, and the monsters were fleeing everywhere. We spent a lot of effort to barely clear the monsters on the surface of the Layered Rock Abyss and built several safe camps underground."

"Looking at the corpses of the monsters and hillbillies, they are obviously contaminated by the power of the Abyss. It seems that the high-ranking officials of the Abyss Cult are behind this. They should be trying to carry out that plan."

"That plan?"

General Lei Dian glanced at Ye Lan and said,"This matter involves the secrets of the Seven Gods. If the truth of some things is known, living will be more painful than dying."

Ye Lan also kept silent. She knew very well that this was the secret hidden by General Lei Dian. She knew that the fewer people who knew about this, the better, otherwise they would be killed.

After passing the last blockade of the formation, they took the elevator and slowly moved downwards. General Lei Dian also saw that the three forces were in a state of mutual support.

But the most powerful force among them was the official force of Liyue. The soldiers among them were fully armed and exuded a fierce and iron-blooded aura. They were obviously veterans who had experienced hundreds of battles, and they were not the same as the Qianyan Army seen in Liyue.

As soon as he got off the elevator, General Lei Dian felt the bloody smell of corpses after the war, and the air was filled with the aura of killing. In a deep pit in the distance, there were corpses of soldiers from the Treasure Stealing Group and the Fatui advance team. The intersection leading to the deeper part of the Layered Abyss was also littered with corpses.

There were unknown monsters, hill people, ruins guards, and demonized miners, but there was no doubt that they were emitting an ominous black aura, which was slowly cleared by the power of the warlocks.

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