"Ha, I never thought that someone as stupid as you, Ying, would know about the Great Purification of the Divine Sakura. It's really surprising~"

"The records of our Narukami Shrine are already incomplete, which really makes me, the chief priest, somewhat incompetent!"

Yae Shinko stood leisurely beside this piece of"nuclear waste water", eating a piece of dessert with a rich fragrance, hoping that Lei Yingying would ask for her.

Lei Yingying held a naginata in his hand, staring at the lake-like place with his eyes fixed, his throat trembling, but he still relied on the cooperation with the puppet general to not destroy his image and ask for dessert.

""Son of God, you have indeed been slack in these years. You have not dealt with such a dense thunder disaster that has gathered at the foot of the shadow mountain, making the surrounding environment so bad, but you have the duty of the chief priest of the Shiming God Shrine!"

Lei Yingying suppressed his inner desire and said in a stern tone, wanting to let Yae Shenzi know his pressure, so that she would please him and offer desserts.

"Oops~, Ying, you are wronging me. This is the largest resource area in Inazuma. The talismans, amulets, and magic tools drawn by the shrine maidens, sorcerers, and onmyojis all use the thunder and disaster water here."

"Ying's brain is really stupid. If you communicate with the general more, you will know that this place has been designated as a restricted area by the shogunate, and they only come here at a specific time every year to take away a large amount of thunder and disaster water to meet the manufacturing and maintenance of various thunder element items."

When Lei Dianying heard what Yaezao Shenzi said, he hurriedly communicated with the puppet general in his mind. As a result, the facts were the same as what Yaezao Shenzi said. This place, which took a hundred years to form, had long been ordered by the Thunder General to be a resource area of the shogunate, and ordinary people were prohibited from entering.

The water of this pond of thunder and disaster is one of the main materials for enchanted weapons such as Inazuma's thunder element, the magic tools used by ordinary shrine maidens, and the talismans made by Onmyoji.

Lei Dianying was silent. He understood why the puppet general would resist his behavior so much when he was about to take the last step of the Shenying Great Purification. He was a little headache about Inazuma's current treacherous situation. He had to grab the dessert and put it in his mouth to taste it when Yaezao Shenzi was laughing.

""Mm, so sweet!"

Lei Dianying felt the taste transmitted by his tongue, showing an expression of enjoyment, leaving the unpleasantness behind. As for the pink fox, according to the advice of the group leader, ignoring it can avoid many troubles.

Yae Shenzi looked at the empty plate in astonishment, and looked at Lei Dianying whose cheeks were bulging because of being too full. The corners of his mouth inadvertently curled up slightly, and a thoughtful thought emerged in his eyes, but he still showed a depressed expression.

Eat it! Let the dessert force you to be tempted out of your dream.


With the removal of the barrier, the water of thunder disaster also fell to the ground like a torrential rain, and violently collided with the filth in it. The purple and black were constantly consumed, and finally there was only a layer of light black color left, lingering in it.

Yae Shenzi looked at the dark cave, a little hesitant to speak, because she knew that once the final Shenying Dafu was completed, the figure wandering in Konda Village might disappear, but looking at Ying's series of behaviors, it was obvious that she knew about this matter.

"Ying, I'll leave it to you to solve. I will provide necessary assistance from above when necessary. Be careful!"

Lei Dianying took the amulet handed over by Yae Shenzi. Looking at the dignified and steady Yae Shenzi now, he was a little uncomfortable, but he nodded and did not reject her kindness. Then he turned on the live broadcast function in the chat group that had been upgraded once.

Group prompt: Naruto Baelzebub turned on the live broadcast function.

Naruto Baelzebub: Gentlemen, now is the last taproot purification ceremony of the Divine Sakura Purification. Now let everyone see the real picture in"Genshin Impact".

Group leader Su Siyu: Finally, this scene is coming. By the way, Hanasakura still hasn't come out to see you?

Naruto Baelzebub: I'm sorry, although I can feel her presence, she doesn't seem to want to come to see me.

Spider-girl Shirahiro: It's all because of that traveler Ying who couldn't stand Inazuma. Pursued by the shogunate, she used the teleportation anchor to escape, otherwise according to the so-called plot, she could meet Hanasarashi with the help of the relationship with the traveler.

Goddess Aqua: Please don’t talk behind the scenes, no matter if it’s a god or a human, we have to face reality and overcome difficulties in the bad situation.

Ai Dou Lu Ai Jiang: Is this why Kami has been living in the manger shed? It would be a terrible thing to live here with my two lovely children!

Group leader Su Siyu: Ai Jiang has moved to a good house, remember to post more videos for everyone to see. Even Aqua likes the profession of idol very much.

Ai Dou Lu Ai Jiang: Thank you for the concern of the group leader. I feel that after joining this chat group, I can also talk to people frankly. The special effects film of Lord Narukami is also extremely exciting!(●'◡'●)

Goddess Aqua: You bastards, don’t ignore this goddess!


Lei Yingying swallowed the last bite of dessert in his mouth, returned the plate to Yae Shenzi, and jumped into the cave with a light jump.

Before Lei Yingying landed on the ground, he saw a dark tumor. Just looking at it gave people goose bumps. The ominous aura on it made people feel suffocated before they even got close.

This is the condensation of most of the filth of Inazuma for five hundred years. If it is not solved quickly, a new disaster may be born from here.

The tumor also felt threatened. Countless dark filth emanated from it, and countless negative emotions were constantly floating, wanting some powerful guards to return.

The knife light bloomed!

Lei Yingying naturally knew the truth of pursuing victory.

This was the gap period when the water of thunder disaster and a large amount of filth disappeared from each other, and it was the moment when the defense of the tumor was the weakest.

The purple electric light exuding a sense of oppression passed through the surface of the tumor, and a huge noise resounded throughout the cave.

Only the blade of the naginata in the hands of General Lei Dian barely cut open the dark purple shell on the surface of the tumor.

So tough!

Before Lei Dianying could launch a second attack, the impenetrable roots covered the area with a desolate heartbeat. He could only step back and move out of the attack range.

Lei Dianying looked at the countless tentacles and the dark blood left by the hideous wounds on the tumors. He seemed to understand that the opponent had become a creature over time and was now in an important period of development.

Just as Lei Dianying wanted to launch another attack, several warriors in black armor floated out from the ground. With the help of the tumors, their momentum rose steadily and soon reached the level of a great monster.

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