The scene changed.

Keqing appeared in the deep mountains.

This was the place where the Liyue immortals lived in seclusion.

Looking at the towering peaks, Keqing took a deep breath.

The worry between her brows was replaced by determination. At this time, she absolutely could not retreat.

Passing through Jueyunjian, she came to the bottom of Qingyunding.

A ray of light descended from the sky, and a fairy deer fell from the sky.

“Who trespassed into Jueyunjian?”

“Oh? I have some impression of your face.”

“Oh…This should be the Yuheng Star among the contemporary Seven Stars, right?”

“I heard that she had contradicted the Emperor many times and disrespected the Immortal Master. I didn’t expect that she would come here.”

Looking up, I saw two cranes landing beside the Immortal Deer, looking at Keqing with eyes full of rejection.

Facing the sarcasm of the immortals, Keqing bit her silver teeth lightly, bowed respectfully, and apologized to the immortals sincerely.

“Sorry, fellow immortals.”

“I want to apologize for my past ignorance.”

“I have offended you in the past, I hope you can put aside your past grudges for now.”

“After this matter is over, I will resign. I am unworthy of the name of Yuheng and the trust of the Emperor.”

When these words came out, the faces of the immortals showed surprise. No one expected that Keqing would suddenly say such a thing.

Seeing the surprised expressions of the immortals.

Keqing raised her head and explained sincerely:

“Dear immortals, I know how ignorant I was in the past.”

“In this world where the strong prey on the weak, I shouldn’t be so arrogant as to think that humans can control their own destiny.”

“I used to take things for granted and didn’t realize the cruelty of reality until I was scolded by Mr. Su Mu.”

Keqing told all the immortals about her experience.

After listening to her explanation, the frowns on the immortals’ brows gradually relaxed.

When they first heard Keqing say this, their first reaction was that Keqing had some ulterior motive.

It was not until they heard the whole story that they finally confirmed that Keqing had realized her mistake and took the initiative to take responsibility.

“It is the greatest virtue to admit one’s mistakes and correct them”

“I underestimated your will.”

“If it were someone else, they probably wouldn’t have the courage to stand here and admit their mistakes.”

Keqing clasped her hands together and sighed,”I used to think that the immortals were too arrogant and didn’t take our ideas seriously.”

“It was not until now that I finally understood that we are the arrogant ones. As the ones protected by the immortals, how can we have the qualifications to demand more power?”

“If the Emperor had not worked so hard for Liyue, if the immortals had not protected Liyue, Liyue would have long been a possession of other countries. How could we have the life we have today?”

“Born in adversity, die in comfort”

“We are so vulnerable because we are protected too well”

“I didn’t realize this before, so I did so many disrespectful things to the Immortal Master.”

“Now that I think about it, it’s really embarrassing”

“From now on, I will try my best to make up for my mistakes.”

“We also ask the immortals to temporarily put aside their past grudges and face the crisis that Liyue is about to face with us.”

After saying this, Keqing took out a golden-colored talisman from her waist and solemnly presented it to the immortals.

“I am not asking you to help me as one of the Seven Stars of Liyue, but as a Liyue person who is worried about the future of Liyue, I am asking you to save Liyue.”

Feeling the sincerity in Keqing’s tone

, the immortals looked at each other and smiled.

“hehe…You, little girl, remind us of the glory days.”

“At that time, the Emperor of Liyue was away fighting outside, and we led the people of Liyue to build a prosperous Liyue Harbor together.”

“The people of Liyue at that time were not as greedy as they are now. Instead, they worked together to build Liyue without asking for anything in return. That was the most glorious period of Liyue.”

“With the war over, we have no place to fight.”

“The Emperor gradually handed the power back to you, which eventually aroused the bad nature of mankind.”

“We don’t want to see the Liyue we created become like this, and we have suggested to the Emperor more than once to take back the power.”

“It’s a pity that the Emperor would not agree to anything, so we old guys can only choose to retire to the mountains and forests, distance ourselves from you, and out of sight, out of mind.”

“I never thought that one day we would come out again.”

“I just don’t know if we old guys can restore Liyue to its former glory.”

“Liuyun, Lishui, what do you think? Although the Emperor’s contract has disappeared, I will still continue to execute it.”

“Don’t ask such nonsense.”

“Yes, I will not watch Liyue go to destruction.”

“hehe…In that case, let’s go, we can’t delay any longer.”

Hearing this, Keqing’s eyes flashed with surprise, and tears welled up in the corners of her eyes.

Before coming to Jueyunjian, she was worried that she would be blasted out by the immortals, causing Liyue to get worse and worse.

Now it seems that she misunderstood the immortals. They are not as arrogant and ignorant as imagined, but both sides lack a sincere communication.

After being frank.

Keqing felt hope burning in her heart.

Under the leadership of the immortals, Liyue still has the possibility of continuing.

In addition to the strength of the immortals, there is actually another important reason.

The immortals care about the future of Liyue, so they don’t have selfish thoughts in their hearts.

For Liyue, they can give up many things, even their personal interests, which is something humans can’t do.

In this way, intrigue and power struggles can be prevented.

As long as we can get through this difficult time , in the long run, Liyue’s development will get better and better.

Now, there is a solution to Liyue’s future, and the next thing to consider is how to get through this difficult time.

The news of the Emperor’s death cannot be concealed.

This means that Liyue will face pressure from all sides.

Mondstadt, as a friendly country, is not to be worried.

Inazuma is in civil strife and should not pose any threat.

The most likely threat to Liyue is only Winter Solstice, and they will not miss this excellent opportunity.

The Fatui in Liyue Harbor are eyeing them covetously, and Winter Solstice’s army will soon be dispatched, so they must be prepared in advance. It is obviously extremely difficult to get through this difficult time with the power of the Liyue Seven Stars and the Immortals alone. Who else can they seek help from?

At this moment, a handsome face suddenly flashed through Keqing’s mind.

If it were him, there might still be a chance!

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