"Be on guard, let a small number of monsters in, gather too many monsters and cover them with arrow rain!"

Kujo Sara was speechless at this moment, because she found that her identity as the supreme commander could not match the rich combat experience of the general next to her who was born in a civilian family.

Except for being able to use the army for general dispatch just now, but after a long time, when entering the schizophrenic command, the role of veteran generals was fully demonstrated, and the possible situations of monsters were thoroughly analyzed, and they could easily kill them with the advantage of military strength.

Shen He was also shining on the battlefield at this time. As an apprentice of the immortal, she had learned a lot of magic since she was a child, and she was very proficient in using the power of ice elements. No matter whether it was the evil god warrior, the hill king, the snake demon puppet, or those monsters with powerful aura, they could not last more than two rounds under her.

In addition to the brilliant Shen He, the most eye-catching one was Shanhu Gong Xin Hai. His water element healing technique showed the shogunate army the value of the present-day divine priestess. As long as the wound was not fatal, it could be healed quickly and could join the battlefield again.

But General Raiden knew very well that this was just the beginning of the battle. Once the time was delayed for a long time, the energy, physical strength and supplies would be consumed too much, and the battle would be torture.

However, the situation was not as bad as expected. Several kilometers away, a hundred-meter-long black skeleton snake was violently clearing a path like a landfill and rushing towards the army.

"It is the remains of the demon god controlled by the demon god's resentment!"

When Shen He saw Orobasi for the first time, he directly revealed Orobasi's current situation. He seemed to understand why Orobasi came so slowly from the head of the snake god, because the demon god's resentment needed to be constantly adjusted to fit with the body.


Shen He looked at Orobasi, who was only slightly slowing down the impact speed under the bombardment of several national collapse cannons, and understood that if he could not stop the opponent before he attacked the army, the filthy power on his body would pollute humans in large quantities and cause the collapse of the battle line.

Shen He immediately gave up attacking the surrounding monsters, and his body kept moving in the gaps between the monsters, heading towards Orobasi. Bass approached.

The True Secret of the Goddess's Sent Spirits!

Shen He, who was standing in the air, put her index and middle fingers together on her right hand, and held a fictitious long talisman of ice element at her fingertips, and the powerful elemental force continued to gather.

As she waved her hand, the talisman held at her fingertips became longer and longer, and at the end there was a strip of ribbon-like object... A human-shaped phantom made of ice element was connected to her body, back to back with her.

This phantom had an illusory talisman on its forehead, and its appearance and clothing were almost the same as Shen He's, adding several more points of majesty. The powerful fluctuations of ice element also quickly swept around, covering a large amount of frost.

""Step on the stars and capture the stars!"

Shen He shouted softly, taking wonderful steps in the air, and her own aura faintly resonated with the heaven and earth. Countless ice elements continued to gather on her, making her more feminine.

Oropus seemed to feel a little threatened, and looked at Shen He's position with blood-red eyes, wanting to launch a fierce attack, but Shen He's figure disappeared like a phantom.

""Hah, stop!"

Xizai suddenly appeared in front of Orobasi. Under the control of Shenhe, the huge ice element attacked the earth like a surging wave.

Under the impact of this wave of ice element, objects within a radius of 100 meters disintegrated on the spot. Hill people, Su Shen warriors, trees, and grass all collapsed like a mirror broken by violence under this unstoppable wave!

Orobasi's fast-running head also hit the wall composed of ice elements with Xizai as the core. For a time, the huge shock wave distorted the air and emitted a huge sonic boom.

Although Shenhe used her own strength to stop Orobasi from moving forward, the huge size difference and the power of the demon god still made her be ejected like a cannonball.

"Shen He!"

The traveler Ying naturally saw Shen He's figure retreating back, and his body turned into a flash of lightning and flew into the air, opening his wings of wind to catch Shen He's body.

Shen He also opened his eyes in pain, and a faint smile appeared at the corners of his mouth with a little blood. He said with determination in his eyes:"I'm fine, Ying, it's just that I used too much force just now, which caused me to be a little exhausted."

Traveler Ying also knew that now was not the time to hesitate, and hurriedly moved Shen He to a safe place, rushing towards Orobasi who was fiercely attacked by Guo Beng.

At this moment, Beidou was cooperating with Fengyuan Manye's assistance to launch a fierce attack on Orobasi. Several elemental attacks, under the control of the strong man of the Eye of God, burst out with powerful power.

The huge"Liufeng Qiuye" field continued to spread the elemental power, as if to weaken Orobasi's defense ability, so that the elemental power could cause great damage to it.


Orobas was also hit by the continuous attack and the black mist on his body dissipated a lot, but the wound on the huge skeleton's skull was only a penetrating injury left by Shen He, and the huge skeleton body also had only a few minor damages.

""Not good, retreat quickly!"

Beidou felt a huge threat and immediately shouted, relying on the characteristics of the weapon in his hand, and quickly evacuated the spot like a cannonball.

Two ordinary God's Eye strongmen who had not had time to react had no time to dodge, and the huge snake tail wrapped in dark energy covered the surroundings, leaving only two dim God's Eyes jumping in the mist.

"Damn it, our attacks can hardly cause any effective damage to it. Is the ancient demon so powerful?"

Beidou looked at the ground that was corroded beyond recognition by the dark power and the undiminished power of Orobas, and roared unwillingly. Even when facing Osel's wife, their Southern Cross Fleet was not so powerless.

""Go with the wind!"

A colorful tornado suddenly appeared on the spot and rushed towards Orobasi. The figure of Traveler Ying also launched an elemental attack on Orobasi under the cover of the tornado.


The figure of Traveler Ying flew back, but Orobasi also let out a roar that was even more angry than before. It turned out that there were obvious marks of slashing on its body, and the elemental tornado was constantly consuming its body's strength.


Orobus suddenly roared violently at the Thunder General behind the Traveler, as if he recalled being killed by Thunder General, and the power in his mind was completely aroused.

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