Chapter 93: Engraved Qing Pierced Qin, Guarded the Heart and Love, and the First Emperor died and divided

The fifty-second year of the Great Qin Li: A boulder suddenly fell from the sky and fell into the area of (Great Qin Empire Liyue Port).

On the boulder are written the six characters (the first emperor died and the earth was divided).

For a time, countless (Great Qinzi Min) felt shocked and panicked.

Secretly guessed that this hard-won (peace) may soon be broken by others…

At the same time, some aristocrats of several countries who already hated Jiang Quan’s actions also took this opportunity to smear Jiang Quan himself.

and began to gather together to discuss how to overthrow Jiang Quan after his death (Great Qin Emperor State).

This corresponds to what is given (the time of day) in this (prophecy (heavenly machine)).

Do not fall short of others…..


“Okay, okay…”

Looking at this fold in his hand, Jiang Quan, who was located on the dry seat of the (Great Qin Dry Palace), did not laugh angrily.

He casually threw it on the table in front of him, and a sarcastic smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Keep your heart, the first emperor died and divided…”

“This kind of “rumor” is even taken seriously?”

Sacrificing oneself to save people, gathering the flow of people, pacifying and soothing the people, killing evil…

It can be said that the current (world (The Sims)) Jiangquan is always seeking the welfare of the people of today!

However….. And what did he get?

Arrogant, tyrant, evil people who deserve to die… Wait and so on and so forth!

He really couldn’t understand why he (ended the war and calmed the world) offended so many people.


For the nobles of the Dead Country, they are indeed depriving them of their original wealth and status…

But he also brought them a real sense of peace through the power in his hands!

In a sense, they should be grateful to themselves!

Instead of hating, hating and discrediting yourself behind your back, as you do now:

No matter which (Demon God) they used to be under (Zi Min) and (Warriors)…

Jiang Quan treats them as if they were his subordinates.

(Great Qinzi Min) can enjoy the benefits….

Those (sons and people of the dead country) and (nobles of the dead country) can also enjoy it! But they were good…

Challenging your bottom line again and again! Could it be that…

That gang of Diao people, is it really when he Jiangquan can’t hold the (weapon (glass gun)) in his hand), and is powerless (fight the world again)!?

It’s just a dead end!

“Lao Tzu hasn’t died yet, and he began to worry about restoring their former glory?

“That damn (dead nobles) are all wolves that can’t be fed!”

“Something that deserves to die in troubled times!”

As soon as these words came out, all the Wen Chen’s military generals located above the main hall came down one after another, praying for Jiang Quan to calm his anger.

“Your Majesty, there is no need for a dress (a man of the dead country) to make you so angry…..

“Father, if you want me to say that you should return those ten lands that originally belonged to them.”

As the saying goes, if someone extinguishes the fire, someone will add fuel to the fire!

At this time, Jiang Quan’s good eldest son Wang Yi took the lead in getting up from the skirt of the people, and said to Jiang Quan: “In this way, it can not only appease the hearts of the people of several countries, but also protect my Great Qin Emperor Guo Wanshi and 043 Ping, wouldn’t it be beautiful for the people of Guotai to love?”

Jiang Quan: “… "

Wen Wu Hundred Officials: “…”


Drive history (reverse ride)?

Is this our (Great Qin Empire Changgongzi) high opinion? It’s hard to hold on….


Hearing this, there is really some Ren· Ren Jiangquan picked up the table

The zi smashed on the other party’s head, and his eyes were full of anger: “The chaotic times that took me and Da Qin Zi Min to end for more than ten years, how can you go back with a word (Guotai Min’an)?” You contrarian!”

This is also Jiang Quan’s image of himself (emperor) at this time.

Otherwise, I would have untied the belt long ago and pumped each other well.

Let the other party experience what is called complete “childhood (youth)”!


“Get out!”

Hearing this, Jiang Quan waved his sleeve, and his eyes were full of indifference: “There is only a division between princes and subjects above the court, how can there be a father and son!?”

