Xia Yun looked at the night, it was not early, it was time to go back;

Throw away the bottle of wine again, turn your head, and ask seriously:

“Wendy, or Barbatos, do you know what happened to me?”

“Why, everything I know now, there is no trace of Xia Yun’s existence five hundred years ago! It was as if there was no Xia Yun at all five hundred years ago! ”

“But this is impossible! Since I came to Tivat for five hundred years, how could I not leave a trace of history. ”

Xia Yun has absolute confidence, since he has crossed Tivat and has a fate change system, how can he be a legendary figure who does not enter history.

Then, Xia Yun recalled the scene and asked suspiciously:

“You seem to have known me for a long time! Otherwise, when I first entered Mondstadtt, I would not have had a familiar tone that made me fight Twalin. ”

“When Twalin left, he looked at me, and that look was complicated, complicated! I don’t think I’ll forget it for the rest of my life! ”

Xia Yun sat up, leaned his back against the big tree in the wind, and asked seriously

“What’s going on with all this?”

Wendy was sober, leaned her back against the tree, shook her head to shake off her drunken posture, looked directly into Xia Yun’s eyes, and answered seriously.

Pointing to the floating sky island in the sky, “Because she, the Guardian of Heavenly Reason, erases all traces of history about you!” ”

Xia Yun nodded silently, and she could do it at present.

“Then why can you remember me? Twalin doesn’t seem to remember me? ”

Wendy smiled wryly:

“About your memory, your traces, only the seven gods that existed five hundred years ago, special people or things, or some special means can remember you!”

“Even the current Little Auspicious Grass King doesn’t know of your existence.”

Saying that, Wendy said with emotion: “Twalin can’t remember you. However, his body instinctively feels that you are familiar and close! ”

“There are some things that even the memory does not hide that feeling!”

There are some things, even if there is no memory in the mind, but the body remembers the feeling.

Just like your old classmate who graduated from elementary school, and when you meet again after high school, you may have forgotten him and don’t know what he looks like;

But you are sure that this person is familiar to you.

Xia Yun was silent for a long time, took the wine handed over, and drank it one by one, extremely worried!

And he said, “Can you tell me what happened to me five hundred years ago?” I want to know myself better! ”

Wendy shook her head resolutely:

“Nope! No! I can’t tell you about you five hundred years ago! The other seven gods can’t tell you about the past! ”

“The rest, I don’t know!”

Xia Yun was silent for a long time, drinking stuffy wine, melancholy!

Five hundred years ago, I didn’t have a memory, as if I had lost a precious part of my life.

Suddenly remembering something, he removed the empty shell in his neck, and showed it to Wendy as a rock chopper, asking:

“These are the ones I excavated from under the statue of the god of wind when I just fell to Tivat yesterday, and they are completely new, as if it was because of me!”

Pointing to the cyan gemstone, he asked again:

“This is what I asked the piano to use the wind elemental force, immersed and condensed! Do you know what this shell is? Can it be said? ”

Xia Yun was also helpless, the system panel showed the items, but did not show this mysterious empty shell.

Wendy took the empty shell in her hand, looked at the nine small holes, and handed it back, explaining

“Even if I could say it, I didn’t know what it was! However? If you can set nine gemstones, maybe something miraculous will happen! ”

“If you’re going to ask about the gem itself, then unfortunately, I can’t say!”

Wendy didn’t know that when she first saw Xia Yun five hundred years ago, she looked at him wearing this thing, and when she asked him, he smiled and said that it was a secret!

However, this cannot be said either.

As for the gemstone, Wendy felt that it was far less important than the empty shell.

Xia Yun nodded helplessly: “Okay!” It seems that you don’t know either! ”

Looking at the empty shell again with interest, it was a white round jade pendant

In the center is the empty bleak eye of God

Surrounded by small holes, two by two and one on each side;

At the top are the blue gemstones that have been set and are like the ones that rule all gemstones.

As for gemstones, Xia Yun currently guessed that if he could have gemstones of different elements, he would be able to use different elemental powers, which was equivalent to having the Eye of God with different elements;

But, the question is, it’s just seven elements, what are the remaining two elements?

Wendy ignored it, turned to the sword, knocked, and said casually

“As you can see, this sword is a trial rock chopper!”

Xia Yun added:

“It’s a trial chopping rock right now! What’s next? ”

Wendy joked, “Oh hey! ”

Well, this can’t be said either.

Xia Yun stood up, stretched his waist, felt the stars, moonlit night, insects, birds, closed eyes, felt the breeze:

“What a peaceful place to stay! The mood has changed! ”

Wendy also got up and felt:

“yes! The wind in the forest is nice and it has the smell I like! ”

and proudly offered a bottle of dandelion wine stained with dirt to Xia Yun enthusiastically:

“See you five hundred years ago! Of course, be friendly with the old and drink a bottle of good wine that has been cherished for many years! ”

“Would you like to try it together?”

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