As the scene turned, the camera came to a conference room.

Sitting on the seats around were the top executives of Fontaine.

Leosli, Xiawolei, Clorinde, and Sigwen sat on both sides of the conference room.

Funina and Fukaros sat on both sides of the main seat, and Violet stood in the center of the stage of the conference room.

At this time, footsteps were heard outside the door. Everyone turned around and saw Su Mu and Navia walking into the room.

Seeing this, everyone stood up respectfully and bowed.

“No need to be polite, I don’t like this kind of red tape, just show your appreciation.”

Su Mu waved his hand, signaling everyone to relax a little, and everyone stopped and sat down again.

“I called you here today because I have some things to deal with.”

“Although the prophecy crisis has been resolved, it does not mean that Fontaine will be safe.”

“The predicted crisis is like a sword hanging over the heads of all Fontaine people, which makes people ignore some things.”

“As the saying goes, those who are involved are confused, but those who are on the sidelines can see things more clearly. You can’t see these things because you are in the game. I don’t blame you, but it doesn’t mean I will ignore it.”

Su Mu sat on the main seat and nodded to Navilet.

Navilet nodded slightly, waved his hand, and the curtain behind him was slowly lifted.

The curtain was covered with densely packed photos, which fully recorded the various areas of Fontaine

“As a rich country”

“The gap between the rich and the poor in Fontaine is so big that I can’t imagine it”

“It’s hard to imagine that there are slums under the magnificent Fontaine.”

Su Mu pointed to the photo of Huihe and said lightly:”Are these really the people of the same country?”

Hearing this, everyone at the scene had different expressions. By comparing the two sets of photos, people really felt the huge gap between the rich and the poor.

“Why does this happen?”

“Are the people of Huihe not working hard enough and only deserve to stay in Huihe?”

Upon hearing this, Villette was silent for a moment, and finally sighed softly and said helplessly:

“Most of the people living in Gray River are members of the Thorn Rose Society. Because of the case of Carles, they have become notorious.”

“Therefore, they could not find work in Fontaine, and could only scavenge or beg for a living. In order to survive, they could only stay in the dark Gray River.”

After listening to Villette’s explanation, Su Mu shook his head and said:

“Then why do the members of the Thorn Rose Society still live this kind of life until now?”

“Carles has been wronged for so many years. Ultimately, it is because of our internal problems. This is clearly our responsibility.”

“If there hadn’t been a scoundrel inside, causing Marcelle to interfere, how could the serial disappearances of young girls remain unsolved? And how could they have been solved only at this time?”

“We owe it to these people, why haven’t we taken action yet?”

“Internal rectification, economic assistance, corresponding compensation, I didn’t see any of these things.”

Su Mu stared at the Villette on the stage and asked seriously:”Villette, can you explain to me why?”

【Klee]: Brother Su Mu is so scary!

【Klee: It’s like seeing an angry Captain Jean!

【Noelle: Ahahaha…Indeed, sometimes when Captain Qin gets angry, he can be scary.

【[Eula]: It’s really strange. The truth has been revealed, so why are the people of Gray River still living a hard life?

【Qin]: I think you should know the reason, right?

【Qin: The more powerful a country is, the more likely it is that a single move will affect the entire country.…

【Eula: That’s how it is….Even though the Thorn Rose Society has been rehabilitated, are the high and mighty nobles still unwilling to let them go?

【[Diluke]: The conflict of interests has always been so cruel. How could those forces that rose to power by suppressing the Rose Thorn Society allow the Rose Thorn Society to make a comeback?

【Bennett: It’s really complicated.…

【Bennett: Can’t we all just live in harmony?

【Fischl]: Oh haha, that’s why we need the King of Judgment!

【Mona]: King of Judgment, what is that?

【Oz]: Miss, what you mean is that this is why we need Mr. Su Mu.

【Keqing]: Hey…The interests among the nobles are like an impenetrable network of relationships.

【Keqing]: Mondstadt is like this, Fontaine is like this, and Liyue is no exception? The interests of merchants are even more terrible.

