The two sides did not have any conversation. At this point, it was no longer a matter of words. For Chonggong Mio, this battle was either life or death, and there was no second choice.

General Lei Dian had no intention of fighting Chonggong Mio as a warrior. She was not as stubborn as Lei Yingying. She now had the ability and identity to rule the entire earth, and she preferred to solve problems by overwhelming others.

In this place where space was consolidated, it was very possible to absorb spiritual power, and the overflowing spiritual power would be quickly absorbed by the formation to maintain the energy supply, which meant that everyone's spiritual power could not be replenished after one point was used up.

At this moment, Chonggong Mio did not know the twists and turns in this formation. For her, analyzing General Lei Dian's routine and preventing the opponent from fighting in close combat were what she should do now.

One after another, destructive energy cannons exploded under the formation. General Lei Dian's condensed sword was indestructible. Whether it was energy cannons or pollen full of the breath of destruction, everything turned into nothingness under her sword.

Under the extremely sophisticated martial arts of General Raiden, Takamiya Mio could only retreat step by step, constantly using a large amount of spiritual power to block General Raiden's advance. At this moment, she also discovered that the energy used by General Raiden was more advanced than hers, but the thin energy coverage revealed a weakness.

In Takamiya Mio's opinion, General Raiden's ability in close combat is extremely powerful, but the energy he can use is very little. He can only use his skills and powerful abilities to avoid a head-on confrontation with her.

In fact, for General Raiden, this is a good opportunity to run in, constantly converting and coordinating the Honkai energy with the seven elements in battle, and it is also a good opportunity to familiarize himself with the knowledge of this world and the technology of Teyvat.

"Takamiya Mio possesses unparalleled talent, but unfortunately she has no foundation and not enough inheritance, what a pity."

General Lei Dian thought silently in her heart. She also found that the other party was familiar with her routines and imitated some of her skills, even causing her some trouble.

But what does it matter!

General Lei Dian's goal at this moment is to continuously weaken Chonggong Mio's strength. When her situation is the worst, he will use the magic circle deduced from the Whispering Chapter to refine her into a world sapling and a crystal that can integrate the power of the elves' rules.

Chonggong Mio thought she had seen the dawn of victory, but soon the gap was revealed.

Chonggong Mio could copy General Lei Dian's swordsmanship routines and combat thinking, but she could not copy the will in General Lei Dian's swordsmanship and martial arts, the martial arts that went straight to the realm of gods.

In Chonggong Mio's hands, all that was left were the exquisite swordsmanship routines and the increasingly exquisite skills in using spiritual power.

But these were not what Chonggong Mio feared, but the various techniques and talismans that General Lei Dian had been constantly experimenting on herself. In just a dozen minutes, Her body was already covered with scars, and the wounds on her body were eroded by strange energy from time to time.

Weakness, pain, fear, powerlessness, aging and other negative emotions appeared in Takamiya Mio, making her resistance increasingly lost. She could clearly feel the suppression of the formation, which was already draining her spiritual power.

General Lei Dian also saw that Takamiya Mio was at her weakest at the moment, and the anti-elf hexagram formation was officially activated. The several interlocking formations immediately made Takamiya Mio scream. The heart-wrenching screams resounded throughout the space, but no one would hear it, because the African continent had been divided into two because of the battle between the two. They didn't even have time to escape, so how could they approach this place.

Takamiya Mio's screams made General Lei Dian feel a little happy in his heart. Her goal was finally going to be achieved. The god who ruled the world would be me, General Lei Dian.

But the next moment, General Lei Dian's face became solemn, countless thunders kept shuttling through his body, and the Wheel of Wishes Hundred Eyes appeared behind him.

"Why don't I just use martial arts to kill Takamiya Mio here!"

At this moment, General Lei Dian's soul became pure, and he found that he had become unlike himself unconsciously, as if he was slowly turning into a stranger. He was completely different from the shrewd and capable person who traveled around the seven countries in the continent of Teyvat as Beichen Meiyi.

Just as General Lei Dian was reflecting on himself and was caught in a storm of thoughts, a sudden change occurred in Takamiya Mio's body. Countless roots connected to the formation from her body, and the trajectory of the formation changed slightly.

This change also brought General Lei Dian back to her senses from her self-reflection. She found that the entire formation had been out of her control and had a tendency to decompose herself.

"What is this?"

When Takamiya Mio saw the surprised look in General Raiden's eyes, her screams of pain had stopped. She stared fiercely at General Raiden, watching as the clothes on her body began to slowly decompose.

"Are you surprised that this magic circle that was designed to target me is targeting you instead? Don't you know the relationship between Isaac and me?"

General Lei Dian also guessed the answer at this moment. Takamiya Mio must have obtained the book of the six-pointed star spirit magic circle that summoned Takamiya Mio to the world, and also knew the information of the magic circle he set up.

"Ha! It seems that you have also thought of it. Let me show you the power of the Return to Elf Decomposition Array!"General Lei Dian is being decomposed by the magic array at this moment. He constantly uses his own energy and rules to alleviate the pervasive decomposition force. At the same time, he also finds that Chonggong Mio is constantly losing consciousness and her body is constantly dying.

But it is also because of Chonggong Mio's practice of dying together at this moment that General Lei Dian's consciousness has been constantly purified, countless evil thoughts have disappeared, and the fog in his mind has been constantly dissipating, and the source of his strange behavior has been found.

Incense is poisonous! The spiritual crystal is not pure!

General Lei Dian realized at this moment that his thinking was not only affected by the power of the spiritual crystal he absorbed, but also induced by the evil thoughts of all living beings, corrupted, and did so many behaviors that were inconsistent with his character.

But it was too late, the space began to break, and General Lei Dian was able to see through the cracks in the space. The vast and unknown height of the Kabbalah Tree of Life was obviously going to be decomposed and thrown out of the battle world.

However, since General Raiden was not an elf, the power of decomposition only damaged her body and dried up her energy again. However, when she left the battle world, she grabbed a sapling that was refined from the body of Takamiya Mio and threw it into her own world bubble.

The African continent in the battle world suffered a huge space earthquake, which erased the crack where General Raiden and Takamiya Mio fought, and officially divided the African continent into two continents.

Tokisaki Kurumi and the White Queen looked at the place where the super-large space earthquake broke out with ugly faces, because they found that the breath of General Raiden and Takamiya Mio disappeared, and the extraordinary forces on the earth"seemed" to have lost their leader!

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