The sun was high in the sky, and Inazuma Castle was filled with a murderous atmosphere overnight. The common people and nobles stayed indoors, unless they were short of food.

From time to time, they would hear news that a certain area in Inazuma Castle was raided by shogunate soldiers, which made them feel more terrifying than the Eye Hunting Order and the Closure Order.

"Lord Fengxing, we have cleared all suspicious locations, arrested 542 people, found 12 dangerous forces, and strangled 212 people."

"News came from outside Inazuma Castle that a demon was causing chaos. We have dispatched a quarter of our troops to work with the witches and Yin-Yang masters to clean up the mess. At the same time, news spread that an unknown sea demon was harassing the island."

"We have dispatched troops to wipe out the rebellious sea demons."

"News came from Yayun Island that the rebels and General Kujo had killed the evil god Orobas together. Now they are leading an elite team on the way, including a strong man like Lady Beichen Meiyi."


Kujo Takayuki listened to the news continuously reported by his subordinates. There were many good news, but he understood that there were few strong people in Inazuma Castle because of the Eye Hunting Order, the revival of the demon god of Yagyu Island and the events on Nagasaki Island, and the monsters in Shadow Mountain could not arrive in a short time. It can be said that the shogunate is strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

As long as they can get through this morning, the strong people of the Eye of God and the monster reinforcements from Shadow Mountain will arrive, and the gap in the lack of combat power in the middle and high-level levels can be made up, and those who are interested will find it difficult to succeed.


There was a huge sound of building destruction suddenly coming from the civilian area in the northwest of Inazuma Castle, and at the same time, there were voices of fear from a large number of people. Kujo Takayuki immediately understood that the person with ulterior motives was taking action

"Really cunning! Someone pass on my order, send the elite troops stationed at Tianling Fengxing Office to suppress it directly, I need to solve the problem as soon as possible!"The subordinate immediately received the order and went to Tianling Fengxing Office. An elite force of 200 people was immediately dispatched to the place where the explosion came from. Its fierce momentum was daunting.

"Then let's see if the castle tower's troops are not fully mobilized, what should you sewer rats do!"

Kujo Takayuki is not a fool. After careful thinking last night, he realized that the other party's target is a certain item in the castle tower. Therefore, the defense of the castle tower's troops must not be weakened. The more arrogant he is, the more flaws the other party will reveal.

"The enemy attacks are fools!"

""Hurry up and defend!"

Before Takayuki Kujo had waited for ten minutes, he heard the news of his men's guards and the sound of weapons colliding. It was obvious that the other party could no longer bear it and started to attack. Before

Takayuki Kujo had time to issue an order, a huge frost spear pierced through several walls and hit the castle tower directly, and countless ice chips flew everywhere.

The castle tower did not move at all, only a slight dent on the building, proving that the attack just now had caused some damage.

"It's the Fatui's executive officer!"

Kujo Takayuki heard the shouts in the distance, the collision sounds transmitted by the countless unique weapons of Inazuma when they were enchanted with elemental power, and the painful sounds of the soldiers when they were dying. He ignited the fireworks used for warning without any hesitation.

A huge firework exploded, and the soldiers patrolling in the city showed an incredible look on their faces. Led by the samurai, they quickly ran towards the castle tower.

Outside the castle tower, Lady Rosaline was killing people everywhere. With the help of the Fatui soldiers, she quickly opened a passage and rushed straight into the castle tower, but the Okuji people had already been on high alert and firmly blocked the lady outside the castle tower.

"How is it possible? These soldiers can resist my attack with the help of the formation. We can’t hesitate any longer. Once the soldiers react, they will never be able to get out."

The lady's eyes flashed with a fierce light, and the cold air on her body suddenly enveloped herself, forming a huge ice cocoon with a light red light shining in it. The Aojie people also understood that this was the opponent's ultimate move. The enchanted weapons shining with elemental power slashed at the ice cocoon frantically.

However, the ice cocoon formed by the power of the Ice God was so defensive that the Aojie people were surprised, because the combined attack of dozens of people only left a few traces of more than ten centimeters deep.


The ice chips suddenly burst open, and the powerful impact force immediately knocked the Aojie people who were gathered in a group away. A lady emitting scorching heat appeared at the origin, and the powerful heat wave continued to make the rune formation on the castle tower building crack.

"The Tao is magnificent, and the gods are eternal!"

"We must keep her out!"


At the top of the castle tower, Yae Goddess was leisurely painting her nails with nail polish, not paying any attention to what was happening below, because she knew very well that with the current strength of the castle tower, it would not be a problem to delay the opponent for several hours, not to mention killing him.

A flash of lightning suddenly appeared in the room of the castle tower, and a thin figure wearing a gauze hat appeared not far from Yae Goddess, looking at Yae Goddess proudly.

"Is it coming as expected?"

"Oh, it seems that you have anticipated my arrival, which really makes me feel lucky!"

Yae Shinko listened to the other party's answer and said helplessly:"Sure enough, even if she didn't want to destroy you at that time, I should have insisted on my own opinion and destroyed you, otherwise the Fatui wouldn't be so familiar with the formation arrangement near the castle tower and could successfully break into the castle tower."

"Then I really thank you. Without your"kindness", I might not have survived at all, and I would not be able to stand where I should be."

Yae Shenzi sighed slightly. She knew something about Sanbing's experience, but she still said,"Guo Beng, I can let you take the Heart of God, but you must give me all the information about the Fatui in Inazuma."

When Sanbing heard Yae Shenzi's request for a deal, a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes. Thinking of his main purpose, he could give up the other backup plans.

"Don't mention the name Guobeng. Please call me Sanbing. The information is in XXX. When I get the Heart of God, you can go and get it yourself."

"The Fatui are so lucky to have you as their executive officer!"

"Humph, it's just a matter of mutual benefit!"

Yaezamiko stood up and walked away. She knew very well that she was no match for Sanbing, but the other party could not defeat her in a short time, and would be trapped instead, so they made this seemingly ridiculous deal.

Sanbing also passed Yaezamiko directly, looked at Yingxiangshan in the distance, turned his head, turned into lightning, and rushed to a hidden location in the castle tower.


"Oh no, he stole the talisman!"

The scattered soldiers felt the special power coming from the Heart of God and listened to the ridiculous speeches of the soldiers. A huge thunderbolt erupted in this narrow space.

The sound of wood chips flying was heard, and a passage leading to the top of the castle tower appeared.

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