【Hu Tao: So, Keqing and Xingqiu are both descendants of aristocrats from wealthy families, but they are still so approachable, which is rare.

【Yan Fei]: This is because Liyue has sound laws!

【Yan Fei]: Otherwise, the situation in Liyue would not necessarily be much better than other countries.

【Ningguang: That’s right. As the saying goes, there is no order without rules. Laws are the cornerstone that has kept Liyue running for thousands of years.

【Ganyu]: Because Fontaine doesn’t have clear laws, but uses trials to replace laws, so that criminals can take advantage of loopholes and hinder it?

【Ganyu]: It seems that Miss Navia’s guess is correct.

【Ganyu: With Mr. Su Mu’s character, Fontaine will face a bloody storm.

Facing Su Mu’s questioning,

Villette fell into a brief silence.

After a moment, he sighed, shook his head and said:

“The reason why Thorn Rose has become what it is today is because too many forces are involved.”

“The Thorn Rose Society once had a very good reputation among the people, acted in an upright manner, and had good relations with many forces.”

“However, as the scandal of Carles was exposed, the reputation of the Rose Thorn Society plummeted, and these forces were also affected.”

“The hostile forces that had been jealous for a long time would naturally not miss this opportunity. They ate the corpses of the Thorn Rose Society and took the opportunity to clean up the forces that were friendly with the Thorn Rose Society.”

“This caused their power to expand rapidly.”

“They have too many resources now.”

“If you force yourself to stand on the side of the Thorn Rose Society, you will cause dissatisfaction among this group of people.”

“Fontaine is already in turmoil. If it is not handled properly, it is likely to turn into an internal war.”

“Therefore, even though Carres has been rehabilitated, the authorities can only remain silent. Only in this way can they barely maintain the surface of calm.”

After listening to Villette’s explanation, everyone at the scene fell into deep silence.

No one expected that there were so many things involved behind this.

Although Villette is in a high position, the pressure he is under is also extraordinary.

For the future of Fontaine, he must force himself not to act on impulse, which is not an easy thing.

“It seems you know the reason.”

“But I don’t agree with your approach.”

“The more you keep silent, the more arrogant those idiots will become.”

“It is understandable to compromise for the sake of the overall situation, but you seem to have forgotten a premise”

“In a human-dominated country, you do have to consider these details, but you are not a human either, right?”

“How can a dignified Water Dragon King be led by a group of humans? Who are they? What kind of splash can they make in front of you?”

“Knowing that they are doing all kinds of evil, why do we still wait for the right opportunity and let the people of Gray River continue to suffer the pain that they don’t deserve?”

“Can this still be considered justice?”

“Can justice be called justice delayed? (To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

“As the Supreme Judge of Fontaine, is this the justice you practice?”

Su Mu’s words hit Villette like a heavy hammer, making a loud noise in his heart!

He felt deafening and dizzy. It was a light sentence, but it made him feel that his world was collapsing!

The rules and principles he had always abided by became shackles on him. Su Mu’s words helped him break these heavy shackles!

It was like a revelation.

Villette fell into deep thought.

On the other side, Navia had already burst into tears.

Being able to help Carres redress was already her greatest wish in this life.

Now, she saw Su Mu standing in front of her, arguing for the miserable Thorn Rose Society.

It is unimaginable that a strong man like Su Mu would curse the Supreme Judge for the insignificant Thorn Rose Society!

“I became the Water God to do three things”

“Fair, fair, and damn fair!”

“You think you are protecting the Thorn Rose Society? But you are actually harming them!”

“Because goodness that does not distinguish between good and evil is an accomplice of evil, you are aiding and abetting evil!”

“”Your mission is to use thunderous means and show the heart of a bodhisattva! Don’t disgrace the name of the Supreme Judge!”

Villette took a step back.

It was as if a thunder exploded in his mind.

So all he did was actually helping the evil?

If he stood up and rectified all this at the first time, it might be the most correct choice!

