Surprised! Surprised! Surprised!

The people of the entire Teyvat continent were once again shocked by the Yanhuang Kingdom's coquettish tactics.


That is a place that everyone avoids.

The Kingdom of Kanria, which ranked second in the kingdom, was finally destroyed by the Seven Gods summoned by Heavenly Law because of contact with some forbidden power in the depths of the endless abyss. Except for some citizens who were spared because of the protection of Li Xuanye, all the rest All the citizens were cursed with immortality and turned into white monsters and abyss monsters.

Not only that!

The entire kingdom fell into the abyss.

To know.

The monsters that escaped from the abyss have been deeply troubled by the creatures in the entire Teyvat continent from ancient times to the present, and even the gods have been troubled by this.

This is not the most critical.

The key is.

The more powerful the abyss monster is, the harder it is for it to escape from the abyss to the continent of Teyvat.

That is to say.

The abyss monsters that have caused headaches for the entire Teyvat continent since ancient times are just the bottom monsters in the abyss.

And now!

His grandma’s!

Not only does Yanhuang Kingdom not have a headache because of the abyss, but for the so-called experience, it is still taking the initiative to go deep into the abyss and enter the abyss.

Not only that!

I bought a watch last year. In order to be able to practice in the abyss for a longer period, the official teams of the Fifth Legion of Yanhuang Kingdom need to undergo a so-called assessment before officially entering the abyss.

I want to ask, can everyone not be shocked? Can everyone not be confused?

Just when everyone was shocked and stunned.

The video in the canopy continues to play.

The camera turned.

On a certain floating island in Yanhuang Kingdom.

A military camp stands here.

On the huge stone tablet at the entrance of the military camp, there is a line of large characters clearly marked - Yanhuang Kingdom's Fifth Legion.

The camera, under everyone's keen gaze, began to penetrate deeply into the military camp.

In the military camp, it was extremely quiet, as if there was no one around.

After reaching very deep into the military camp, a human figure appeared in the lens.

Four men and women with scars and blood all over their bodies walked deeper into the military camp step by step, dragging their tired bodies.

The elemental armor they wore, specially supplied by the Yanhuang Kingdom army, was in tatters and had many pits and had obviously been scrapped.

No no no!

Not only the armor on their bodies, but also the blade of the elemental sword held by the strong man in the lead had been corroded by more than half.

To know.

Even the elemental weapons used by civilians in Yanhuang Kingdom have a large amount of crystals added to them. Although the strength is not as strong as four-star weapons, it is definitely stronger than the common three-star weapons on the Tiyvat continent. too much.

Focus on civilian use!

All military weapons, without exception, are as strong as four-star weapons.

But now!

The big sword in that man's hand was mostly corroded by some kind of force.

See this.


Everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned.


Strong confusion and curiosity swept through everyone's body.



"Fuck! I'm a fool! I'm a fool! I'm a bastard!

"What's happening here?"

"Nah! What kind of monster did they fight with just now? Even the weapons and armor were corroded into this horrible state?"

"As expected, this team is the official team of Yanhuang Kingdom's Fifth Legion! They should have just returned from the Endless Abyss!"


"The abyss is the home ground of the monsters. I seem to have read in an ancient book that the abyss monsters will be blessed by the power of the abyss in the abyss, and their combat effectiveness can be increased by at least two to three percent."

"Yes, that's true!"

"Even the four-star magic weapons used by the Yanhuang Kingdom's army were destroyed like this in the battle. Hiss~~ It's really hard to imagine what the soldiers of the Yanhuang Kingdom's fifth legion went through in the abyss. What kind of fierce battle! (Curious)"





"It's coming, it's coming. According to the rankings of the Kingdom, the camera should be entering the abyss soon! Soon we can see how bad the environment in the abyss is!"

Facts have proved that people’s guesses in the live broadcast room were correct.

As time goes by, soon!

The camera then came to the core area of ​​the Yanhuang Kingdom's Fifth Legion headquarters.

Here, another mysterious elevator appears.

The situation is similar to the previous one at the First Corps headquarters.

From time to time, the scarred fifth legion team of the Yanhuang Kingdom returned from the abyss in an elevator connected to the abyss.

at the same time!

The fifth legion team of the Yanhuang Kingdom, which also finished resting and recuperating from time to time, took the elevator connecting to the abyss and began training in front of the endless abyss.