Jiang Quan’s words can be regarded as completely dispelling the “beautiful” thoughts in Jiang Yi’s heart.

He had to lower his head in embarrassment and silently apologize.”

It’s the courtier who is rude…

If only the people of the world didn’t understand Jiang Quan, forget it… The question is…

Even his children do not understand him!

The blow this has caused to Jiang Quan is not a big deal…..

“That’s enough…”

Even his merits at this time (merit over the seven gods, virtue over heavenly reason) could not change the fact that there was a (difference in ideas) between him and his (eldest son Jiang Yi)…

One thing to say, Jiang Quan really can’t figure it out…

It is clear that Jiang Yi, this kid, has never been exposed to edification similar to (Confucianism) since he was a child.

As a result, it can still be so elegant and close to the mouth is a great principle (benevolence and morality) and so on…

It’s really a bit overdone…


At the same time, in a side hall in the (Great Qin Empire Harem) area

There is a beautiful young man dressed in silk and satin, who exudes a gentle temperament all over his body….. Fu Zheng looked at the one in his hand seriously

This book.

After a long time, he finally sighed softly and walked out of the world in the book.

The amethyst-like eyes subconsciously carried a bit of admiration.

“Sure enough, my current world is very powerful…

I saw that this beautiful young man · Fu has two double ponytails tied up in long purple hair that are as pointed as cat ears.

On the delicate face, the facial features seem to be carved from jade, and there is not a single flaw in sight.

Elegant costumes, gorgeous and gorgeous.

Elegant atmosphere, high cold and gentle.

The slightly guimo figure was well hooked by her clothes, and the slender waist could be held on the screen.

Her beauty…

Although it does not give a (otherworldly) feeling….

But it brings a very kind, very real, very beautiful god (bjaf) · Sheng sense!

Such a strange woman…..

Although it is not uncommon in (the Great Qin Emperor Kingdom)…….

But he is also barely worthy of Jiang Quan, who unified Liyue and ended the war and chaos in the world

Fight for (Great Hero) and (First Emperor).

Therefore, she is able to become a member of Jiangquan (harem) in the current time period.

It still makes sense… It is worth mentioning!

Before that, under the plot operation of (The Sims), Ke Qing staged a wave of scenes similar to (Jing Ke’s assassination of Qin) to assassinate Jiang Quan!


Under Jiang Quan’s powerful force and extraordinary wisdom, she was not only subdued by the other party.

He was even forcibly given by the other party to be a concubine…

This thing, although it is more or less outrageous…..

But at this time, Ji Qing was already able to accept it more or less…

In addition, when Jiang Quan took her as a concubine, (the other party (Jiang Quan)) was already fifty or sixty years old.

Therefore, she naturally failed to see how (handsome) and (handsome) Jiang Quan looked when he was young.

I can only see how (majestic) and (Shu) the river spring is when stepping into (old age).

This matter…..

It is definitely a big regret in her life! Not one of them!

“Single-handedly end the war of the demon gods, and show the possibilities of the (human) bell clan in front of the eyes of the gods…”

“On this basis alone… That’s enough to lay the foundation for it to become a legend!”

Not to mention that on this basis, Jiangquan also personally founded the (Great Qin) Imperial Dynasty.

Use various rules and regulations to restrain your own children and people.

I have established a huge country that is not much different from my original impression (Liyue)!

For all these reasons…

She won’t refuse Jiang Quanna herself as a concubine (in (The Sims, even if she wants to cabinet, she can’t do it)!

After all, in the whole (Teyvat deer), there is probably no one more than her (to have her own kingdom governed)…

If there is, it must be the Fujun Yishi Emperor Jiangquan in his current world!

Speaking of which, I’m afraid that many people have realized who this woman really is…..

Not bad!

The woman in front of her is one of the current (Liyue Seven Stars) located in the later life (Liyue) (Yuheng Xingchuan Ten Ten Moments of Qingqing!).

In her opinion (being born “human” should have the pride of “people”, and the idea of “people” should also be valued)!

