
Along with Fu Nina's barrage, which was more conspicuous than most people, rolled out.


Originally, they were confused because the giant aerial battleship that covered the sky and the sun in the light curtain was only equipped with a thousand elemental cannons. People who were speculating were all stunned.

Immediately afterwards.

next moment.

Everyone came to their senses one by one, and then hurriedly looked towards the sky again.


Then there is no more.

Then they discovered that there was nothing wrong with what Funina said.


The super giant aerial warship in the sky belonging to the Yanhuang Kingdom's Second Legion indeed only has a thousand elemental cannons.

But! But! But! But! But

Say important things five times.

But damn, the caliber of each artillery piece is indeed ridiculously large, about sixty meters long.

The barrel of each elemental cannon is big, black and thick. It is simply a huge weapon. It makes everyone's hair stand on end when they see it. They tremble and break into cold sweats.

Silence! Silence! Silence!


The entire continent of Teyvat suddenly fell silent, as if someone had pressed the pause button.

Silence fell.

The same is true in the light curtain live broadcast room, where the film is silent.

Tick ​​tock tick tock.

In the silence, time passed slowly, second by second.

The entire continent of Teyvat was silent for almost a minute, and then it was broken by a series of strong shock, panic and unbelievable foul-mouthed screams.





"!@#¥%*(Beautiful Common Tongue of Teyvat)"

No matter men, women, old or young, no matter tall or short, fat or thin, no matter rich or poor, no matter educated or uneducated, almost all of them could not hold back and almost all burst into foul language.


This storm of foul language swept across the entire Teyvat continent in an instant, and quickly spread to the light curtain live broadcast room.



In an instant.

After countless exclamation points.

The entire live broadcast room immediately exploded.

"Fuck, rush, rush!"

"Fuck! I'm a fool! I'm a fool! I'm a fool!"

"Nah! Nah! Nah! Nah! Nah!"


"Oh my day!!!"

"What the hell! What the hell is too scary!"

"Who is it! Who is that pretender who just used a very bland way to say that the aerial battleship only has a thousand elemental cannons! Damn it! I actually recruited him!"

"Me too! Me too! After listening to what he said, I prejudged those 60-meter-diameter elemental cannons as ordinary elemental artillery!"

"I'm so stupid! A cannon with a diameter of 60 meters. How powerful is this cannon?"

"What the hell... one shot will make even ten real demon gods uncomfortable, right?"

"Definitely! If this shot is aimed at our city of Mondstadt, I feel that the walls of our city of Mondstadt can be easily blown down!"

"Terrible! Terrible! Terrible!"

"It's crazy, it's really crazy!"

"Such a large-caliber elemental cannon makes my hair stand on end just looking at it!"

"It's really scary!"

"Hehehehe, these sixty-meter-caliber super elemental cannons equipped by our Second Legion's aerial battleships were manufactured by the Academy of Sciences based on the suggestions put forward by His Majesty Li Xuanye!"

"The truth is only within the range of the cannon. This is His Majesty Li Xuanye's evaluation of our Second Army!"

"The truth is within the range of the cannon? Damn it! This sounds so domineering!"

"Ahhhhh! Suddenly I'm a little curious about the power of those super elemental cannons!"

"Needless to say, this shot will definitely destroy the world! Absolutely!"

"Ahhh! The more I talk about it, the more curious I become!"





"Stop being curious! Don't forget, it's Yanhuang Kingdom's military inventory time now. Now that the space battleship has come out, and since the space battleship's giant cannon has been displayed, it will definitely fire next! Just wait!"

"Hehehehehe, you will definitely be shocked later!"

"Jiejie, Jiejie, that's right! The performance of our second legion is no worse than that of the third legion!"

"Speaking of which, friends who are traveling or doing business in the Seven Kingdoms, don't just be happy for one person! Don't forget to take advantage of the people of the Seven Kingdoms being shocked to take more photos of their confused expressions and upload them to the intranet. Let everyone be happy!"

"okok no problem no problem!"


"More shots, more shots, more shots, already more shots!"

"You may not believe it, but in order to show you the best picture, I spent a lot of money to activate the 32K ultra-high-definition void video recording permission. However, the memory of 32K quality is too large, and it has been unable to be uploaded for a while! "

"It's not a big problem. It's not a big problem. Just shoot it and stop being afraid!"