All the members of the fifth legion of the Yanhuang Kingdom who returned from the abyss, without exception, were covered with scars, the armor on their bodies was in tatters, and almost half of the weapons in their hands were corroded by the power of the abyss, and there were even many The person was directly lifted out of the elevator by his companions.

It can be seen from this.

How dangerous is it in the endless abyss? The dangerous company's equipment is so luxurious, its combat experience is so rich, and its team members cooperate so well. Every soldier of the Fifth Legion has the Eye of the King. After returning from the experience in the abyss, They were all so embarrassed.

Because without exception, all the soldiers of Yanhuang Kingdom's fifth legion who came out of this elevator connecting to the abyss were in a very embarrassed state, and they were all covered with scars.

This makes!

The people in the live broadcast room became increasingly curious about the true appearance of the endless abyss.

All of a sudden.

Throughout the live broadcast room, everywhere you looked, there were voices of curiosity from people.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

“Shoo, slop, slop!”

"The endless abyss! What does the endless abyss look like? I'm really curious to death!"

"Even the elite of Yanhuang Kingdom, the elite of the elite, are in such a miserable state after returning from training in the endless abyss. It is really hard to imagine what it is like in the endless abyss!"

"Curious! I'm so damn curious!"

"Why! Why doesn't the camera go into the endless abyss!"

"Damn it! Inazuma's little Baga named Ayato Kamisato, it's all your fault!"

"Yes, yes! It's all the fault of that little Baga named Kamisato Ayato!"

"Damn it! The Kingdom Rankings didn't show off at the beginning! But now they start showing off! I've been facing this elevator for almost two minutes! Ahhhh! I can't stand it anymore! I really want to die. Me!"

"Kamizato Ayato:????"

"Kamizato Ayato: Ahhhh! (crazy)"

"Wait! Wait! Wait!"

"It's coming, it's coming, brothers, it's finally here! Finally we can know what kind of abyss monster the team of the fifth legion of Yanhuang Kingdom are fighting!"

"The Abyss...Although I have always heard about the Abyss, and although I often hear about the chaos caused by the monsters in the Abyss, what exactly is the Abyss like? (Curious)"

"It must be a space like chaos, right?"

While everyone was extremely curious, the camera was already following a four-man combat team from the fifth legion of the Yanhuang Kingdom into the mysterious elevator.


The elevator door slowly closed.

Immediately afterwards.

next moment!

The elevator began to descend.

It was obvious that the elevator was descending extremely fast, and a feeling of weightlessness suddenly swept through the four people's bodies.

But those four people had obviously taken this abyss elevator many times, and they acted very indifferently!

Go deeper!

Go deeper!

Go deeper!

The elevator kept descending rapidly. In just a few seconds, it had descended from the floating island hundreds of meters above the sea to the seabed at the bottom of the sea.


Even so, the elevator is still descending rapidly, all the way deep into the ground.

After about half a minute, the elevator's descent speed slowly slowed down.

And at this time.

A cold mechanical girl suddenly sounded in the elevator: "Hey, we are about to arrive at Abyss City. Please wear your Abyss Talisman. The elevator will arrive at Abyss City in ten seconds!"

Along with the words ‘Abyss City’ came out.

All over the seven countries of Teyvat continent.

All the people who were staring at the sky were suddenly stunned.

Confused! Confused! Confused! Confused! Confused!

Say important things five times!

Everyone was stunned, and their minds went blank when the words "Abyss City" hit them.

Silence! Silence! Silence!

All of a sudden!

The Teyvat continent, which was originally full of confusion, curiosity, and speculation, suddenly fell silent.

At this moment, everyone has nothing but the three characters "Abyss City" in their minds.

Everyone silently and involuntarily opened their eyes, opened their mouths, dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

And this time!

In the sky, the cold mechanical female voice began to count down one second.




When she counted down to the last 3 seconds.




Everyone suddenly came to their senses one after another.

Immediately afterwards.

Along with countless question marks and exclamation marks.

The entire live broadcast room immediately exploded.

Lin Lin Lin Lin Xiao

"Fuck! I'm a fool! I'm a fool! I'm jumping up and down!"

"Nah! Nah! Nah! Nah!"

"Brothers, I, I, I... Did I hear something wrong just now? I seemed to have gone deaf and blind, as if I heard something abyss...

"City!? Abyss City!?"

"Yes, yes! It's Abyss City!"