Therefore, she often expresses some opinions in her own (world (reality)) that are different from (Rock King Emperor).

And put it into practice first!

And her (radical) approach has indeed achieved some outstanding results

But it also attracted the opposition of many devout disciples (of the Rock King Emperor)!

In Ke Qing’s view, this kind of “opposition” is nothing more than the stupidity of finding excuses for being “lazy” and accustomed to (living under the protection of the gods and never thinking about the prospects of mankind)!

In this case, there must always be someone who is at the forefront of the times and has personally carved out a new path for everyone to move forward…

In this regard, Ji Qing, who is one of the (Seven Stars of Liyue) (Yuheng Star), is naturally indispensable!

Keqing does not have the habit of taking a lunch break, and every day will rest after dealing with affairs.

She thinks the state of the morning will set the tone for the day!

Even if you are still sleepy, force yourself to cheer up! Well……

Of course!

In addition to the work of “Liyue Seven Stars”, Ji Qing will also do a lot of things related to (public welfare).

Moreover, most of the responses to what she did (public welfare) were very good.

To this end, she has more than once proposed initiatives such as “working one more hour a day”.


But all of them were opposed by their own colleagues… With that one with self

In the words of Ning Guang, a colleague of the same level and rich (Tianquan Star), that is, this child is more or less serious about Yi Qing, and every time I see her busy for Liyue, I feel that I can worry a little more…

Also, it’s worth mentioning!

Kerry Qing was born in (a famous family).

In other words, it’s a rich lady!

She has a deeper understanding of the influence (of the Yanwang Emperor) has had on the people of Liyue than most.

It’s like a reincarnation…

Every few years (please immortal ceremony), there is a huge upheaval in the business community in Liyue.

The newly announced decision of the emperor always made several people happy and some sad.

The poor look forward to making a fortune, the rich pray that the change in wind will not affect their property…

Businessmen are more keen on faith-based investment than economic construction considerations.

In Liyue at the moment, this choice is beyond reproach…

The emperor’s divine power is powerful, and he can rely on him to have food and clothing without worry… However, Ji Qing always had concerns about this.

In her opinion, if one day (the emperor) no longer performs this duty, what will happen to Liyue?

At present, the prosperity of Liyue Port is like a magnificent sand castle on the beach.

It is not humans themselves who decide whether the sea rises or not… However……

This idea of Ke Qing is destined to not be supported by the majority of factions.

In the eyes of others, the life of a mortal is nothing more than a whisker for the history of Liyue…

Why worry about it?

However, Ji Qing believes that this lazy and cowardly idea directly negates the existence value of the entire (human) race!

With the mood of hating iron is not steel, she bravely chose to question the spoiling of the emperor, question the laziness of the people, and question the way society works!

What concerns the fate of (mankind) should be done by (mankind) himself! And, [humans] can definitely do better on that!

And this idea of hers…..

Nature is exactly the same as Jiang Quan in (The Sims) at this time! Finally……

At the session that she personally presided over (please immortal ceremony), she made a very famous speech.

Countless Liyue people still remember it vividly…

“The emperor has guarded Liyue for a thousand years, but will the next thousand years, ten thousand years, a hundred thousand years, be the same?”

Hearing these words, the (Rock King Emperor), who appeared in the image of (God and Dragon), left a meaningful laugh.

As if to say one more – just wait for you to say this, I will play a big game for you next!

In short, in Ke Qing’s opinion!

Jiang Quan in the current world directly completed what she wanted to do, but (could not do) and (could not do)!

The impact and shock of this on Ji Qing is not small:

If she could, she would like to witness the life of Jiang Quan in the current (world (The Sims)) from the beginning!

Experience the change of mentality and the feat of ascending the throne from start to finish! The husband of his current world…

Directly with Ichisuke (the human body) to accomplish that feat that only (the gods) can do!

For Ke Qing, whether a person is handsome or not depends entirely on his character and ability.

If the other person is really good and capable, it is not a big deal to let yourself interact with the other person.

