The soul demon dream did not answer immediately, but left. Didn't take away foodie tablecloths.

After all, human favors are often the most difficult to return, and soul demon dreams have no right to replace Youyouzi as the master.

So, Soul Demon Dream left and went back to ask Yuyuko's opinion.

Although, in Su Feng's opinion, there was actually no need for the Soul Demon Dream to leave directly.

After all, there is already a mobile phone between the monsters that is convenient to contact.

However, since the soul demon dreams of leaving, let her go?

Perhaps, the current monster mobile phones in Fantasy Township are interconnected across space?

After all, where they live, it is the underworld.

Rolling up the gourmet's tablecloth and throwing it into the storage space he had opened up, Su Feng returned to his room and slowly fell asleep on the bed.

And the soul demon dream returned to the White Jade Tower at the fastest speed.

At this time, Yakumo Zi has not left, and is still accompanying Yuyuzi.

"Yuyuko-sama, I'm back."

"How? Nightmares? Su Feng, what did he say?! Agreed? "

As soon as the soul demon dream said hello, Yuyuzi couldn't wait to appear next to the demon dream, expectantly asking.

If Su Feng agreed, he wouldn't have to starve again in the future!

How nice?!

He agreed, and came up with a tablecloth called a foodie tablecloth, which can...

However, the final reward, Su Feng said that relying on his ability, he lacked nothing, whether it was material or spiritual.

Therefore, he chose to use the favor of Lord Yuyuko as a reward.

I didn't take matters into my own hands and came straight back. "

Facing the impatient Youyouzi, the soul demon dream told Su Feng about the situation of the gourmet's tablecloth, as well as Su Feng's conditions.

Human debt is always the most difficult to pay, and what to do next is not something she should consider.

"I agreed! Isn't it just a human favor! "

To the surprise of the soul demon dream, Yu Youzi did not hesitate, and directly nodded and agreed to Su Feng's request.

He didn't even discuss it with Yakumo Zi.

"Then I'll go over tomorrow and get the foodie tablecloth back."

Although I don't know why Yuyuko agreed so cheerfully, but since Yuyuko said so, what else can she say?

Just bring the foodie tablecloth back as soon as possible tomorrow.

As for why not go back and forth now? What if Su Feng had already rested?

"In the end, I chose to use favors as a reward?

It's a little smarter than I thought. "

Holding the folding fan against his chin with one hand, Yakumo Zi said softly with a faint smile on his face.

In fact, Su Feng can put forward some other requirements, after all, even if that ability is magical, he can't create a girlfriend, right?

Su Feng has strength, and he is not bad-looking, and there are very few in Fantasy Township, and the big monsters in Fantasy Township are all big beauties.

Before coming to this world again, he didn't have any ability, and Su Feng himself said that he didn't have a good life in the parallel world before.

Therefore, even if he took this opportunity to propose that he wanted to try dating Yuyuzi, Yakumo Zi was not surprised at all.

But Su Feng did not do this, which made Eight Clouds Zi look at Su Feng even higher.

But that's just it, maybe this is just one of Su Feng's strategies?

Yayunzi had some expectations, what kind of things Su Feng would do next.

Is it completely a hidden danger in Fantasy Township, or is it really integrated into Fantasy Township.

Yayunzi hoped that it would be the latter, but he would not choose to forcibly interfere with Su Feng's thoughts, well, only for now.

"Don't worry, Zi.

It's just a human favor, and, just like Su Feng said, his ability is amazing, and he wants everything.

It may not be useful. "

The whole person floated behind Yayunzi, hugged Yayunzi from behind, and Yuyuzi said with a grin.

She just lost her memories before she died, but she was not a fool after living for so long after death.

"It is estimated that if you want my favor, it is more about buying face, and he may not use it or not."

"I don't worry about anything, even if Su Feng really has any plans, I don't think he can blackmail you with so-called human favors.

Of course, if Su Feng directly uses strength to force it, it is estimated that it will be useless for me to come. "

Reaching out and tapping Yuyuko's forehead with a folding fan, Yakumo Zi began to joke about Yuyuko.

He said this, but there was no worry in his eyes.

Zi, you seem to be very optimistic about him and trust him as a person? "

Covering her forehead with her hands, Yuyuko puffed out her cheeks, expressing her dissatisfaction in this way, and then said with some doubt.

It was clear that Eight Clouds Zi had not seen Su Feng many times, but Yu Youzi felt that Eight Clouds Zi seemed to be very optimistic about Su Feng and trusted Su Feng's appearance.

"Hmm.... I do like him, his ability is worth it.

Maybe it will become a chance for the fantasy town, as for the person who trusts him....

Strange to say, I don't seem to have ever doubted him, and I was unconsciously affected by his ability? "

Yuyuko's unintentional words did make Yakumo's brows furrow slightly.

After a moment of thought in his mind, his brows loosened again.

Yayunzi found that he did have an unfounded trust in Su Feng, but after recalling and thinking about it, Yayunzi found that this trust was not without a cause.

"It's not because of his ability, but because my senses were good in the first place.

After all, he directly opened my gap, and at that moment, I almost regarded him as a gap demon. "

"He thought he was dreaming, but when I woke up, he was doing well.

At that time, he had not yet recovered from the passage of this matter, so he also saw a lot of things.

That's why there is some trust. "

With Yakumo Zi's explanation, Yuyuko nodded abruptly and understood.

At that time, Su Feng was still just an ordinary person, and he couldn't even control his own ability, and even if it weren't for that ability, maybe what color underwear Su Feng was wearing could be found out by Yayunzi.

"I just crossed over and met Zi, and I'm really lucky~


Otherwise, he might have to suffer a bit.

But what exactly is that ability? Is it really just a simple embodiment? "

"He didn't understand it himself, just named it after the word Guxian for the time being."

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