
The two-man Wind Wings landed smoothly.

Amber hurriedly ran to Ying and asked worriedly, “Are you all right?” ”

Xia Yun fell alone, with a thoughtful feeling——

The dragon was watching me just now! It’s complicated, it’s complicated!

【Ding! The host ends the wind dragon’s attack on Mond early, allowing the city of Mond to reduce major damage and reward Destiny Points with 300.].

Well! Happy surprise, I don’t know what good things will come out of the lottery!



Kaiya moved his steps, black eye patch covering one eye, clapping his palms, towards Ying and Xia Yun, very curious:

“You actually have the power to fight dragons? Are you our guests, or are you the new storm? ”

Amber was bright red all over and wore a rabbit-like headdress, and pondered: “The wind demon dragon has actually begun to attack directly inside the city!” ”

“Kaia, traveler, you have come at the right time, let’s hurry.”

Kaia interrupted, “Wait, Amber. Is there anyone here who hasn’t had time to get to know each other? ”

Amber enthusiastically introduced: “Okay! This is Kaia, our cavalry captain! ”

Introduced to Ying: “These two are guests from afar, Ying and Paimon. ”

Kaiya thought to himself, “Do you only know that it is far away?” ”

Amber introduced Ying in detail.

Then, the eyes of the four people looked at Xia Yun who was thinking on the side.

Amber stepped forward and said enthusiastically: “I am Amber, the scout knight!” Warriors who guard Mond, may I ask you? ”

Kaiya stared at the empty shell of Xia Yun’s neck, with the bright cyan gemstone;

Pondering, “The Eye of God is not activated, but from the cyan gemstone, a strong wind element can be sensed. This wind element is familiar. This person is very different from Ying! ”

Paimon flew to Xia Yun and wondered, “Yes! Who are you? But you said that I would be glad of the decision to treat you to a big meal! I am glad to eat a lot of delicious food! ”

Xia Yun woke up and smiled confidently at everyone:

“I’m sorry! Just lost my mind! I am Xia Yun, a traveler from another world, just call me Xia Yun! I came with Captain Qin, and she knew me well. ”

Sure enough, the traveler’s name is still the most suitable!

Amber was enthusiastic: “Really? Captain Qin with you! Then you are very, very trustworthy person, welcome to the free city-state of Mond with wind and pastoral song! ”

Xia Yun smiled handsomely: “Hmm! I already feel Mond’s enthusiasm Oh, from you, from the piano captain! Breeze, freedom, feeling amazing! ”

With Jean, Kaiya lowered his strict guard and said politely, “I thank you on behalf of the Knights!” ”

Ying responded: “You can’t leave the disaster alone!” ”

Xia Yun looked forward to it: “You’re welcome!” Will there be a thank-you gift? ”

Kaiya replied gently: “Hmm! Mond’s signature carrot fried meat with honey sauce? ”

Ying laughed: “I have heard this sentence just now!” ”

Xia Yun said with some disappointment: “Gone? But we’ve fended off the dragon for you, is that all? ”

I have to say that this remuneration is too small.

Paimon chimed in: “That’s it! How is it a little less! ”

Kaiya said easily: “Your battle against the demon dragon has been witnessed by the citizens who are guarded, and the Knights of the West Wind will never treat the two of them badly. ”

It has the power to fight the magic dragon, and protects Mond, and it is worth paying more!

Paimon turned around excitedly: “Then I’m welcome!” I want food, lots and lots of food! I want to eat! ”

Xia Yun’s finger tapped Paimon and reminded: “Eat and eat, there is not even a place to live, where to eat!” ”

It doesn’t matter what it looks like.

Paimon scratched his head: “That’s right, too!” ”

Kaiya’s eyes rolled and said easily: “How can we, the warriors of Mond, lack a satisfactory residence?” ”

Looking towards Xia Yun, he asked: “In Mond City, the Knights of the West Wind will provide you with a satisfactory house to live in, what do you think?” ”

Xia Yun raised his hand: “Without hindering the order and citizens of Mond, can we choose a vacant house to live in Mond City?” ”

I love the houses near Mona! How nice it is to have such a good-looking leader!

Kaiya pondered and nodded: “Don’t hinder Mond’s order and citizens!” Our warriors of Mond certainly can. ”

Provided that this is reasonable, and they deserve it.

Xia Yun nodded in satisfaction: “Good!” That’s what I’m paid for! ”

Hee-hee! In one day, I easily got food and housing, which is similar to the kind of white.

Pointing at Ying and Paimon, he continued, “By the way, do you want me to choose a house for you?” ”

Ying nodded: “Okay! You look pretty sure. ”

Xia Yun was strange, however, it felt that he was very reliable.

Kaiya invited: “The reward thing is over!” The acting head of the Order is very interested in the three and hopes to meet at the headquarters of the Order. ”

Xia Yun said proudly to the two: “It’s all said!” You’ll be glad you decided to treat me to three days of food! The residence is done! ”

Paimon nodded, “You look strange, but surprisingly reliable!” ”

Ying Xiao glanced at Paimon, felt the same, and said to Xia Yun: “Hmm! Thank you for your help! I’ll remember that. ”

Xia Yun stepped forward and beckoned, “Let’s go!” Traveler Ying, and Paimon, let’s go meet Captain Qin! ”

Kaiya Amber leads the way.

The breeze blows, and the music sounds in the direction of the wind demon dragon’s departure, with infinite memories:

“The new journey psalm will be sung again for you, for his sister!”

“The fine wine brewed by Xia Yun, I can finally taste it again! Eh, hey! ”


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