Chapter 77: Crazy Playing with Fire (Madam!), from the confusion and suspicion of His Highness the Abyss Sora” roared

“One —!!!!!”

While Jiang Quan and (Madam) were talking, Twalin, who was still a little violent, seemed to be a child who had vented the anger in his heart and planned to go home to sleep.

Waving his incomparably large wings, he changed direction and slowly left the place.

“It seems that the dragon seems to have made enough trouble…”

Seeing this, the (lady) leaning on Jiang Quan watched Twalin’s departure with a playful face.

By the way, he also stretched out his hand to tease a wave of Jiang Quan beside him.

“Your guy’s sex is really bad enough…”

In this regard, Jiang Quan just twitched the corners of his mouth and did not speak.

In his opinion, the (lady) next to him seems to be getting more and more improper.

If this continues, I am afraid that sooner or later I will lose my body and her ugliness…

“Why, don’t you like a woman with a character like me?”

In (the lady’s) opinion, her own sex and personality should belong to the more (arrogant) kind.

And this kind of sexual woman happens to be the most likely to stimulate the existence of men (positive and negative desire).

Therefore, she did not shy to put her head close to Jiang Quan’s bait.

After blowing lightly, he also filled in his bait silhouette.

It gives Jiang Quan a different magnetic pole feeling different from when talking about love.


This woman is really good at it!

Obviously, this woman in front of her is a very simple “little girl (big royal sister)” as she expected.

However, he has made great achievements in dancing and playing himself.

It is true that Jiang Quan is given a “headache (enjoyment)”.


Seeing Jiang Quan show such a cute look, some (ladies) who already like to dance and play each other instantly showed a beautiful smile.

“Your expression says it all~.”

“Presumably, I don’t need to ask you if you like me again, right?

As soon as this remark came out, Rao was still planning to say something more, Jiang Quan could only sigh lightly and acquiesce to (madam’s) statement, and went according to her wishes.

Strive not to be a straight man in the current time period and say something annoying.

“Even if you have a little conscience, you know to accommodate me at such a time…..


As soon as the voice fell, (the lady) repeated the previous exercise.

Dancing and playing Jiangquan again.

Completely ignoring the fact that the environment in which they are at this time is outdoors, not indoors.

“Okay, let’s go back to the room first, everyone in the shelter should come out later”

“At that time, we will be big news in Mondstadt…”

Although Jiang Quan also wants to enjoy the time with (lady) chattering me for a while, he can’t just enjoy it regardless of the image, and he can’t be outside regardless of the occasion

It is inevitable that there are also some too (bullying) no (negative) elements (single) quality (body).

“I’m not afraid, what are you afraid of?”

Seeing that Jiang Quan was gradually unable to resist his own offensive, (Madam) Suo Sex increased his strength.

And showed a meaningful smile towards Jiang Quan.

Jiang Quan, who was the person concerned, was full of black lines for a while.

“You guy, don’t go too far…”

Jiang Quan feels that his attitude towards (Madam) seems to have been a little too indulgent recently…

(Madam) must not be allowed to continue to be so arrogant.

Otherwise, I am afraid that my days after thoroughly dating her will become a situation similar to (identity exchange)…

I can only let her dance and play for the rest of my life… How can that work!?

“Okay, okay, I’m not making trouble, it’s not okay to listen to you obediently~.”

That being said, anyone can hear the doting in (madam’s) tone

It seems that she is Jiang Quan at this time, and Jiang Quan is herself.

Look at each other in the same way that they look at each other (little wife (little palanquin)).

Causing Jiang Quan can be described as a burst of discomfort.

“Elbow (go), follow me into the house!”

Jiang Quan took (the lady’s) hand and walked towards the main entrance of the (Goethe Hotel) without looking back.

Before he interacted with her, she was already arrogant to this extent… If this is to associate with her, she will not be able to go to heaven!?

