In the library of the Red Devil Hall, as soon as Gu Mingdi Jue came in, he began to search wildly.

The constantly running around directly attracted the attention of Paqiuli and Su Feng.

Gu Mingdi judged that they all knew that the third eye in front of him was too recognizable.

However, Gu Mingdi felt that this ran over and ran around, what was wrong?

"Jue, what are you doing?"

Looking at Gu Mingdi in bewilderment, Pa Qiuli's brows furrowed slightly, and she asked.

Just come in without consent, after all, everyone has known each other for so long, you can ignore it.

But this is messing around, somewhat impolite, right!?

"I don't know when I entered the chat group, and after contact, she said she was in your library.

Didn't I just look for it right away! "

Hearing this, Gu Mingdi Jue also hurriedly explained.

She originally thought that she could find Gu Mingdi Love simply by looking for it, but ...

Pachuli's library is too big, there are many shelves, and for a while, Gu Ming Di Jue really did not find Gu Ming Di Lian's figure.

"Let me help you directly locate the location of love."

Hearing this, Su Feng thought about it and simply spoke.

As Su Feng's voice fell, Gu Mingdijue's movements instantly froze.

How did she forget about it?

Su Feng can directly use his ability to accurately locate the location of Gu Mingdi Love!

"I forgot when I was in a hurry, Su Feng, you still have such ability."

"Found it, come with me."

Under the leadership of Su Feng, the three of them found Gu Mingdi Lian,

At this time, Gu Mingdi was sitting next to Frandollu, watching Frandolu painting.

Quiet without saying a word, the sense of existence is ridiculously low.

"It turned out to be here, I finally found you, love."

The moment he saw Gu Mingdi in love, Gu Mingdi Jue suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally found love, Su Feng's ability was really useful.


Turning his head to look at the three of Gu Mingdi Jue, Gu Ming Di Lian spoke softly, his voice was sticky and very good.

At the same time, Furan who was drawing also turned his head to look at Su Feng.

"Brother Su Feng, are you looking for love to go out and play?"

With a strong look of curiosity in her eyes, Frandolu asked.

Not long ago, the love was successfully discovered by Frandollu.

After all, the eyes of Frandolu can see things, although the existence of love is very low, but the eyes on Frandol's eyes are very conspicuous.

So, after Love discovers that Frandolu can always find her, the two quickly become friends.

And was taken to the Red Devil Hall by Frandoldew, unknowingly.

"No wonder I always feel that something is wrong lately, it turns out that it is not just love, but even Fran you are in the library.

And it's so quiet, I didn't even notice it. "

With an unexpected glance at Frandoldew, Pachuli slowly spoke.

Frandolu and Gu Mingdi were in the library, but she didn't notice it at all.

I just felt that something was wrong, and Fran had been too quiet lately.

It's so quiet that it's not like Fran, and the usual Fran, it's very lively. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Even when not in the library, Pachuli could hear Fran's voice.

"After I became good friends with Lianlian, I came back to play with Lianlian. After that, I lost track of time.

Moreover, it is clear that you studied too seriously and ignored us, I have said hello to Pachuli~"

Reaching out and scratching her head, Frando smiled and answered.

When she came to the library with Gu Mingdi, she greeted Pachuli.

However, Pa Qiuli's ability to study Su Feng was really fascinating. Directly ignored the voices of the two of them.

In the end, the two of them simply agreed as Pachuli and played in the library.

"Su Feng, this is some of the collectibles I collect on weekdays, you can pick and choose.

Trading two, the props that can make me and the love love active control ability come out, so that the eyes of the love can be opened again. "

Seeing that the size of the nearby space was just right, Gu Mingdi Jue was not wrong at all, and directly released his collection, and opened his mouth and said to Su Feng.

Gu Mingdi Lian's eyes are closed by himself, and if Gu Ming Di Lian is willing, he can reopen them at any time.

But once you open your eyes, it means that the ability to read minds reappears, passively listening to the minds of others.

In fact, it's not just others who hate their ability to read minds, they hate it themselves.

After all, others obviously chat with you very happily, but mentally say bad things, or just a complaint.

But if you hear it, it won't feel very comfortable.

It will definitely not feel good in the heart.

And Su Feng, who was not polite with Gu Mingdi Jue, directly began to pick up in Gu Ming Dijue's collection.

In the end, Su Feng chose two props that had also lost their spiritual power, but were once quite famous in history.

"Just these two, just a pair, take it back and make an ornament."

Su Feng really lacks nothing, so when trading, he usually chooses what meets the eye rim.

Just like this time, the two props that Su Feng chose were two small bracelets, which were once famous, but then lost their aura, and finally became what they are now, with no function at all, just good-looking ordinary bracelets.

But it's really nice to take it back for decorations, or collectibles, which are made of jade.

Su Feng couldn't tell the difference between good and bad jade, but what could be collected was usually not too bad.

"What shape do you want?" (Wang Nuo's)

After putting away the two bracelets, Su Feng straightened his face and spoke again.

The things he wants have been chosen, and the next step should be to give Gu Mingdi Jue and Love to create props that allow the two to use their abilities freely.

"A necklace similar to Fran's style that can also be turned into a tattoo."

"Then I'm going to have a necklace similar to Remy."

Looking at each other, Lian Lian took the lead in making a request, and then Gu Mingdi Jue also gave a request.

It's not that complicated, it's all necklaces, and all are able to turn into tattoos, so that's enough.

The necklace on Fran and Remy, they had both seen, through the phone.

The style is good-looking and easy to use, and now Remy and Fran have said goodbye to the life of drinking blood.

Eating normally, it is naturally transformed into blood in the stomach, and the style is still very beautiful!

"That's all?"

"That's all." *2。

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