The powerful wind elemental, which was more violent than the wind dragon's breath, roared and condensed towards Hell from all sides, and Jean clung nervously to the edge of the city wall, and even pulled out a lot of stone chips.

With this strength of the wind elemental, even if Qin turns on the elemental burst now, it won't help!

When the wind element condensed, it gave Kaeya and Amber a chance.

The ordinary hilichurls were unsteady on their feet, and the hilichurl thugs could barely maintain their balance, and the hilichurl shamans and crossbowmen had already begun to fly into the air.

"Captain Kaeya!" Amber shouted, "Take that monster down while the hilichurl hits the allies!"

Kaeya sneered: "For Barbatos' sake, monster, die!" "

Freeze it!"

"Be honest!"

Kaeya stabbed out two frost attacks, and the two elemental combat skills were launched at the same time, and there was no cooldown!

The frozen Abyss Singer was not in a hurry to escape, but watched Kaeya approach, a confident smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Arrows raining down!"

At that moment, Amber shot an arrow into the sky, and hundreds of fire bolts fell from the sky, igniting the nearby grass and inflicting a melting effect on the Abyssal Chanter.

What's more, when these fire arrows eventually pierce the flesh, they also cause some physical damage.

Amber, one man into an army!

Worthy of the name of the Scout Knight.

"Uhhhh Is it going to die?

Kaeya looked at his kind, who was supposed to be working together, struggled for a few seconds, and then raised his one-handed sword.

The Abyss Singer laughed: "Hehehe... Hahahahahaha~ Ever since I received the blessing of the abyss, I didn't think I would be able to die well.

"But I didn't expect that it wasn't the gods or the Mondstadt people who fought bravely to kill me in the end, but a royal blood of my homeland!"

The Abyssal Chanter looked up at the sky: "I have been looking at this sky for more than five hundred years, and it has never changed except for certain specific times. "

Hahahaha... The fire of Kanria... Forever and ever.

As soon as he finished speaking, the Abyss Singer was beheaded by Kaeya.

But none of the people present noticed that the Abyss Mage who was originally hiding in the crowd of hilichurls had disappeared at this moment.


The small gate of Mondstadt Harbor.

Two Abyssal Mages, along with fifty iron-clad charging hilichurls and twelve hilichurl thugs, had arrived here.

Among these hilichurls, they are all elite warriors from the Good Meat Clan, a warrior who can fight, and after wearing armor, his combat power has increased a lot.

An Ice Abyss Mage danced his wand excitedly: "The people of Mondstadt will not learn their lesson, back then, the Katzrhine family who supported Vanessa attacked Lawrence from this small gate, and now, our Abyss Order has attacked the people of Mondstadt from this small door!"

Another Ice Abyss mage waved his wand: "Sons of Kanria! Assault! Kill the Dogs of Mondstadt! The

hilichurls rushed forward in a frenzied dance, without formation at all, and rushed straight to the steps leading up the streets of Mondstadt.

That's it!

"Flames! Burn it out! "

The hundred-meter-long firebird slid down the steps, and where it passed, the original white stone bricks had turned black.

All the hilichurls, including the hilichurls, did not let out a single scream, and melted into water along with their masks and the iron armor they were wearing, and then evaporated.

When the firebird walked to the side of the abyss mage, it drifted 90 degrees into the sky and flew violently, and vanished.

Wherever the firebird passed, all the moisture evaporated into smoke that could not be dispersed for a long time.

The shields of the two Ice Abyss Mages had been burned by the residual heat of the flames at this moment, and the two of them were eaten up by the negative effects of the Abyss Spell and fell to the ground.

"Uh... Damn it...... Who are you! "

You're... Heroes of the Night in Mondstadt! A

figure slowly stepped out of the smoke, the sound of metal and stone slabs striking from the death knell on the heart of the abyss mage.

When the man came out completely, bathed in the sun, he said: "Before the dawn comes, there will always be someone who will illuminate the darkness."

"It's a pretty domineering word, but," the Abyss Mage scolded in spite of mental and physical discomfort, "Stupid Mondstadt, it's fucking daylight now!"

This stupid man of Mondstadt is Diluc.

Diluc didn't speak, he knew how tight the mouths of the abyssal creatures were, and even if he used a truth spit, he wouldn't want to burst the slightest bit of information out of their mouths.

He picked up his great sword.

"Judgment! rua~~" (flicking the tongue) "

Ah!! I will definitely be back!! "

The fire of Kanria will never be quenched!!"

In the screams of the two abyssal mages, the firebird slashed through their bodies, leaving no trace.

Diluc walked on the charred stone bricks and whispered a mockery, "If I expect the Knights to do business, I'd rather trust Barbatos to drink in my tavern right now." "


Angel's Gift.

The bartender Charles and the security guard Barton have blocked the Angel's Gift window and the door with tables, chairs and benches.

The two of them looked through the crack in the door for a long time, and I didn't see any hilichurls from the street, but the panicked people slowly found a place to hide, and there was a rare silence on the street.

Charles crossed his waist, drooped his eyelids, and looked at the people at the bar at the moment with a crumbly gaze: "Wendy, why are you still drinking?" Barbatos, you famous wine Mengzi of Mondstadt, you don't know what's going on out there right now?

Wendy burped, and her legs wrapped in white silk swung from the stool: "Oh hey~

" "What do you mean!"


Just as the wind elemental was about to be assembled, Ivan suddenly slammed his wrist into the throat of Hellroar, and in an instant, all the flames on his body disappeared, flowing down the veins in his body into his wrist, and then into Hell's roaring body.

This is the blow that gave his life.

For this trick, almost all the nutrients in Ivan's body were burned!

The heart is almost failing, the internal organs are almost shriveled, the bones are extremely fragile, and even the muscles and fat are almost gone.

Really skinny.

Why attack with your wrist?

The palms of the hands had been burned and melted, and even the bones of the wrists had been partially melted.

The roar of hell came suddenly, the wind elementals stopped converging, and Ivan fell to the ground.

Hell Roar was nearly five meters tall, and Ivan was seven meters above the ground after raising his hand.

In other words, it was natural for him to fall from such a high ground after eating the meat of the Stormtend Dragon, but now he has been seriously burned all over his body, and his internal organs and bones are damaged in different ways, which almost made Ivan go to see Barbatos.

Well, he was about to be summoned by Babatos.

Hell Roar opened his mouth with difficulty: "Blue... Blue-white... This is the color of my family coat of arms..."

Ivan coughed up a mouthful of black blood: "Ahem... There is a flower that blooms on the slope of Wufu, which can only be seen by immortals, demon gods, and the masters of the Hall of the Dead, and this flower is also blue and white. "

It's called...

After saying these words, Ivan could no longer speak, he lay on the ground, out of breath and in little.

Hell Roar whispered, "The fire of Hellria will never be extinguished..."

, a white-blue light suddenly shot out of Hell Roar's throat, followed by other parts of his body, burning the scorching flesh of Hell's Roar's sturdy body.

"I choose death!"

With the final roar of Hell's Roar, the cyan monstrous hilichurls turned into a blinding blue-white glow.

(What should I do when I leave my job at the end of September?)

(I'm going to find a local friend to ask first, and then go to to have a look)

(To be honest, if you want to run takeout, do that kind of crowdsourcing, it's more free, and you can also take the opportunity to code a few words between meals or food delivery).

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