"Hehehe, not only did I take pictures, I also took a lot of them! (Proud)

"Well done!"

"Hahaha! Well done!"






"God damn, he filmed our confused expressions and uploaded them to the intranet for everyone to have fun together!"

"Listen! Listen to yourselves! Are these what you are saying still human words?"

"Crazy! You Yanhuang people are really crazy!"

"Damn it! Is this what a person can say?"


"Ahem! Hey, hey, hey! Brothers in front of you, did you send it to the wrong place? Shouldn't this kind of thing be said on the intranet? Why did you show up in the live broadcast room?

"Uh...hehe, just on a whim!!"

"Harm, it's not a big problem, it's not a big problem!"

"It's not a big problem for God!"

"Hey! Look, look, look! Look, look, look! Our Yanhuang Kingdom's aerial battleship is about to take action!"

As soon as this barrage came out.

The people who were still aggrieved almost at the same time temporarily put everything behind them.

They don’t even send barrages anymore!

Brush brush brush.

Everyone stared intently at the sky curtain, staring at the super giant aerial battleship in the sky curtain.

And this time!

The super-giant aerial battleship located thousands of meters above the sky is indeed about to take action.

The camera suddenly flashed and came to the combat command room on the aerospace battleship.

"Reporting to your Excellency, Captain, Experimental Island No. 01 to enter the 2000-kilometer ultimate range!"

A soldier from the Yanhuang Kingdom's Second Legion looked at the void radar map in front of him and suddenly opened his mouth to report.

"Attention all giant artillery combat units, target experimental island No. 01, start accumulating energy!"

The captain of the aerospace battleship did not hesitate and spoke immediately.


"All giant artillery combat units are charging, and the charging countdown is: 15!"




With the countdown sounding.

The camera turned and returned to the outdoors again.

And this time!

All I saw was that the muzzles of the thousand super elemental cannons hanging at the bottom of the aerial battleship suddenly burst into colorful light.

The colorful light is getting brighter and brighter.

One second!

Two seconds!

Three seconds!

And this time!

In the light curtain live broadcast room, the barrage was also raging.

"It's started, it's started, it's finally starting!"

"Hiss~~~These super elemental cannons actually need fifteen seconds to activate! This, this... this is too exaggerated!"

"Hiss~ Considering the technological level of Yanhuang Kingdom, which requires fifteen seconds of charging time, the power of these super elemental cannons is absolutely terrifying!"

"I said! Your focus is wrong! What is the fifteen seconds of energy storage time that you are focusing on now? The focus now should be the number of 2,000 kilometers!"

As soon as this barrage came out.


People from the seven countries of Teyvat were stunned.

Next second!

Everyone quickly recalled it in their minds, and after confirming that it was really 2,000 kilometers, not 2,000 meters.



Blah blah blah!

Along with countless exclamation points surged out.

The entire light curtain live broadcast room immediately exploded.

"What the hell? I'm a fool!? I'm a fool!!? I'm a fool!!!?"

“Shoo, slop, slop!”

"Two thousand... kilometers?"


"I must have been hallucinating just now, right? That soldier from the Yanhuang Kingdom's Second Legion said two kilometers, not two thousand kilometers, right?"

"I... I must have also hallucinated something. I also hallucinated the number two thousand kilometers!"

"No! It's not an auditory hallucination! That's not an auditory hallucination! It's real! That soldier from the Yanhuang Kingdom really traveled two thousand kilometers!"


"Zun Du Fake Du?"

"Nah! Nah! Nah! Nah! Nah! Don't tell me that I can really drive two thousand kilometers!?"

"No, it's impossible, how is it possible? What is the concept of two thousand kilometers! How is it possible!"

"Hahahaha! It's fake! It's fake! It must be fake! It's definitely fake! This can't be true!"

"You must have heard wrong! You must have heard wrong!"

"That's right! It's a damn two thousand kilometers!"

"No, no, no, you wouldn't really take it seriously, would you? You wouldn't take such an outrageous thing seriously, would you?"

"However, although…………"

"To be honest, I really don't want to believe it, but after all, this is what the soldiers of the Yanhuang Kingdom's Second Legion said personally. With the urine of the people of the Yanhuang Kingdom, it is really possible..."

