“.... Sure, I don't have a debuff that I can bring, but why?

It is obviously not a ghost with ability, but it is completely impossible to know why an unknown substance was made at that moment. "

Opening his eyes again, Su Feng had already figured out that he did not have the ability to bring a debuff.

The specific process is to activate the ability and forcibly think that you know whether it is ~ the ghost of the ability.

The result is no.

Activate the ability again, why do you make dark dishes, there is no response.

Su Feng couldn't understand, he really couldn't understand what was going on.

"Otherwise, let me give it a try, I'm still pretty good at cooking."

Ling Xian weakly raised his hand and opened his mouth to propose to Su Feng.

Looking at Su Feng's operation so many times, Ling Xian already knew how to make this bacon stir-fried meat.

She thought she could try it out!

"Okay, it looks like I'm really not fit to cook."

He nodded helplessly, although Su Feng did not want to admit it.

But as things stand, it seems that he is really not suitable for cooking.

"I thought your dark cooking would look edible, at least on the surface.

It's just that the taste will be complicated, and it will shock me to lose my sense of taste.

Unexpectedly, you are more powerful than I thought, but fortunately, you are also self-aware. "

Seeing that Su Feng agreed to Ling Xian's proposal, Penglai Mountain Kaguya also slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Su Feng was willing to let others try to make this dish.

Instead of trying it yourself.

Although Su Feng's cooking skills were worse than she expected, she felt that she had let Fujiwara Mei Hong come over to try the dishes, and she even felt a little redundant.

However, fortunately, Su Feng's cooking skills were even worse than she expected, so bad that Su Feng himself admitted that he was not suitable for cooking.

"That's a problem, when Pachuli comes to me again to study my abilities.

I'll bring it up and ask Pachuli to help study it together. "

In the face of Penglai Mountain's mockery, Su Feng's mood at this time can be described in one word, and his heart is like water.

Su Feng's cooking skills are also admitted to being completely impossible.

Only when, when Pachuli asked him to study his abilities again, he raised this issue together.

Right now... The time was too short, and his knowledge content did not allow him to study why this was, because he could not study it.

No matter how much information explodes, there is no explosion of such unscientific information!

It can't really be some kind of magical physique, right?

"Speaking of Pachuli, it feels like you and Pachuli are quite close.

What do you think? Any ideas? "

At the mention of Paqiuli, Penglai Mountain Kaguya's eyes lit up slightly, and he asked with a rather gossipy opening.

In the eyes of Penglai Mountain Kaguya, although Pa Qiuli may be in various reasons, helping Su Feng research ability.

But a person like Su Feng should have no resistance at all to this kind of girl who is so good to herself, right?

If Su Feng really had any ideas, then Morisha... Eh~

"It's impossible to say without ideas, but Pachuli's figure is good, and she can see it in her loose dressing gown.

However, that's just gluttony, and frankly speaking, I listen to the gluttony in fantasy country now except for you and Mei Hong.

But that's not like, it's not love, so it's just an idea. "

Moreover, the relationship between Pachuli and Morisha is also somewhat unclear.

I want to eat Pachuli and Morisa's melon more now, so I can only say that you think too much. "

Shrugging, after Su Feng thought for two seconds, the city saw his thoughts incomparably and said it.

He is also a normal man, of course, what kind of ideas will there be, there are still so many beautiful women in fantasy township.

But it was precisely because of this that Su Feng was only limited to the stage of having ideas.

Moreover, now Su Feng's feelings for Paqiuli are more grateful and want to eat melons.

Eat the melon of Pachuli and Morisa! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"It's really a shocking statement.

Did you actually count everyone in Fantasy Township? "

Looking at Su Feng in surprise, Penglai Mountain Hui Ye really didn't expect that Su Feng could actually say such tiger and wolf words.

Actually hungry for the body of everyone in the fantasy township, if Su Feng didn't say it, he really couldn't see it at all.

"If you don't say it, you really can't see it at all.

You have such a good appetite. "

Penglai Mountain Kaguya was thinking so, Fujiwara Meihong took the lead in exiting, and began to ridicule Su Feng.

However, it can also be heard from the tone that Fujiwara Meihong did not believe Su Feng's words at all, and only regarded it as Su Feng's joke.

"It's a dream, but it doesn't have to come true.

All in all, I look slowly now, and when I meet someone who is really moved, not blindly gluttonous.

I might just start pursuing it. "

With a casual smile, Su Feng lightly said his plans for the future.

How long has he been in Fantasy Township? There is still too little contact with everyone.

There are many people who have been in contact, and there is no real heart at present, so I can only wait slowly and find out slowly.

"Speaking of which, what is the relationship between you and Mei Hong?

I feel that the emotions between you are much more interesting than I am not yet here with eight characters~"

His gaze swept between Penglai Mountain Kaguya and Fujiwara Mei Hong, and Su Feng also opened his mouth to ask.

Penglai Mountain Kaguya wanted to eat the melon on his body, but unfortunately the eight characters had not been brushed off.

Why didn't he want to eat the melons on Fujiwara Meihong and Penglai Mountain Kaguya?

"Me and this dead house girl?

Enemies and friends? "

Fujiwara Meihong was slightly stunned when she heard this, and then replied in a tone that even she was not quite sure of.

The relationship between them is quite complicated, it is okay to say enemies, and it is okay to say that friends are not a problem.

"I think it's friends, it's just that something happened in the past.

But unfortunately, you can't eat our melon, we are friends, but we are just friends.

Although Fantasy Township is now yin and yang, many people have a somewhat lily tendency.

But it just so happens that we are not among them ... At least I shouldn't be in it.

Sister Red? "

With a faint smile on his face, Penglai Mountain Kaguya directly saw Su Feng's thoughts, opened his mouth to explain, but finally looked at Fujiwara Meihong with some doubt.

Fujiwara Meihong and Kamihirasawa Keiyin should be just friends, right? Penglai Mountain Kaguya was a little uncertain.

"See what I do?

Hui Yin and I are innocent, just girlfriends! "。

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