“You’ve finally become a little more open…”

In this regard, the (lady) who had already guessed what Jiang Quan really thought in his heart just smiled slightly.

Very submissive cooperated with each other.

“If you can really do it to that extent, I can’t ask for it~.”

In this way, (the lady) was brought into the (Goethe Hotel) by Jiangquan.

And for a long time after that, there was no sign of reappearing.

And as for what happened between Jiang Quan and (Madam) in the intervening period…..

I’m afraid only they themselves know…



At the same time, in a stronghold somewhere (the Order of the Abyss) on the Teyvat Realm.

A handsome man with long blonde hair tied into a twisted braid behind him.

An indifferent man in an exotic costume wearing a fringed earring on his left ear is sitting on the (stone throne) of this stronghold.

The whole person’s temperament is slightly melancholy, looking at himself kneeling down in the direction below

Cabinet, waiting for his order (Water Abyss Mage) said: “How is the plan to transform (East Wind Dragon) into (War Weapon) of the (Abyss Order)~~?”

Hearing this, the (Water Abyss Mage) who was under the throne and got off the cabinet on one knee hurriedly raised his head, looked at the blond man with an indifferent expression at this time, and said in a feverish tone: “Your Highness, the preparations for the madness (East Wind Dragon) have almost been carried out.”

“I’m about to wait for your orders to completely mad that dragon…

As soon as these words came out, Rao was the blonde man who was originally a little indifferent, and couldn’t help but show a chuckle.

Although, in terms of combat power alone…

(Dragon of the East Wind, Twalin) does no damage to (Tenri) but cannot hold it (is huge) and has extremely high (transformability)


Once (Dragon of the East Wind, Twalin) is controlled by the (Abyss Order) and becomes a (weapon of war) in their hands…

Then it can be called a disaster for the entire Teyvat world.

Anyway, (Dragon of the East Wind, Twalin) is also one of the only remaining (Seven Elemental Dragon Kings) in the world of Teyvat.

In terms of possibility, sex alone…

It will definitely not lose to the so-called (Seven Gods)! So……

It is still necessary to implement the plan of (the Abyss Order) to control it and make it (its own weapon of war).

At least, for the current (Abyss Order), they would definitely not put such an extremely tempting piece of meat without tasting it.

Isn’t that completely at odds with what they usually do) and (ultimately ideal)?

“In that case, let’s just implement the plan.”

“I see, Your Royal Highness…”

As soon as the words fell, the figure of this (Water Abyss Mage) suddenly disappeared in place.

Only the blond indifferent man in front of him was left sitting alone on the throne, feeling the silence around him for a moment.

“I really don’t know if the situation is okay now…”

Speaking of the name Ying, I have to mention the brother who traveled to the current world with her!

He woke up five hundred years ago, before (the maintainer of Tenri) led (the seven gods) to be destroyed (the ancient kingdom of war, Kanria).

And personally experienced a trip “both perfect and imperfect”….

Immediately afterwards, I witnessed the emptiness of the scene when (the maintainers of the (Tenri) and the (seven gods) jointly fought against the (Kingdom of Kanria), crossed one obstacle after another, and crossed one difficulty after another…

Only then did he finally find the place where his sister Ying slept.

And woke her up in a more brutal way, reminding her to leave this world with herself.

And after that…

What happened must be clear to you…

Undoubtedly, they were stopped by a (strange god) on their way away.

The strange god claimed to be the maintainer of (Tenri), and without saying a word, he fought against the two of him.

And Sora and Ying, who have always been confident in their own strength, naturally took out their weapons (swords) and launched a counterattack against the strange god who claimed to be (the maintainer of (Tenri)).

And confronted each other for a long time.

It wasn’t until the strange god didn’t plan to continue playing and used part of his own power to devour himself little by little, that he had to separate from his sister Ying…

Speaking of which, I’m afraid many people have already guessed… Not bad!