Fortunately, everything is still in time!

The people of Gray River are still waiting for their salvation!

“Mr. Su Mu, I understand.”

That Villette exhaled a breath of turbid air and said softly

“Oh…It’s this look that shows you understand your mission.”

“Throw the evidence you collected in their faces and give them justice.”

Feeling Villette’s determination, Su Mu smiled and nodded.

At the same time, Xiawolei and Clorinde, who were sitting in the back, also slowly stood up.

“I have assembled the special patrol team in advance and they are ready to go at any time.”

“The hunters of the Shadow Chaser Court are also ready, and all the targets on the list are under surveillance.”

“Oh…What a big commotion! Villette, don’t let Mr. Su Mu down!”

Leosili crossed his arms and raised a faint smile.

“It looks like Melo Petersburg will soon be welcoming a new batch of criminals, so we’ll have a lot to do.”

“Oh, aren’t you worried that you will have nothing to do in the future? Well, your dream has come true.”

Sigwen teased with a smile, and Leosli shrugged helplessly:”If possible, I would rather have nothing to do.”

He has nothing to do, which means that there will be no criminals in Fontaine, which means peace and prosperity.

Although this is just an impossible wish, he still looks forward to this day in the future Fontaine.

“Xiawolei, Clorinde, follow me.”

Navrette, who had recovered from her shock, had regained her usual composure.

The only difference was that there was a bit more murderousness in her calm eyes.

Leosli, Sigwen and Navia also followed the crowd and left. They wanted to witness the end of this story.

Su Mu walked out of the conference hall with Funina and Fukaros, climbed to the roof of the Momang Palace, and looked down at everyone leaving from the highest point.

“Do you think I am too cold-blooded and ruthless?”

Su Mu stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the blood splattering below, and sighed softly.

Hearing this, Fu Nina did not speak, but stretched out her hands and gently hugged Su Mu.

“I never felt that way. I just hated myself for not being able to share your burden and for letting you clean up my mess.”

“hehe…What nonsense are you talking about?” Su Mu heard this and smiled softly:”Your business is my business, how can it be said to be wiping my ass?”

“I don’t ask for everyone’s understanding.”

“I only hope that the people I cherish can understand my thoughts.”

Funina did not answer, but tried harder to hold Su Mu and show her attitude.

Fucaros reached out and tightly grasped Su Mu’s (Zhao Haohao) hand, smiling and teasing:”This is not like you?”

“I think you just want to take advantage of us, so you deliberately put on such a show? How could someone like you be shaken?”

“Have you been discovered?”

Su Mu laughed and said no more.

The three of them stood side by side, overlooking Fontaine from a high place.

The blood flowers spilled on the ground added a bit of color to this pale country.

From now on, this country, which was tortured by the prophetic crisis, will usher in a new life!

【Maple Leaf]: Finally, a bloody storm came.

【Maple Leaf]: I’m afraid that in the days to come, the wind will be mixed with the smell of blood?

【Coral Palace Heart Sea]: Change is bound to be accompanied by blood, just like removing a wound on the body, one must endure great pain

【[Coral Palace Heart Sea]: However, with Mr. Villette and Lord Fucaros in charge of Fontaine, even if there are some turbulences, it shouldn’t be a big problem.

【Kujo Sara]: What a cold man!…

【Kujo Sara]: Even Mr. Villette was scolded

【Kamisato Ayato: In order to wake up Mr. Villette, I think this is something that can’t be helped.

【Kamisato Ayato]: I am curious, given Mr. Sumu’s personality, what actions would he take if he were faced with the situation of Inazuma?

【[Ayato Kamisato]: Inazuma’s situation back then was even worse than Fontaine’s. What kind of answer will Mr. Su Mu, who has not yet grown to that point, give?

【[Thunder Movie]: Using thunderous means to show the heart of a bodhisattva…

【Lei Movie]: I think the final answer will be more cruel than I imagined, right?

【Yae Miko]: I have a feeling that the person with the worst ending will be me…

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