Understanding Yayunzi's thoughts, Siji Yingji chose to be the same as Yayunzi and patiently waited for Su Feng's growth.

In the words of Yakumo Zi, it is a wave of gambling!

Growth~ can be interpreted in many ways, and there are many contents included.

And Su Feng, this is looking at the collection taken out by Four Seasons Yingji, fell into deep thought.

Poor, so poor!

No, rich, too rich!

Although they were all things that looked dilapidated, after using their abilities, Su Feng found that they were all antiques!

How much antiques are there? Most of them are when the gods are still alive and walking everywhere.

That is, the so-called antiques of the mythical era!

Even, Su Feng also saw some familiar items.

"This gossip compass...."

"There was once a Yunyu Taoist priest who originally wanted to go to the prefecture, but accidentally ran to me.

After knowing the situation, he traded this magic weapon to me and asked me to help send him back. "

"What about this bead..."

"It is said to be a spirit bead, but for so many years, it has been collected and piled up there by me, and the spirituality has basically disappeared."

"How come there are still Dao robes? Can this be collected? "

"Immortal-level magic weapons, when you go to the Eastern Heavenly Court, where did you trade it.

Just enter some Reiki and you can return to your original state. "

Su Feng asked one by one, and Four Seasons Yingji explained one by one.

Let Su Feng thoroughly understand the richness of the rich woman of Four Seasons Yingji.

Although he is the king of Yan Luo, there are really many good things in his hand!

However, these Su Feng were not very interested, and they were most interested in a coral with a strange shape.

There is no energy such as aura on it, but it is still bright and beautiful.

According to Shiji Yingji, it was also traded from the Eastern Heavenly Court.

But it was just an ornament, there was no special effect, just looked good, and it was traded.

Su Feng felt that it was indeed very good-looking.

"This coral is really beautiful.

It's nice to take it back and make an ornament~.. "

Taking the coral to look left and right, Su Feng finally made a decision.

It's about this coral.

"Are you sure? There's a lot of stuff out there, and there's something more valuable than that.

This coral can only be used for decoration, has no special effect, and was very cheap when it was first traded. "

Seeing that Su Feng picked out the coral, Si Yingji's brows furrowed slightly, and he said with some uncertainty.

In her collection, there are many that can complete peer-to-peer transactions with Su Feng!

But Su Feng chose this one that was the most worthless!

"I have a fish pond in my villa, but it's too small to look at.

But as an ornament, it's still nice to put it in the room, I like it, that's it! "

Hearing this, Su Feng nodded vigorously, he had already decided that he wanted this coral.

"It just so happens that there is also a Penglai jade branch at home, two put together, one left and one right.

Eh, hey, hey~"

Picking up the coral casually, Su Feng let out a strange smile while admiring it.

At the same time, it is also unambiguous, directly created in the air, the props that Shiki Yingji needs.

As for how Onozuka Komachi felt after that, Su Feng could only say sorry.

However, Komachi itself also has its own holidays, but there is no way to touch the fish on weekdays, and the problem is not too big, right~

"Since you've decided, you can't change."

Putting away his collection, Siji Yingji took the props created by Su Feng. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

There is no need to study much at all, and the moment the props are started, Shiji Yingji understands how to use this thing.

Directly enter the aura to bind, then take out an item containing the breath of Onozuka Komachi, and let the prop start monitoring Onozuka Komachi.

After that, as long as Onozuka Komachi is not working and starts to fish, she will be able to find out in an instant!

It can also project a shadow directly in front of Onozuka Komachi to remind Onozuka Komachi.

For this prop, Shiki Yingji is very satisfied and happy.

However, Shiki Yingji's happiness ends there.

Because, just let the prop monitor Onozuka Komachi, the prop has a move.

After two flickering slightly, an illusory screen appeared in front of everyone, showing the picture of Onozuka Komachi.


Another string of souls sent over, counting the previous sent over, it should be enough for King Yan Luo to be busy for a while...

Eh, hey, hey~"

Playing Harche, Onozuka Komachi murmured while showing a strange smile.

Standing on the boat, the ability was activated, ran directly to the other side, chose a place where the flowers on the other side grew the most, and lay down like this.

Looking at the past from afar, it just so happens that the flowers on the other side can block the small town of Onozuka and play a temporary role in confusing.

Of course, if you look at it from the air, it is directly exposed.


Humming softly, Onozuka Komachi was about to close his eyes, but an illusory fluctuation suddenly appeared in front of him.

In an instant, the eyes that were about to close reopened, and Onozuka Komachi directly held his death scythe, stood up from the ground one by one, and looked at the fluctuations in front of him with a solemn expression.

"Is it a mutation? Or did someone do something!? "

Brows furrowed, Onozuka Komachi was thinking, and the illusory fluctuations became real.

Directly reflected the picture of Shiki Yingji's side, and suddenly, Onozuka Komachi's face froze, and his body became stiff.

She didn't know if Shiki Yingji could look at this side of the road, and if she saw it, wouldn't she be finished?


Throwing the scythe to his shoulder, Onozuka Komachi turned around and walked like a side (Wang Zhao), ready to ignore the occurrence and take the opportunity to slip away.

Whether or not Shiki Yingji can see it, at least she has to behave normally.

When I go to deliver the soul of the letter later, I will report a wave to Shiki Yingji, so that I can take the opportunity to turn the page on the pretext of discovering the abnormality.

Just think that you haven't fished at all! Simply a genius plan!


"Stop pretending, Komachi. I can see you there, and you can see my side there.

I'm fishing again during work hours, hurry up and continue to work, and then come to Yan Luodian to see me! "

Staring at Onozuka Komachi with an expressionless face, King Yan Luo was not angry with himself, and opened his mouth to say to Onozuka Komachi.

The moment he heard this, Onozuka Komachi couldn't hold back, and sighed in discouragement.

It's over, Shiki Yingji can see this: Ton.

Although I don't know if it's a mutation or a spell, she's going to be preached....

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