The blond man in front of him, who was called (His Royal Highness the Prince) by (Abyss Mage), was none other than Ying’s biological brother Sora!

And as for why Sora threw himself into the (abyss) and became (His Royal Highness the Prince) in the (Abyss Order)…

Presumably, only he and a few cronies around him knew…

“Before the (abyss) flooded (the gods), I had no peace with (Tenri)… "

“Only war… "

At this moment, the empty heart was full of firmness.

No matter what, he has to make (Tianli) pay the price! For this reason, even if he temporarily loses the opportunity to reunite with his sister…. He didn’t hesitate to do it!

“Ying, we will meet again, but far from now….. This is why Ying is not standing in front of him at this time.

Otherwise, Ying would have rushed forward without saying a word to give Sora a mouth, and shouted at him: “Riddler, get me out of the Teyvat world.”

One thing to say, (Riddler) this existence is indeed very annoying….

At least, both Ying and Paimon are deeply disgusted with the species (Riddler).

I can’t wait to destroy it on the spot! However……

For Sora at this time, not only can he concentrate on his own plan, but also protect the other party in secret.

You know, the reputation of this organization in the Teyvat world is not good…

If you let outsiders know that Ying’s brother is His Royal Highness the Prince of the (Abyss Order)…

It is estimated that the next trip of the screen will not be smooth.

“See you at the end of the journey, sister…”

Sora muttered in his heart, and a trace of unprecedented tenderness flashed in his eyes.

For him, the most precious thing for him is his sister.

If one day, his sister will be abducted by some bad man or hurt by some bastard, he can’t guarantee that he will be able to control his current emotions.

Without revealing your true identity (hard damage) or (killing) the other person.

Use this to complain about his own sister (injustice)…”

Just when Sora was immersed in the struggle between himself and (Tenri), a (Fire Abyss Mage) appeared in front of him out of thin air.

Down on one knee, it seems that there is something to report to him…..

“Your Royal Highness, I have received a piece of information about your blood relatives here, I don’t know if you….. "

“Tell me, what’s wrong with Ying!?”

In the next second when I heard the word (blood relative), the empty attitude that was originally a little calm and indifferent instantly changed.

Revealed the anxiety and worry of being an ordinary brother.


Seeing that Sora’s reaction was so anxious, the Fire Abyss mage in front of him, who was called Sora’s information about the screen, also hurriedly raised his head and said in a delicate tone: “Your Royal Highness, your blood relatives are wanted in Mondstadt City…..”

Empty: “…..”

Ah this…

For a while, Rao was Sora (His Royal Highness the Prince) who was (Abyss Order) and also opened his mouth wide.

Some people don’t know how to evaluate their sister…

“This… This is not right, my sister has always been very well-behaved, intelligent, and sensible..”

“How can you commit a crime that is wanted by someone!?”

However, in the face of emptiness, doubts and puzzlements.

The (Fire Abyss Mage) who was under the stone throne simply took out a brownish wanted warrant from his clothes and handed it to Sora near the throne with both hands raised.

“Your Royal Highness, please look here.”

In the next second, Sora took the wanted sheet from the hand of the (Fire Abyss Mage) in front of him, and looked at it with a serious and serious face.

(Criminal suspect: Gender: Female age: unknown.)

Crime: bullying men and women, doing all evil, liking loli, killing innocents… (Several hundred words omitted below)

The relevant departments in various localities and the general public are requested to assist in apprehending the criminal.

Those who provide information will receive 80,000 molas as a reward, while those who capture them and send them to (Knights of the West Wind) will receive 1.5 million molas plus the position of Knights of the West Wind (Knights of Honor) and the Miyoshi Citizen Award.

Contact unit: Mondstadt City Zephyr Knights

Director: Kaia Alburych)

After reading this wanted warrant, there was only one thought in the mind of the empty person.

That is…

“, ah… This is not right, who is trying to frame me for being well-behaved?

