
Thunder elemental force appeared on Elan's right hand.


A rock elemental force appeared on Elan's left hand.


...... Nothing happened.

"Well, it seems that without the Eye of God, it still won't work to use the original god's way to drive the elemental force." Ilan sighed and abandoned the experiment.

It was already early in the morning of the next day.

After exiting the somatosensory mode last night, he went to bed, after all, it was very late, and he could have a hunch that this simulation was different from the previous ones, and I was afraid that it would take a long time, so he couldn't rush for a while.

In the somatosensory mode at that time, after he obtained the Eye of the Water Elemental God and cut off Ryuuji Kamisato's arm with a knife, no one stood up to trouble him.

It has to be mentioned here that there is still a difference between reality and games.

In the game, Genshin seems to be nothing remarkable, and is still called around by ordinary people, and ordinary people don't seem to have much awe for Genshin.

Even if it is a master who has no god eye, he can use the power of 4 elemental forces, it seems that there is nothing remarkable in ordinary people, and any shrimp soldier crab will dare to touch the mold of the master.

But in reality, this is not the case, let alone an outlier like Ye, even if it is an ordinary original god, it is enough to make people awe-inspiring.

Therefore, after awakening the Eye of God, those "relatives" naturally did not dare to confront him head-on.

But they didn't dare to come, so they thought about coming to Yin.

After all, life is not only about fighting and killing, but also about firewood, rice, oil and salt, and human feelings.

In their opinion, even if 11-year-old Ilan has the Eye of God, he is only a child after all, as long as they use some tricks, they can make him suffer and take away the power of the Kamisato family.

Ilan knew what they thought, but he didn't take them seriously.

As a modern person, he originally had a vision beyond this era, coupled with so much experience after crossing, when he was possessed by Lei Dian Zhen, he learned a lot of power skills from her, and now he wants to play tricks with him, it is difficult to say who is yin in the end.

After driving away the group of relatives and appeasing Ayaka Kamisato, Ilan has been studying the Eye of God.

Then I found that harnessing elemental power through God's eye was very different from using elemental power on your own.

First of all, we must understand a concept, the seven elemental forces, in fact, are collectively called "light realm force" in the setting of the game, corresponding to the "virtual realm force" that represents the power of the abyss.

However, unlike what many people think, although "Light Realm Force" has a name that looks very sacred, it is the same as "Void Realm Force", which is a "toxin" for human beings.

The function of the God's Eye is to absorb the light realm force from the atmosphere, remove its "toxin", and then transform it into a specific elemental force for the original god to use.

Because the whole process does not involve other organs, it will not cause damage to the body of the original god, so the eye of the god is also called "external magic organ".

Ordinary people like Ilan use elemental power by relying on their own flesh and mind to forcibly extract light realm power from the atmosphere to use, which is actually harmful to the body.

For example, Rosalind, the executive officer of the fools in the game, was almost incinerated in her early years because of the excessive use of fire elemental power when she ran away, and finally it was the Ice Empress who gave the Ice Evil Eye to suppress the poisonous fire in her body.

Taken together, both actually have their pros and cons.

The former is safe and convenient, even if a fool has the Eye of God, he will know how to use the elemental power, but it is difficult to break through the upper limit.

The latter is more difficult and dangerous, but the upper limit is higher and the use of elemental power is more free, such as -

Elan's eyes suddenly opened, his dark eyes were shrouded by purple thunder and yellow rock, respectively, and in a moment of thought, purple thunder covered the dream heart of his right hand, and the yellow rock shrouded the Zephyr Sword.

With the explosion of the two elemental forces, the ground was cracked, grass clippings and gravel flew into the sky, and the sweeping momentum directly shook the surrounding trees.

Then he began to wave the weapon in his hand.

Right-handed swordsmanship from complex to simple, left-handed swordsmanship from simple to complex.

After obtaining Shadow's martial arts memory, his martial arts have long been free from the shackles of Mond Zephyr swordsmanship, and in Shadow's words, his current martial arts are closer to "Yuanliu" - that is, the foundation of all martial arts.

And he can also use two different elemental forces at the same time, which is equivalent to saying that he can hit the elemental reaction alone, just ask if you are afraid?


Rock elements can't react?

That's okay.

However, he can only last for ten minutes in this state, and if he exceeds ten minutes, he will lose his life.

Not long after, there was a knock on the other side of the door, it was Noelle who came to make him breakfast, but when she came in, she couldn't help but open her mouth in surprise:

"I... Lord Elan, is there an intruder coming in here? Did you have a big fight with him? But even Lord Elan, this level of destruction

..." "Uh, Noelle, don't panic, I practiced my newly acquired strength, and accidentally didn't control the strength..."

The terrain has changed! Even the space seems to be torn apart, is this my delusion? "

Illusion, this is your delusion, well... It seems that I have to find a garden designer to redesign my yard. "


After breakfast, Ilan replaced the shy Noelle with another rose, and then began to teach her swordsmanship.

"Women's joint flexibility is much better than men's, especially the femoral joint, the difference is the greatest, that is, the range of motion of women's femoral joints will be wider than that of men, and they are better at lateral movements, which should be paid attention to when exerting force..."

Watching Noelle practicing there one by one, Ilan couldn't help but shake his head.

Noelle's advantage is that he is very serious in everything, but the disadvantage is that he is too serious, he is a little rigid in everything he does, and he does not know how to be flexible, even the moves are like this.

In the duel of the knight selection, someone even summed up a set of moves specifically used to deal with Noelle, because Noelle's move routine is too serious, even if she has strange powers, it is easy to be targeted.

"Take it easy, don't get too stiff."

"Don't use up your strength when you go down with a sword, leave yourself some strength, or try to follow the swing of the big sword to make movements..."

Ilan helped Noelle adjust his posture.

Although he is also not good at the big sword, he now inherits the martial arts of the Ray movie.

And Lei Movie, as a martial arts adult who is only good at martial arts, she is not only good at beak knives, if you have to say it, her martial arts should be regarded as "the source stream".

——That is, the true meaning of martial arts.

So even if Noelle uses a great sword, Ilan can have a lot to teach her.

While teaching Noelle, Ilan was concentrating on the simulation in his mind.

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