Perhaps because of the lesson of the Holy White Lotus earlier, the wind saw Yuxiang and the big tengu understand that Su Feng was very straightforward in some aspects.

Kazami Yuka and Otengu simply didn't pretend.

"Isn't it? Big Tengu, even you?! "

Marufumi, who was sorting out the camera, was stunned in place.

What the? The big tengu also came for Su Feng?!

She also thought that the big tengu really came to watch the play!

Feelings, it turns out that the previous one was just in the mouth hard?!

Then why, when he came out of Youkai Mountain, the big tengu just said, come and see the liveliness?

"I've been single for so long, and now I finally have an excellent stock appearing, will it be strange?"

Shrugging, the big tengu asked Shotmaruwen a sentence, and directly asked Shotmarufumi speechless.

Isn't that weird? It doesn't seem strange, is it really not "eight eight three" strange? It seems strange.

Because her feelings for Su Feng are very general, and she has been single for a long time.

Although the age of the big tengu is much older than her.

Shooting Pill Wen did not speak, and everyone looked at Su Feng.

Just now, the wind saw that Yuxiang and the big tengu had made a statement, is it Su Feng's turn to express his position now?!

"All depends on what I do? If they come at me, I must choose one of them?

Immediately give an answer, and then get together at the speed of light, get married quickly, tomorrow today, directly hold the child and go out to walk the baby? "

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Su Feng was as white as everyone else.

Immediately, Su Feng's face turned pale, and after a little thought, he spoke again.

"Mei Hong should have said it in the group, and I didn't want to hide it.

You are all beautiful, and I love your body.

But do you really like it? It's just a matter of seeing the mood. "

"At least, at the moment, I don't have any feelings for Kazami Yuka or Otengu.

Not to any of you, so whoever comes over now has only one attitude.

That is rejection. "

"Maybe you can get along and see, but what about after getting along? If one is not suitable, find another one, until everyone in Fantasy Township is searched by me?

Scum, not scum?!

Therefore, even if there are more people who come to me now, unless there is really someone, it will move me at this stage, otherwise I will not confirm the relationship with anyone in a short time. "

Listening to Su Feng's answer, Feng Jian Youxiang and the Great Tengu, as well as the Holy White Lotus, fell into silence.

Su Feng really didn't hide anything at all, he wouldn't even say good things, and he wouldn't be tactful when he refused.

But what Su Feng said did have some truth.

So, after looking at each other, Kazemi Yuka and Otengu and the Holy White Lotus had an idea in their hearts at the same time.

"It's okay, you're also an immortal now, and you have a lot of time to think about who can impress you.

But I won't give up easily, I'll find a way to make you feel attracted to me, and then we'll be directly together, and really go out for a baby walk the next year! "

Fengjian Youxiang's answer can be described as extremely fierce, and even the words of going out to walk the baby directly in the second year were said.

But the big tengu and the holy white lotus on the side nodded in unison.

Expresses approval of Kazami Yuka's idea.

They will also try their best to make Su Feng's heart move, and finally be with Su Feng.

They are big monsters, and if they say that they are watching Su Feng, they are really watching.

It is said that he wants to act, and he excludes the jerky at the beginning, after all, he has no experience.

After letting go, the action is also quite amazing, since you have no idea about us now, then we will let you have ideas about us!

Let your heart move, and then with the momentum of thunderous bells, quickly marry and have children with Su Feng, and start raising a baby!

"If you don't like raising a baby so early, you can also regenerate for decades."

The big tengu was even behind, adding a sentence.

Anyway, they are big monsters, and there is a lot of time!

"That's your business, and I have no reason to stop it. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

So you have no reason to change my mind and my choices. "

In this regard, Su Feng just shrugged.

What Kazami Yuka and the others will do, that's their business.

How Su Feng chooses, that is also his own business.

"Good scum!"

Hearing this, Yakumo Zi suddenly blurted out.

Good fellow, he said that he would not accept it, but he did not decide on the pursuit of others, what a scum!

"How else? Even if I say it directly, you are not allowed to chase me, they will listen?

Besides, maybe I can really find out which of them has cute spots in them, poke me, and make my heart move?

Everything is possible, I didn't make a decision before a bowl of water is flat, after making a decision, is it good not to break the silk? "

As white as Eight Clouds Purple, Su Feng replied angrily.........

Everything is possible, now Su Feng has no feeling for everyone present, has he never felt anything since then?

Unlikely, right?

Now a bowl of water is flat, it is an attitude to everyone, find the one who is moved, and after success, do not break the silk.

Isn't it just nice?!

"If you can't give the other person what they want, don't leave hope."

That would just be desperate. "

Youyouzi watched the excitement on the side, and after Su Feng's voice fell, he also spoke immediately.

"Otherwise, I directly use my ability to make everyone, including me, forget the memories of this time?

Leave a blank out? "

Pinching his chin with one hand, Su Feng was a little excited.

He must not be able to say anything about Yuyuko and Yakumo Zi with one mouth.

However, directly clearing memories is also a solution, and Youyouzi successfully helped Su Feng to remember a path that he had never imagined.

It's not that he can't do such a thing!

"Don't! Exempt!

Your old man 2.3 family or don't do it, it's good to keep it like this! "

Hearing this, Yayunzi hurriedly waved his hand, trying to extinguish Su Feng's dangerous idea.

Remilia on the side also showed a sudden expression.

"It turns out that the point of disagreement is here!

Understand, it is because this time changed everyone's memory, so it gradually moved in an uncontrollable direction. "

Nodding abruptly, Remilia murmured softly.

And quickly attracted everyone's attention.

At this time, Yakumo Zi's intestines were all repentant, look at this damn playfulness, look at this damn mouth.

It was just a prank, but it could actually become the trigger for the opening of Pandora's box?!

"Su Feng, you must not have such thoughts.

Your previous decision was correct, Zi and Yuyuko just thought it was fun and arched the fire on the side. "。

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