Pachuli was silent, and after another wave of empathy, Pachuli reached out and rubbed her temples.

"You're right, in terms of your current state and your thoughts.

It can't be said that it's wrong, each period thinks differently, and that's normal.

It's that I'm in a bit of a hurry, and everyone has differences in personality.

All in all, to escape this matter, let's take it as if I didn't say it. "

The meaning of Pachuli's words is very obvious.

She felt that what Su Feng said did make sense, and it made sense to gather Su Feng's current growth and perspective.

She was a little too anxious, and Su Feng's growth rate was fast and slow, so that Paqiuli ignored this.

Discovering her mistake in judgment, Pachuli also admitted her mistake very calmly.

Su Feng, on the other hand, waved his hand.

"Maybe you're right, maybe after I grow up for a while, I will really take the initiative to pass."

You don't often say that I still have time. "

In this argument, Paqiuli won the dispute, but Su Feng obviously did not have a proud idea.

What Pachuli said still makes sense.

Every period, in different circumstances, everyone's 19 views are different.

He doesn't admit that he did this as an escape now, but maybe at some point, he may feel that he is really doing this to escape.

A discussion about Su Feng's shortcomings, this is the end.

But Su Feng did not leave the Red Devil Pavilion in a hurry, but continued to stay in the Red Devil Hall for a while.

Have tea with Remy if you're okay, or play with Fran.

If it doesn't work, you can also ask Pachuli for information about Ikki's magic, and by the way, experiment with some fantastic ideas, and then fail, or succeed.

A full month had passed before Su Feng left the Red Devil Pavilion and returned to his residence.

Before Su Feng could fall from the sky, Su Feng was stunned.

Good fellow, he just stayed in the Red Devil Pavilion for a while longer, and he was directly stolen?!

In Su Feng's courtyard, Feng Mi Youxiang and the others were sitting together, drinking tea while basking in the sun.

"You're back~ Su Feng."

Seeing that Su Feng had returned, Huo Qing'e even waved at Su Feng, and said enthusiastically.

It's as if you've become the owner of this place.

"You guys are, finally reconciled?

Are you ready not to hinder each other, to divide the victory and defeat by your own means, or to join hands? "

Slowly falling in the courtyard, Su Feng looked at the wind in the courtyard and the others, and slowly asked.

Wouldn't they still be in an endless loop of getting in the way of each other, and then being hindered by everyone else?

Why did they all suddenly come to his house?

"After going to the Red Devil Pavilion, someone tried to take the opportunity to run directly to the Red Devil Pavilion, but we successfully stopped them.

Someone started to rot, and finally we all started to mess up, sitting together drinking tea and talking, and no one wanted to leave the enchantment.

It was also by taking advantage of that opportunity that we found ourselves a little too radical. There is a good reflection. "

After making a cup of tea for Su Feng with his own hands, Feng saw Youxiang was the first to speak and explained to Su Feng.

It was also a coincidence that everyone began to chat with each other when they began to mess up.

While chatting, I suddenly realized that they were a little too extreme, which was not right.

Even, there was no way to increase Su Feng's good feelings in his heart, but it might make Su Feng even more insensitive.

So after they reflected on a wave, they simply ran directly to Su Feng's house and waited for Su Feng's return.

Everyone has their own skills, do not interfere with each other, even if they can't become a couple with Su Feng, at least they can become better friends, and then patiently wait for the opportunity, as long as Su Feng is separated because of discord with the other half, they will take advantage of it. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Although we have lived for a long time, we have found that we have no experience in love.

It's really done too much before, and it won't be later. "

The big tengu followed, also opening his mouth to add, and at the same time making an excuse.

On the other hand, this excuse is still very good to find, and even Su Feng has to agree with this sentence of the big tengu.

"Indeed, although I have not lived as long as you, I have not been in love and have no experience.

And for good reason..."

Nodding lightly, Su Feng also took the opportunity to explain his point of view.

The underlying implication is that I've never been in a relationship, so there's a chance that I'll do something wrong or impulsive.

You are all ready, I can understand you, and you should understand me when the time comes.

Probably this is the meaning, Kazemi Yuka and the others heard it, and nodded tacitly.

As for what it would look like in the end, they didn't know, anyway, now they remembered what Su Feng said, and Su Feng's potential meaning.

"To be honest, I'm even wondering now if I want to continue my activities in Fantasy Town.

You guys think clearly, others may not..."

"Don't worry, we said our ideas in the group, and they were unanimously recognized by everyone.

Even if there are others later, they give up continuing to observe, or end the observation early to join the fray.

There will be no more radical actions as 670 before, and I have become a trial and error person in disguise. "

He assured Su Feng, and in the end, Saint White Lotus even opened his mouth to complain about himself.

And Su Feng's mood was a little delicate.

Although they did not hide their thoughts, they thought that there might be more people behind them, and they wanted to come and attack him.

Su Feng's mood was very complicated, and he actually became the target of the attack.

The machismo in his heart wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything, because he didn't find the person he was interested in.

Or maybe Su Feng also enjoyed the feeling of being contested.

"Although there is a little subtlety in my heart, all in all, I am relieved.

After that, let's continue to move around in Fantasy Town, maybe it will be faster, and I may find someone who appeals to me. "

Under the extremely delicate situation in his heart, Su Feng suddenly had a new idea.

As more and more people joined the team of Kazami Yuka and the others, the more people he could contact, and even the more he got to know each other.

Maybe it's okay, maybe you can find the object of your heart faster, and then directly start the pursuit!

"I'll do my best..."

Despicable, brush good feelings while we are not paying attention! *N。

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