"No! No! No! No! No! I don't believe it!"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"Hahahaha! It's fake! It's all fake! This is impossible!"

Just when people in the seven countries of Teyvat were all talking about the extremely long distance of '2000 kilometers'.

In the sky!

Those thousand super elemental cannons finally completed their fifteen seconds of energy storage.

…………please give me flowers……

next moment!

Almost at the same time, the thousand sixty-meter-caliber super elemental cannons opened fire at the same time.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The sounds of a thousand super elemental cannons firing simultaneously were superimposed, creating a thunderous sound that resounded through the sky.

No no no!

It wasn't just the sound, even the air trembled violently.

Above the space, waves of black space ripples began to appear!


It was as if even the space had been torn in half.

The deafening roar passed through the sky and sounded over the entire world of Teyvat.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

"Boom, boom, boom!"

"Boom, boom, boom!"

All of a sudden.

The entire world of Teyvat was enveloped by a thunderstorm-like roar.

In this terrifying roar!

Everyone involuntarily held their breath and clenched their fists.

Everyone's faces turned pale involuntarily.

Everyone's bodies trembled slightly involuntarily.

The video continues to play.

The camera at this moment follows the thousand giant elemental light pillars composed of colorful rays of light, majestically cutting through the sky, heading all the way to the far south.

These one thousand super-giant seven-element light pillars are speeding along the sun!

Extremely fast!

On average, it can move about one kilometer every second.


After the camera tracked these thousand super-giant light beams for a minute, a huge [×10] sign suddenly appeared in the upper right corner of the entire screen.

Anyone who is confused about this symbol will have this line of explanation in front of their eyes - Time is doubled!

At ten times the time flow rate!

The thousand super giant seven-element light pillars that were already extremely fast have become even faster!

About two minutes later.

The thousand super-giant seven-element light pillars finally arrived at their destination, an island in the endless deep sea in the southern part of the Teyvat continent.


The island is not small, almost half the size of Inazuma Narukami Island.

The island is deserted. As far as the eye can see, there are only stones.

next moment!

A thousand super giant seven-element light pillars fell almost simultaneously in an instant.


Accompanied by a deafening explosion.

The entire light curtain suddenly turned into a bright white.

In the bright white background, there are constant terrifying and dense explosions.


"Boom boom boom boom!"

"Boom, boom! Boom, boom! Boom, boom!"

The dense and terrifying explosions passed through the sky and kept ringing in the sky above Teyvat.

Everywhere in the world, all living things.

Whether they are intelligent creatures with their own thoughts, or ordinary creatures without self-awareness.

Without exception!

Everyone was trembling in the horrific explosion.

Tick ​​tock tick tock.

Time passes quickly, minute by minute.

five minutes later.

The sky gradually returned to normal.


What caught everyone's eyes was a violently rolling sea.

"woo woo woo woo!"

"woo woo woo woo!"



The violent hurricane roared, and the terrifying waves rolled.


No matter how hard everyone searched, they couldn't find any trace of the previous island in this sea.




All of a sudden.

The entire Teyvat continent and the light curtain live broadcast room fell into unparalleled silence almost at the same time.

Everyone was silent.

Silence, silence...

Tick ​​tick tick tick, time passes by second by second!

After a long while, the silence in the light curtain live broadcast room was broken.


"Nima! Don't, don't... don't tell me, that island, that island that is almost two-fifths the size of our Inazuma Narukami Island, is just gone? Is it so burned? The aerial warships of Huang Kingdom's Second Legion were destroyed by a salvo from two thousand kilometers away?"

"Well, it seems so!"

"This, this, this...fuck!"


"Nah! Damn! Nah! This is so ridiculous!"

"Fuck! I'm a fool! I'm a fool! I'm a fool!"

"Crazy, crazy, crazy, I must be crazy, I must be crazy!"

"It's fake! This must be fake! Please, please come and have a good person. Please come and have a kind person tell me that this is fake, this is not true! Please!"

"This is too crazy!"

"After two thousand kilometers and a single salvo, the islands on the Sun are just gone?"

"Is this what is called truth only within the range of a cannon!?"

"Impossible! This is impossible! This must be a lie! Hahahaha! It's definitely a lie! A dream! Yes, yes! I must be dreaming! I am definitely dreaming! I am 100% dreaming! "

"No!!!! Why! Why can I feel the pain!".

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