The head of the snake god.

The shogunate soldiers who were specially guarding this place lay powerlessly on the cold ground, and the dark power continued to spread.

"The talisman here has been destroyed, and the instrument has been activated. Let's leave here quickly. I always feel that something bad will happen if we walk too slowly."

Several elite members of the Fools who are responsible for this place are now confirming each other's task completion status. After a brief confirmation, they fled from here in a panic.

Due to the repeated destruction of the talisman by the evil god, the power of the evil god continued to permeate from the seal, and the ominous aura it exuded was the instrument that injected a strange power into it.

When the strange power was injected, the broken soul in the instrument produced a strange resonance with the remaining bones of the giant snake of the head of the snake god.

As if sensing something, the remains of the giant snake, which should have been a skeleton, suddenly spread with a layer of black mist. The mist followed the remains and spread in the direction of the head, until the residual soul in the instrument and the mist in the remains were entangled with each other.

The weathered skull of Orobas suddenly melted and entangled with the dark mist. A brand new snake-shaped skull was created, and a large amount of evil god power also gathered together..



The oppressive roar resounded over the sky of Bayun Island, making people tremble with fear.

"This is the pressure from the demon god. Could it be that Orobas has been resurrected?"

General Lei Dian said in a shocking way, which made Kujo Sara's face change drastically. She could also feel the pressure from the life level, but her duty as a soldier forced her to make a decision in a short time.

"Come on, send someone to investigate what happened there. If you find that you are unable to defeat them, retreat quickly."

"Yes, General Kujo!"

"Lord Sasuke, please restrain and appease the soldiers. I am going to negotiate with the resistance and buy time for reinforcements."

Sasuke also knew that the situation was unclear and he had to make a decision with the resistance. Otherwise, it would be extremely painful to be stabbed in the back by the resistance.

Kujo Sara also showed his ability to handle things after years of experience. He thought of everything one by one, and finally looked at General Lei Dian and said,"Please, Miss Beichen, take me to the resistance and negotiate peace with the Coral Palace Xinhai."

General Lei Dian naturally knew that Kujo Sara was recognizing himself and wanted to use his reputation accumulated over the years to promote this quick peace.

"Without further ado, we should quickly go and have a brief peace talk with Coral Palace Xinhai."

General Lei Dian also took Jiu Tiao Sala to the rebel camp without any hesitation. They also found that the rebels were in chaos, but under the maintenance of Goro, there was still some order.

"Goro, take us to find Coral Palace Xinhai. The shogunate has decided to quickly negotiate a temporary peace."

""Kujo Sara!" Goro also saw Kujo Sara behind General Raiden, and realized that this matter must be negotiated with Coral Palace Xinhai, so he quickly led the way to the central army camp. As soon as General Raiden arrived at the central army camp, he heard Coral Palace Xinhai's voice giving orders to his subordinates, but Kujo Sara looked at the traveler Ying and Fengyuan Manye with a bad face. After all, the two were wanted criminals of the shogunate.

Coral Palace Xinhai also heard the hurried footsteps coming from outside, and hurriedly walked out of the camp and saw Goro with General Raiden and Kujo Sara coming outside the camp.

"General Jiujo, I never thought we would meet at this time."Shanhu Gong Xinhai came to Jiujo Sara with a friendly face and said, with a hint of melancholy in his tone.

""Shanhu Gong Xinhai, you are so bold. Not only did you rise up against the shogunate, but you even took in the two most wanted criminals of the shogunate. You are challenging the dignity of the shogunate!""

Oh no!"

Shanhu Gong Xinhai said in his heart, but he still opened his mouth to defend himself,"The Traveler and Mr. Kaedehara Manye are important people for our resistance army to find out that the Fatui secretly provoked the relationship between Kaigi Island and the shogunate."

"If it weren't for these two heroes who were willing to make amends, our resistance army would have to fight a life-and-death battle with the shogunate."

After Coral Palace Xinhai finished speaking, he took out the letter of collusion between the Six Kaigi Families and the Fatui from the Eye of God and gave it to Kujo Sara, saying,"We have dealt with the traitor who colluded with the Fatui, and at the same time, we have sent troops to encircle and wipe out the remaining forces on Kaigi Island. I hope General Kujo can see clearly."

Kujo Sara took the letter and looked at it. After hearing what Coral Palace Xinhai said, the grudge in his heart disappeared a lot, but he always felt that something was wrong.

Coral Palace Xinhai also saw the wavering in Kujo Sara's inner thoughts, and struck while the iron was hot and said,"I believe that with this happening, our Kaigi Island can officially become a family with the shogunate."

"Five hundred years ago, when our ancestors followed Lord Orobas on the Eastern Expedition, they fought a fierce battle with the shogunate army on Yami Island. Didn't Lord Narukami also lose his beloved general Sasayuri?"

"Since Narukami forgave us that time and didn't make things too difficult for us, I think we can also get Narukami's forgiveness this time and completely integrate into Inazuma."

The words of Coral Palace Xinhai completely moved Kujo Sara. After all, the Lord of the Ogosho was so kind and generous that he would definitely solve the matter properly. Moreover, she had to solve the matter on Yamo Island as soon as possible.

"I understand what the rebels mean. I will go back and report to the general. Let's first negotiate peace with the rebels who were instigated by the Fatui to attack the shogunate army, which led to another war!"

Coral Palace Xinhai also breathed a sigh of relief, and he and Kujo Sara reached a general agreement on a ceasefire and peace in half an hour.

Coral Palace Xinhai looked at the agreement that had just been written in his hand, and suddenly his eyes became firm, and he said:"I don't know if our rebels can join in the response to what happened on Yayun Island not long ago. I hope to contribute to Inazuma."

Although Kujo Sara is straightforward, he can also hear the determination in Coral Palace Xinhai's tone. He understands that the other party is determined to have a good relationship with the shogunate, but he still reminds:"The incident happened at the head of the snake god"

"The Coral Palace lineage must uphold the last dignity of Lord Orobas!"

""Okay, I'll give you ten minutes to gather your forces and join our army."

After Kujo Sara finished speaking, he spread out a pair of dark wings behind him, and with a sudden swoop, he flew towards the shogunate army like an arrow.

"Wu Lang, mobilize an army of 1,000 people. We need to act together with the shogunate army.

Although Wu Lang was a little puzzled, he still rushed to the army to make arrangements.

It was time for Beidou to walk out of the big tent and said,"I can feel the majesty of the demon god on Bayun Island, but it also reveals an evil aura. If you need us, we can provide some help."

"Thank you very much!"

Shanhu Palace Xinhai understood that this was Beidou's good intention, but she knew that if she wanted to deal with the demon god, it was necessary for the strong ones with the Eye of God to participate in the battle, and ordinary people could only serve as assistants. She cast her eyes on Shen He and the traveler Ying who were so cold and aloof that they didn't care about the world.

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