Anyway, in her original world, she does not lack (money), two does not lack (power), and three does not lack (potential)…

Hardly anything needs to be done with one’s future husband!

Therefore, her (courtship criteria) do not attach importance to the appearance of her future husband.

On the contrary, it is not wrong to pay attention to the character and ability of her future husband.

Who made her Keqing herself a very rare (strange woman)?……

………… Night!

Jiang Quan, who had long been dispersed, but did not have anyone to follow him, walked alone in the (Great Qin Imperial Palace).

I don’t know where to get a jug of wine.

Drink with the wine glass in your hand while holding it high into the air.

It seems to be very comfortable drinking with the moon.

“Raising a glass to the moon, painstaking may also be biased…..”

At this moment, Jiang Quan’s mouth hummed the hit song “Ancestral Cage Yin” in his previous life.

While staggering forward, I looked back on my wonderful and gorgeous life…

Unknowingly, he once again returned to the magnificent hall used to go up to the dynasty.

After driving away the countless guards around, Jiang Quan sat alone on the steps in a daze.

Looking back on his life, there is joy, sadness, seriousness, foolishness, pain, self-confidence…

His life in the present (World (The Sims)) is short and wonderful…..

He had gathered countless (exile people) and beheaded (evil) to establish the heart of the people (the Great Qin Emperor and State)!

He also single-handedly (ascended the throne as king) and ended the entire (Demon God War)!

It has also brought (hope) and (peace) to everyone in the whole Liyue territory!

His merits and deeds…

There is no commentator in the world! After 100 generations…

Own judgment!


After exhaling lightly, Jiang Quan slowly stood up and walked in the direction of his Qin Palace.


The more he wanted to return to the Qin Palace, the more Ren couldn’t help but want to look back at the (Great Qin Palace) behind him.

His life is more real and gorgeous than some ethereal (legend)!

In fact, he didn’t think about turning himself into an immortal and powerful state similar to the (Immortals and First Emperors) in the world of “FGO” (Strange Smell Zone).

But the thought of (abyss) in the current world is an alternative name for (collapse).

In the end, he can only think about it…..

The so-called (collapse) is a kind of screening and correction born from the competition with the (quantum sea) (branches and leaves ((the tree of imaginary numbers·

branches) is equivalent to a complete world and universe)) The mechanism of the direction of development.

Worlds that cannot survive (collapse) will be eliminated and will fall into the (quantum sea) and turn into one cripple (world bubble) after another…..

In addition, such things will also be divided into (strong and weak) according to the current world (level of civilization / technological development)…

If the current world (civilization/technology) is really strong enough for Jiangquan to carry the fate of the entire (Teyvat deer) alone.

So how powerful and terrifying will the energy that erupts from (Honkai) and the embodied (thug (lawyer/demon god)) be…

Jiang Quan couldn’t imagine it!

As mentioned earlier, he can die, and the dynasty he built with his own hands can be destroyed…

But the development and progress of this bell skirt cannot be broken!

If he is really attracted (destroyed) by himself (the pursuit of immortality (feathering into an immortal)), then the entire human civilization will usher in a devastating blow.

This is definitely not the end that Jiang Quan wants to witness…

Also, it’s worth mentioning!

Although Zhongli and Lu (gods) and (immortals) feel recognition and admiration for his personality…

But it will definitely not let him easily break the boundary between (humans) and (immortals/demon gods) in terms of (lifespan)!

Not only did they not allow this, but even the high (Tianli) did not allow it!

(Tianli) can allow Jiangquan to govern this area (Liyue) on earth for decades…

But it is absolutely impossible for him to directly govern (Liyue) for hundreds or even thousands of years! Otherwise……

Isn’t it meaningless for Zhongli and the other demon gods to fight this (Demon God War)?

“Oh… "

After turning his head and sighing softly towards the long night, Jiang Quan finally took a step and left the place…

Looking back at the long night and the regret in his heart… It’s up to (descendants) to comment…

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