Smart, cute, sensible, literate and martial sister, with unique skills, out of the hall, down to the kitchen…”

No matter how bad your image is outside, in the eyes of the Mo family, you are always the simple, cute and perfect person!

At this time, Sora, who is the elder brother, undoubtedly sees his sister in this way.

No matter what, it is absolutely impossible for his sister to commit all the crimes described in the wanted warrant!


(Liking Lo Li) Except for this!

After all, who in this world can refuse to get two simple and cute girls, at least, Sora is very open to the concept of such things (in love):

As long as his sister doesn’t marry any male star creature, he can accept any other kind of (sister wife)!

Well…… Of course!

If his sister really likes a certain man, he will not overly block the love between the two.


The premise is that the man does have the ability to take care of his sister and the idea of genuinely being nice to her.

Otherwise, he would rather risk being disgusted by his own sister than get rid of that guy at all costs!

And then ensure his sister’s body and body purity and future happiness!

“Could it be that the group of incompetent knights in Mondstadt City learned about me, so they did such a despicable thing to isolate the screen…..


For a while, a most probable guess directly appeared in Sora’s mind.

In his opinion, his cute sister Ying, who has always been well-behaved and sensible, intelligent and capable, is absolutely impossible to commit a crime for no reason!

Therefore, she must have been wronged by some guy in the (Knights of the West Wind).

And thus suffer this degree of injustice.

It’s abominable!

“However, after I threw myself into the (abyss) and became the (prince) of the (Abyss Order), I never appeared in front of the eyes of the world again…”

“How did the group of incompetent knights in Mondstadt know that Ying still had a brother?”

Sora is really puzzled by this.

Could it be that in the (Abyss Order)… Can’t there be undercover agents in Mondstadt!?

“It’s really interesting…”

Sora smiled slightly, and his eyes flashed with coldness.

“Someone dares to be an undercover agent in the (Abyss Order), I really don’t know whether to live or die… "

The power of Ming (Abyss) is fatal to all beings in the Teyvat Realm.

However, there are people who dare to risk their lives in such a situation.

Insisting on coming (of the Abyss Order) as an undercover agent…

For such a person, there is both respect and killing intent in the empty heart.

He will do his best to erase everything that wants to prevent himself from being an enemy of (Tenri) and to be detrimental to his sister!

So, he looked at the (Fire Abyss Mage) in front of him and pondered for a while, then waved his hand to signal him to step back for the time being.

Wait until you need him to show up.

“The subordinate withdrew…..”

Seeing this, the (Fire Abyss Mage) in front of him would naturally not be ignorant

After he saluted the sky with respect, he turned into a burst of sparks and disappeared in place.

Instead, a tall (Fire Abyss Apostle) with a dangerous aura all over his body slowly appeared holding a magic code book.

Obeying Sora’s summons, he curtsied to him and said in a feverish tone: “Your Royal Highness, do you have anything to do with me?”

Unlike the one that can be seen almost among the ruins in the Teyvat Realm (Abyss Mage).

As an elite member of the (Abyss Order), the Apostle of the Abyss is rarely exposed to the public.

Most of the time, they are hidden in the void.

Wait for the call of (His Royal Highness the Prince (empty)) before taking the initiative to show his true body.

Sincerest greetings and respect.

“Help me check if any of the newest members of the (Abyss Order) have ever been Mondstadt.”

“If there is, all are excluded!”

At this moment, the empty eyes revealed killing intent seven.

Holding the idea (I’d rather kill a thousand mistakes than let one go), the empty tone was full of coldness.

The (Fire Abyss Apostle) who knelt in front of him on one knee couldn’t help but shed a drop of sweat that was slightly frightened.

I am afraid that this (His Royal Highness the Prince) in front of him will vent the anger in his heart on himself.

He hurriedly agreed and said, “The subordinates will obey the orders of His Royal Highness the prince, and this will be done!”

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