Beidou and his first mate stood in the main control room, looking at the coastline that they could already see. The news conveyed by Fengyuan Manye caught them off guard.

"Sister Beidou, isn't it a bit too much that Coral Palace Xinhai of the resistance army asked us to help join the battlefield and help them deal with the high-level officials who are in collusion with the Fatui?"

Beidou nodded after listening to the words of the first mate. Joining the battlefield as a mercenary is an extremely particular matter, and once the news of backstabbing a"friendly army" gets out, the reputation accumulated by the Southern Cross Fleet will be ruined.

If Coral Palace Xinhai is not helped to defeat those forces in the resistance army that are in collusion with the Fatui, then no matter who wins the final victory, there will be a huge gap in the trade between the Southern Cross Fleet and Haiqi Island, not to mention that she brought a large number of contraband weapons this time. If she cannot trade them out, the loss will be heavy.

Beidou carefully looked at the current situation and the instructions of Traveler Ying and Tianquanxing Ningguang in his heart, walked to the deck and said:"Act according to the plan, and listen to my arrangements after getting ashore."

""Yes, sir! Big sister Beidou!"

Beidou ignored the shouts of her first mate, found her target in a corner of the deck, stepped forward and handed the letter written by Fengyuan Manye to General Raiden, and said:"Help me analyze the situation, and I will give you 10% of the profits from this trade."

General Raiden took the letter handed over by Beidou and read it. One-third of it was about Lei Dianying lifting the Eye Hunting Order and the Closure Order, as well as the large-scale mobilization of the army. The rest was about some internal affairs of the resistance army and Coral Palace Xinhai's trade request.

"The population of Umijima is only a few hundred thousand, while the population of Inazuma is nearly ten million. There is a huge difference in the basics. If there was no support from the Southern Cross Fleet and the Fatui, they would have been defeated due to the shortage of supplies."

"The slogan raised by the rebels is to resist the Eye Hunting Order, but in fact it is to resist the strict isolation order. However, General Raiden ordered to directly disintegrate the cornerstone of the existence of the rebels. The owner of the Eye of God will also be uneasy and will probably leave the rebels soon."

"The shogunate's military mobilization this time might be to deal with the rebels at the same time. You have to know that the rebels have always been fighting new recruits, not regular troops with rich combat experience."

General Raiden said this, and his meaning is self-evident. Beidou also understands that Coral Palace Xinhai has reached a point where he has no choice but to surrender or negotiate peace to gain benefits for the people of Kaigi Island.

"It can be said that even if the shogunate army did not launch an attack, the resistance army would fall apart due to internal problems. If the die-hard fighters among them provoked the shogunate army at this critical moment, the shogunate would not show mercy."

"As for how to turn the rebels from rebels into good citizens, it is undoubtedly the most appropriate to let the Fatui take the blame, and let the forces that colluded with the Fatui take most of the responsibility."

Beidou immediately understood General Lei Dian's hint. We can be hired by the Coral Palace Xinhai in the name of cleaning up the Fatui, and the proof of the truth is the evil eye mentioned in the intelligence.

"The commander of the shogunate army on Yayun Island is my friend. I will report all the situations here and let Tenryo Bugyo readjust his view on Kaigi Island."

General Raiden said as he looked at Beidou. The meaning was self-evident. It was obvious that he wanted to help her solve the identity problem of their Southern Cross Fleet and the position of Coral Palace Xinhai.

Beidou could go to this extent, naturally she had her unique ability. The profit of 10% just now was a lot, but it was still not worth mentioning for the long-term interests in the future, not to mention that this was a friendly test with the high-level officials of the shogunate. If it could be solved as General Raiden said, she would be like Qin Shihuang touching the wire - she won.

An hour later, General Raiden followed Beidou's transport troops to the trading place with Coral Palace Xinhai. Here General Raiden saw the literary boy Fengyuan Manye who was wanted by the shogunate. At this moment, he was looking at General Raiden silently.

"Isn't this little brother Fengyuan Manye? How dare you be active in the resistance army? Aren't you afraid of being hunted down by Isshin Chuan's swordsmiths?"

When Fengyuan Manye heard the teasing of General Raiden, he smiled bitterly. In his heart, he felt the sense of crisis brought by the wind and said,"I am the owner of the Eye of God, so I naturally have the dream I pursue. The moment my friend's Eye of God lost its light, I gave up the honor of my family and subconsciously chose the most true thought in my heart."

"Yes! The purpose of General Lei Dian issuing the Eye Hunting Order is to prevent you, a lawless and hot-headed guy, from hindering the eternity she pursues."

After hearing General Lei Dian's kind reminder, Feng Yuan Man Ye immediately understood the main reason for issuing the Eye Hunting Order, but he also knew that if he had turned a blind eye to it, he would not be himself.

"Kaedehara Manye, Kitasatsuna Mei, do you two know each other?"

General Raiden looked at the approaching traveler Ying and answered,"According to Inazuma's standards, I am at least a great swordsman, and the weapon in my hand must be a magical weapon, so naturally I have some contact with the Kaedehara family of the Raiden Five Legends."

Traveler Ying listened to General Raiden's answer, recalled the news he got from the chat with Kaedehara Manye and the legendary deeds of Kitasatsuna Mei that he heard in Inazuma Castle, and nodded.

The emergency food next to him said without thinking,"I heard that Mei has been famous for more than ten years. Kaedehara Manye, you wouldn't... um……"

General Raiden watched Paimon's mouth being covered subconsciously by the traveler, and also looked at the somewhat dull Shenhe next to him, and talked to her about his experience fighting monsters when he was"training" in Inazuma. Shenhe then recovered some of his spirits and exchanged combat experiences with General Raiden.

This pleasant chat atmosphere lasted for more than half an hour. Coral Palace Xinhai had already asked his men to send the supplies back to the rebels' supply warehouse, and secretly discussed all the details with Beidou. Beidou was also very excited to take her men to meet with General Raiden and several others, and began to walk towards the position of the rebels.

In the secret meeting room of the six major families of the rebels, several family heads were constantly discussing the benefits of this time with the representatives of the Fatui. With limited vision and intelligence, they only knew that this was a great opportunity to counterattack the shogunate, but they didn't know that Coral Palace Xinhai had reached a consensus through an opportunity to exchange supplies with the Southern Cross Fleet.

A civil war is about to come.

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