Waiting is always a complicated thing.

At this moment, Morax, or Mr. Zhongli, got rid of the usual old man's mentality. Like a father waiting for the birth of his child, he looked at the figure who was constantly absorbing elemental power.

General Lei Dian did not have much opinion on this. Instead, he thought about why that person would turn a blind eye to his actions, and even condone them.

Countless thoughts rolled in his mind. There were countless reasons that could be explained in theory, but the most important piece of evidence was missing, making these possibilities only possibilities.

Zhongli did not care about General Lei Dian's actions, but took over Gui Dian after absorbing most of the power of the rule chain. He looked at her with complicated eyes, not knowing what to say.

"We should try to take her back to recuperate for a while! The passage of a thousand years will still cause her cognitive confusion."

Zhongli heard General Lei Dian's reminder, and the sense of stability in his body returned to his body. He took out a dark yellow crystal and handed it to General Lei Dian and said:"This is also a space coordinate I obtained by chance. I remember this was before I met Ruotu."

General Lei Dian felt the coordinate in the rock element crystal, nodded to Zhongli and said:"I have received the reward, but the treatment of Ruotu Dragon King can only be arranged by Kikyo depending on the situation."

Zhongli heard General Lei Dian's arrangement and did not object. For him, being able to reduce the wear and tear of Ruotu Dragon King is a profit, and the cost is just some of the items he used to have. Anyway, he is just an ordinary guest of the Wangsheng Hall.

General Lei Dian watched Zhongli leave with Gui Zhong in his arms. After thinking for a moment, an illusory figure appeared beside her, but disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Hey, it's actually the location of the spaceship."

General Lei Dian's eyes flashed with surprise, but it quickly disappeared, because the thought she used to test the spatial coordinates was shattered into nothingness under the passive defense of the spaceship, but there was a sense of disobedience.

It was the feeling of time confusion!

General Lei Dian quickly reacted. How could the existence that brought that being to the continent of Teyvat put such an important object in a place that could be easily touched? Naturally, it was placed in a place that even the Second Throne could not reach.

And what is the Second Throne's best ability? It is naturally the ability to control space. The First Throne wants to stop her from prying into the fundamental secret, naturally, in the place where time and space are confused.

General Lei Dian understood the origin of this feeling of confusion, and naturally his recognition of the identity of the First Throne became clearer, but at the same time, he became more and more looking forward to the world of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers and the Sea of Quantum.


The next morning, General Raiden and Shenhe boarded the Southern Cross Fleet and headed for the location of the resistance forces on Haige Island. According to the information revealed by the traveler Ying, in seven days, the Inazuma Shogunate's army would be replaced again, and the Yagyu Island Shogunate's army would be weak, which would give everyone a chance.

General Raiden leaned on the railing of the deck alone and looked at the vast sea. In his heart, he was speculating how long Lei Dianying could hold on. After all, she wanted to change, which would undoubtedly make General Doll rebound.

The greater the change, the more amazing the rebound force, not to mention that the Heart of the Thunder God was installed by her in the castle tower to stabilize the order of the earth veins. The people of the Fatui also knew the exact location and were waiting for a suitable opportunity to seize it.

The Fatui would inevitably need to use one thing to attract the attention of Lei Dianying and the Shogunate, that is, to temporarily revive Orobas and support the resistance forces.

Shenhe seemed to feel the loneliness emanating from General Raiden, and came to her with a cold face and said,"You seem to be troubled!"

"Everyone has their own troubles, but some can be ignored, while others trouble themselves all the time."

"Indeed, it seems that Inazuma has troubled you a lot, how about I teach you a way to calm down?"

Shen He asked kindly. After all, the other party is a friend of the traveler Ying, and also his future comrade-in-arms. He needs to care about the other party's situation. This is the experience taught by the master.

"No, I just feel that this trip to Inazuma will be very dangerous."


Shen He took out the weapon sent by Master Liuyun Jiefeng from the Eye of God to relieve the disaster, and infinite fighting spirit surged in his eyes.


Inazuma Castle, Lei Yingying looked a little painful at the moment, and Yae Shenzi beside him also showed a nervous look, but he still analyzed the ground vein formation arranged by General Lei Dian in an orderly manner.

"This formation uses the Heart of God as the center and source of power, constantly clearing the flow of the earth veins in Inazuma City, so that Inazuma City will not be affected by filth, and at the same time it can also adjust everyone's body to be healthier."

Yaezamiko used her knowledge of formations to finally analyze the formations set up by General Lei Dian, and finally let Lei Yingying breathe a sigh of relief.

Lei Yingying's eyes flashed with determination. She had adopted several methods to communicate with the puppet general, but the other party was as stubborn as a stone, and opposed many of the policies she issued. Now it is difficult for the body to match her will.

"Shenzi, in four days, the elite troops of the shogunate will complete their deployment in various places in Inazuma. I have also issued orders to the three magistrates of the shogunate to prepare for unexpected accidents."

Yae Shenzi looked at the resolute look of his friend and remembered that he was like this five hundred years ago. But this time he obviously wanted to take a big step forward and embrace the light, but this also came at a price.

"Ying, are you sure the information in the chat group is accurate? The current situation of Inazuma is very different from what they said."

""Son of God, I know you want to persuade me to be more cautious, but I have been thinking for a long time and have already made my backup plan. If I hesitate any longer, I will not be able to defeat the general."

Yaeko looked at Lei Dianying with relief, but also a little bit dissatisfied.���"Ying, you have indeed grown up, but I don't know why I still want to see the immature you."

Lei Ying rolled his eyes at Yae Shenzi and suppressed the resistance of the puppet general. He thought to himself that I am much older than you, but I am not as shrewd as you.

Don't think that I don't know that you designed an anti-lightning device to trick me. I just don't want to embarrass you.

"Son of God, I will leave Inazuma to you for the time being, I am going to the last place."

Before the Eightfold Son of God could react, Lei Dianying turned into lightning and disappeared.

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