"Damn it! Your mother is from Abyss City! It turns out you heard it too? It turns out I'm not the only one who heard this word!"

"Crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, I'm really going crazy, I'm really going to be raped by Yanhuang Kingdom!"

"Abyss City, what do you mean? Don't tell me that Yanhuang Kingdom also built a city in the abyss for the fifth legion's training?"


As soon as the barrage above came out, the entire live broadcast room suddenly came to a standstill.

Next second!

Blah blah blah!

An overwhelming barrage of rebuttals poured out.

"Hahahaha! I said to the big brother in front, what kind of joke are you talking about! God built a city in the abyss! What are you thinking!?"

"That's right, you don't have to tell a joke like this!"

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! I'm laughing so hard!"

"No! What time of day is it now? How come there are still people making international jokes here!"

"That's right! You built a city in the abyss! That Inazuma woman named Fujii Makoto, what are you thinking! What are you thinking in your head! That's an abyss! That's an abyss A place that even the gods are afraid of! That is a place where even the gods will be polluted!! The soldiers of the fifth legion of the Yanhuang Kingdom can experience in the abyss

I already disagree very much. Hey, why are you building a city in the abyss?"

"That's it! How is it possible? Although Yanhuang Kingdom is very perverted, they can't be so perverted, right?"

"Although what you said is very reasonable, although I can understand your rebuttal points, although I understand the truth, but, but, but, the problem now is that you all heard it just now! Abyss City! This is indeed the case. Those three words are correct!”


"Everyone, is it possible that the perverted Yanhuang Kingdom really built a city in the abyss?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"Hahahaha! Impossible!"

"No! No! No! No! No! I don't believe it!"

Just when the entire live broadcast room exploded because of the three words "Abyss City"!

Just when the entire continent of Teyvat was set off by a terrifying storm because of the three words "Abyss City"!

In the sky.




The last second of the countdown falls.

The elevator that connected to the abyss finally came to a slow stop.

next moment!

"Zila" sound.

The elevator door opens.

What everyone sees is a wide and clean road and buildings.

Before anyone could react 337, the camera suddenly flew out of the elevator, all the way into the air, looking down at the space where the elevator was located from a high altitude.


Then there is no more.

Then the entire live broadcast room suddenly froze.

Then the entire continent of Teyvat suddenly fell silent.

Then people from various countries in Teyvat Continent suddenly froze on the spot.




Everyone was shocked by what they saw.


What appeared before everyone's eyes was indeed a city.

Although the city is not big, it is only about the size of a castle.


This is indeed a city!

A complete city!

A city erected in the endless abyss!

The entire city is wrapped in a semicircular shield emitting colorful light. On the roads in the city, looking around, there are soldiers of the Fifth Legion of the Yanhuang Kingdom walking quickly everywhere. It seems that Call it a blast.

Although the visibility in the city is very high and the lights are bright, it is almost no different from the daytime on the continent of Teyvat.


Outside the city!

But it was dark.

The darkness seemed to be able to absorb all light, absorbing all the light shining from the Abyss City.

In the darkness, there were constant terrifying roars, which made people's hair stand on end.

Looking at the city in chaos and darkness.

Everyone's eyes widened and their mouths opened in silence.

Silence! Silence! Still silence!

Shocked! Shocked! Still shocked!

Tick ​​tock tick tock.

Time passes by second by second.

After nearly ten minutes, the silence of the Teyvat continent was broken by exclamations, screams and swear words.

“Shoo, slop, slop!”

“Shoo, slop, slop!”

“Shoo, slop, slop!”

At this moment!

Regardless of whether they are men, women, old or young, whether they are tall or short, fat or thin, whether they are poor or rich, whether they are ordinary people, owners of the Eye of God, immortals, demons, or even gods, all of them can't help but utter a curse word, and are all ignored by the Yanhuang Kingdom. This wave of feats shocked me.


The area within the sky is an abyss!

After coming to their senses, people's first reaction was to swear.

Crazy swear words!

Various beautiful Teyvat lingua franca instantly resounded throughout the entire Teyvat continent, over and over again, echoing over the entire Teyvat continent.


After swearing, people began to subconsciously rub their eyes.

After confirming that he was not dazzled, he started to pinch his arms again.

Confirm again!

Make sure you are not dazzled and not dreaming.

Blah blah blah!




As countless exclamation points filled with people's strong shock and disbelief surged out, the entire live broadcast room exploded in an instant!

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