"It's dawn, Su Feng shouldn't have gotten up yet, take advantage of it now..."

Glancing at the sky, Huo Qing'e casually pinched a magic trick and began to urge the ancient fragrance of the palace.

Although now Miyako has completed the resurrection in a sense, has his own thoughts, and inherited his own memories.

But she is still a zombie, and the sauce purple refined by Huo Qing'e, so as Huo Qing'e pinched the technique, the ancient aroma of the palace was controlled and came to Huo Qing'e.

"Good morning~ Qing'e Niangniang.

From now on, I will be your believer~! "

The moment she saw Huo Qing'e, Gonggu Xiang showed a slightly stiff smile, and greeted Huo Qing'e with some excitement.

For this existence that has refined itself into a zombie, Qing'e Niangniang.

Miyako Xiangxiang has only gratitude, because Qing'e Niangniang, so although she has existed as a zombie for so long, she is now resurrected.

The memory of the owner before his death also has the memory when he was manipulated by Huo Qing'e, and all feelings are common, so Gonggu Xiang naturally believes that he was resurrected by Qing'e Niangniang.

She did not believe in Huo Qing'e, and she died before Huo Qing'e came to Japan.

But she has memories of being manipulated, so she knows that this is Huo Qing'e, known as Qing'e Niangniang by believers.

So now, she also has to be a believer of Qing'e Niangniang, even if Qing'e Niangniang is obviously not a kind immortal, she is still willing to believe in Huo Qing'e!


Do you have your own consciousness? "

Listening to Gonggu Fang's words, the expression on Huo Qing'e's face froze, stared at Gonggu Fang a few times, and after checking the situation of Gonggu Fang, she asked in surprise.

She could sense that the control of Miyako Aroma had not been taken away!

So, Miyako aroma which has its own consciousness?

Or is it that Su Feng doesn't know what's going on, knowing the situation of Gonggu Aroma, and now Su Feng is using his ability to control Gonggu Aroma?!

"Hmm... I don't know very well, but I have memories from my lifetime, even after being refined into zombies.

So I know I'm a zombie, and you're a Qing'e niangniang.

I guess I must be resurrected, right? Didn't Qing'e Niangniang do it?'"

With a little dazed and doubtful in her eyes, Gonggu Xiang answered Huo Qing'e's inquiry, and also asked back.

Could it be that her resurrection is not Qing'en loving your girl?! But for what other reasons?

"With memories from life, even zombie memories...

Haven't you ever encountered such a situation?

There is no record of this in the Daofa.... But I don't have the power to resurrect others, and it stands to reason that your soul has already been reincarnated.

No, it is indeed reincarnation, and when you are refined into a zombie, your soul is not in the body.

So why do you have memories before you live? "

Staring at Gonggu Xiang, Huo Qing'e was confused at this time.

It is completely unclear what state the ancient aroma is now.

But immediately, Huo Qing'e thought of Su Feng, could it be true that Su Feng was controlling Gonggu Xiang, and now he was playing a prank with her?

Even if it wasn't Su Feng, maybe she could get the answer from Su Feng, and with Su Feng's ability, she should be able to do it, right?

Thinking so in her heart, Huo Qing'e made a decision.

"Maybe there's a place to know what you're doing."

All in all, follow me first. "

Looking at the ancient fragrance in front of her with a subtle expression, Huo Qing'e slowly spoke.

Then he stretched out his hand and flew in the direction of Su Feng's house with the fragrance of Gonggu.

Still taking an unusual path, he walked directly through the shattered wall with the fragrance of Miyako Gong.

I saw Su Feng, who was still lying on the bed and sleeping fragrantly.

"Su Feng, don't pretend, what is the situation?! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Give me an explanation~"

Without being polite with Su Feng, Huo Qing'e directly stretched out her hand to shake Su Feng awake, and then opened her mouth to question.

In Huo Qing'e's heart, now the situation that Gonggu Fang is being controlled by Su Feng, it is even greater,

Now that she directly brought the Gonggu fragrance to Su Feng, she didn't believe that Su Feng could continue to pretend.

"Huh? Wait for me for a while ha~

Let me see what kind of reaction you had when you found out that Miyako Aroma became conscious..."

Glancing at Huo Qing'e standing by the bed, Su Feng was not surprised at all, and with a flash of light on her body, she got dressed and sat up from the bed.

And as he got up, a projection also appeared in the space, it was Gonggu Xiang who was controlled by Huo Qing'e and what happened after seeing Huo Qing'e.

"Gee, no consciousness.

The surprise prepared for you has no effect at all.

There was no reaction at all. "

Looking at the picture on the projection, Su Feng pouted boredly, Huo Qing'e did not appear at all, the picture he expected.

After encountering something that couldn't be explained, I didn't know what to think, so I came to him directly with the ancient fragrance of the palace.

A woman's sixth sense?

"Sure enough, it's you!

What the hell is going on?! Are you controlling the aroma!? "

Although Su Feng felt very bored, Huo Qing'e's mood now became a little excited, and she questioned again.

She had to figure out what was going on with Miyako Aroma.

And through Su Feng's reaction, it was not difficult for Huo Qing'e to guess that all this was inseparable from Su Feng.

"I made an appointment with Kaguya before to play games together in the evening.

The chat room shared with her and met new friends.

I learned about the situation of Miyako aroma from Kaguya, and I probably guessed what you thought. "

"So I have a surprise for you~."

I created a blank consciousness that fused the memories and emotions of Miyako aromas, restoring the rotten internal organs and blood vessels and brain.

Miyako Kaga's current state is that she is neither she nor him.

But your reaction now finally makes me feel that I have not wasted this surprise. "

Looking at Huo Qing'e with interest, Su Feng simply explained the situation of Gonggu Xiang.

Huo Qing'e's excitement just now made Su Feng very gratified, and the surprise he prepared was not to see Huo Qing'e's reaction~

"So, I'm not me? Am I me again? "

Stretching out his finger in amazement, the ancient fragrance that had been silent for a long time finally spoke.

"No, you are you, you have all her memories and emotions.

Therefore, you can think of yourself as Miyako Fang, or you can think of it as just having her memory.

It all depends on your own opinion. "。

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